Where is the answer?
jose carlos turella borges | 24.01.2009 02:28 | Workers' Movements | South Coast | World
clarification on the purchase of Brazilian company Esso (Exxon Mobil pretencente) of oil to the company COSAN
Where is the answer?
By Jose Carlos Turella at 14:36 Borges 07/01/2009
That letter was sent to the MP was informed that the sale of Esso Brasileira de Petróleo the company COSAN
This letter was sent to the prosecutor was informed that the sale of Esso Brasileira de Petróleo COSAN the Company, the director of SIPETROL, but until now there has been no response from authorities.
Is necessary in order to ensure transparency, the Ministry of Justice through the Department of Economic Defense request and engage in research and investigation of the purchase of Esso Brasileira de Petróleo COSAN by the Court of the Union, the Federal Revenue for deep analysis and specific to both companies? Exxon Mobil still holds office in Brazil and contracts with the Brazilian government to prospect for oil and contract of partnership with Petrobras, "we have a universe of its tax liability for tax purposes, the Federal Labor MP, to raise the liability of occupational workers, both the active and the retired and those who came to death by the hydrocarbon contamination.
Is also required the Ministry of Environment of all states of Brazil, where the Esso Brasileira de Petróleo had put resellers, bases primary, tertiary, stores, Balkans, sea terminals, rail terminals across the country, only after this audit should lead to the National Petroleum Agency, supervisory and regulatory body, for this issue in a transparent and detailed the entire Brazilian society, civil society and the Congress, Executive and Judicial everything that was said above, passive Environmental, Occupational Services Tax.
Craft SIPETROL-SP / N CAVE 01604.2008
Federal Public Ministry - PGR
Reference: Esso Brasileira de Petróleo Ltda
Subject: Environmental Liabilities
Require the immediate commencement of a Public Civil Action against ESSO BRASILEIRA OIL LTD regarding its sale of assets to the company COSAN as released by the large Brazilian and international press.
The Brazilian oil company ESSO LTDA has an environmental liability of major consequence in the whole Brazilian territory, its 1500 gas across the territories are committed by the Brazilian environmental studies, as the degree of fuel leaks from its underground tanks.
This requires environmental liabilities scientific criteria for treatment, and without doubt, the disbursement of millions of dollars, for quantification and qualification to the liabilities, all in accordance with the law of environmental crimes.
Advised that the ESSO BRAZILIAN OIL LTD is repeated in its environmental liabilities only your TERMINAL OF Mooca, closed in 2001 by the Public Prosecutor of the State of São Paulo (CI 035/01), has still not complete and much of the contamination quaificação least the quantification of environmental liabilities, and present an example in relation to their posts of the Auto Gasoline Post JBF Ltda which is located next to the dam and the Guarapiranga fuel leaks already reached the dam, where it captured 30% of drinking water the city of Sao Paulo.
The company ESSO BRASILEIRA DE PETRÓLELO LTDA is directly responsible for its environmental liabilities, and also require that this transaction for the sale of its assets, the prosecutor of the State of São Paulo and the Federal Public Ministry require the input of more than $ 200,000 .000,00 (two hundred million U.S. dollars) to start the qualification and quantification of its environmental liabilities, and inform the company of a fund dacontituição own to start the decontamination and remediation of areas that are already in the process of qualification and quantification (Terminal the Mooca - SP and Auto Post JBF Ltda.).
Finally, we reiterate the need for bringing a civil action PÚBLICA to protect the rights of the people of Sao Paulo and Brazil, for environmental liabilities of this company.
P. Deferral.
São Paulo, 27 April 2008.
We need a response !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cesar Augusto Pereira Guimarães
Director of SIPETROL-SP and
Green Alternative Collective - CAVE
Rua da Liberdade n. 335 / Santos / SP / Brazil - CEP (Zip-Mail) 11025-030
Fax: +00 55 (11) 5549-1244 / +00 55 (13) 3321-5750
cesar1961@hotmail.com /
Home-Page: www.cave.org.br
OAB / SP 91508
By Jose Carlos Turella at 14:36 Borges 07/01/2009
That letter was sent to the MP was informed that the sale of Esso Brasileira de Petróleo the company COSAN
This letter was sent to the prosecutor was informed that the sale of Esso Brasileira de Petróleo COSAN the Company, the director of SIPETROL, but until now there has been no response from authorities.
Is necessary in order to ensure transparency, the Ministry of Justice through the Department of Economic Defense request and engage in research and investigation of the purchase of Esso Brasileira de Petróleo COSAN by the Court of the Union, the Federal Revenue for deep analysis and specific to both companies? Exxon Mobil still holds office in Brazil and contracts with the Brazilian government to prospect for oil and contract of partnership with Petrobras, "we have a universe of its tax liability for tax purposes, the Federal Labor MP, to raise the liability of occupational workers, both the active and the retired and those who came to death by the hydrocarbon contamination.
Is also required the Ministry of Environment of all states of Brazil, where the Esso Brasileira de Petróleo had put resellers, bases primary, tertiary, stores, Balkans, sea terminals, rail terminals across the country, only after this audit should lead to the National Petroleum Agency, supervisory and regulatory body, for this issue in a transparent and detailed the entire Brazilian society, civil society and the Congress, Executive and Judicial everything that was said above, passive Environmental, Occupational Services Tax.
Craft SIPETROL-SP / N CAVE 01604.2008
Federal Public Ministry - PGR
Reference: Esso Brasileira de Petróleo Ltda
Subject: Environmental Liabilities
Require the immediate commencement of a Public Civil Action against ESSO BRASILEIRA OIL LTD regarding its sale of assets to the company COSAN as released by the large Brazilian and international press.
The Brazilian oil company ESSO LTDA has an environmental liability of major consequence in the whole Brazilian territory, its 1500 gas across the territories are committed by the Brazilian environmental studies, as the degree of fuel leaks from its underground tanks.
This requires environmental liabilities scientific criteria for treatment, and without doubt, the disbursement of millions of dollars, for quantification and qualification to the liabilities, all in accordance with the law of environmental crimes.
Advised that the ESSO BRAZILIAN OIL LTD is repeated in its environmental liabilities only your TERMINAL OF Mooca, closed in 2001 by the Public Prosecutor of the State of São Paulo (CI 035/01), has still not complete and much of the contamination quaificação least the quantification of environmental liabilities, and present an example in relation to their posts of the Auto Gasoline Post JBF Ltda which is located next to the dam and the Guarapiranga fuel leaks already reached the dam, where it captured 30% of drinking water the city of Sao Paulo.
The company ESSO BRASILEIRA DE PETRÓLELO LTDA is directly responsible for its environmental liabilities, and also require that this transaction for the sale of its assets, the prosecutor of the State of São Paulo and the Federal Public Ministry require the input of more than $ 200,000 .000,00 (two hundred million U.S. dollars) to start the qualification and quantification of its environmental liabilities, and inform the company of a fund dacontituição own to start the decontamination and remediation of areas that are already in the process of qualification and quantification (Terminal the Mooca - SP and Auto Post JBF Ltda.).
Finally, we reiterate the need for bringing a civil action PÚBLICA to protect the rights of the people of Sao Paulo and Brazil, for environmental liabilities of this company.
P. Deferral.
São Paulo, 27 April 2008.
We need a response !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cesar Augusto Pereira Guimarães
Director of SIPETROL-SP and
Green Alternative Collective - CAVE
Rua da Liberdade n. 335 / Santos / SP / Brazil - CEP (Zip-Mail) 11025-030
Fax: +00 55 (11) 5549-1244 / +00 55 (13) 3321-5750

Home-Page: www.cave.org.br
OAB / SP 91508

jose carlos turella borges