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1300 migrants escape from Lampedusa concentration camp

one of noborders | 24.01.2009 12:53 | Globalisation | Migration | World

They are marching towards the Town Hall demanding freedom
Lampedusa is a small island south of Sicily where thousands have arrived by boat recently. They were locked behind gates and forced to sleep in the rain due to the 'reception' centre's overcrowding.


Comunicato ANSA - English translation
Sat 24/01/2009
IMMIGRATION, MASS ESCAPE FROM THE 'CENTRE OF FIRST RECEPTION' OF LAMPEDUSA (in reality, a prison for migrants, NdT)LAMPEDUSA (SICILY)- All the 1,300 migrants 'guests' in the 'Centre of first Reception' (Cpa) of Lampedusa have escaped shortly after 10 from the centre, forcing the entrance gates and getting past police controls. Already at dawn it was recorded the escape of about 300 immigrants from the Cpa. (in reality, a consistent number had already escaped yesterday accordint to the late news on TV, NdT). The police and carabinieri had already established road blocks to intercept the fugitives.The immigrants escaped from the Cpa, are marching in a demonstration - they are over 1000 - towards the square in front of theTown Hall shouting slogans: 'Freedom' and 'Help us'. The immigrants are running along the road without being stopped by the police who are instead flanking them.

Article and photos in La Repubblica (pseudo- left):

Comunicato ANSA original
Sab, 24/01/2009 - 11:27 IMMIGRAZIONE, FUGA IN MASSA DA CPA LAMPEDUSA2009-01-24 10:45 (ANSA)
LAMPEDUSA (AGRIGENTO) - Tutti i 1.300 migranti ospiti del Cpa di Lampedusa sono fuggiti poco dopo le 10 dal centro, forzando i cancelli d'ingresso e riuscendo ad aggirare i controlli delle forze dell'ordine.
Già all'alba si era registrata la fuga di circa 300 immigrati dal Cpa. Polizia e carabinieri avevano immediatamente avviato posti di blocco per rintracciare tutti i fuggitivi.
Gli immigrati fuggiti dal Cpa, si stanno dirigendo in corteo -sono oltre mille- verso la piazza del Municipio di Lampedusa e gridano slogan: "libertà, aiutateci". Gli extracomunitari corrono lungo la strada senza essere bloccati dalla polizia che li sta, invece, affiancando lungo il percorso senza intervenire.

one of noborders


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Great News.

24.01.2009 14:18

Great news, more details please....
