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Nottingham Loses Out again

Andy | 23.01.2009 01:36 | Analysis | Social Struggles

Notingham City Council has had its Governement grant towards Discretionary Housing Payments for the sixth year running due to mismanagement by the Housing Benefits Service.

The figures for the central grant and upper spending for Discretionary Housing Payments were released by the government on Wednesday.

Nottingham has again seen its grant and the maximum it is allowed to spend reduced for the sixth year in a row because of massive underspending of the funds.

By being too strict with these payments to tenants in financial hardship the City Council is sending the false message that Nottingham doesn't need the funding, when nothing could be further from the truth.

More here;

Earlier post on this issue

More on DHPs from 'Shelter'

Nottingham City Council's take on DHPs (note; there is nothing in the law which says they can only be paid for a 'short period' like they claim)



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Nice1 andy, this comes after NCH& Councillor david Trimbles corruption scandal,

24.01.2009 00:54

where he his mates & connections were getting major preference on housing. So not only were NCH corrupt, but theve been holding back payments to those that need it with given funds!
This money should be sent to people of notts asap, John Collins & co need to get their house in order.

Universal Confederalist