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a milltent thursday m&s picket 3rd week running

VTI | 22.01.2009 23:46 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Repression | South Coast

Tonight around 15 angry protestors took part in a noisy and angry picket of Marks and Spencer, Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of Israel. A banner was held across the main entrance and information was distributed to passers-by. Many members of the public took the opportunity to join the picket and express their anger at Israel's actions in Gaza and Britain's continuing complicity.

at picket millitent picket of marks and spencers took place today in support of palestine

M&S SUPPORTS Israel with $233 million in trade each year (Jerusalem Report, 5 June 2000)
• M&S SELLS GOODS produced in the illegally occupied territories (Guardian, 13/11/04), totalling around £240 million of imports from Israel each year (Jewish Chronicle, 8 December 2000)
• As early as the 1940s M&S Chairman Israel Sieff openly ADVOCATED ETHNIC CLEANSING in Palestine: “large sections of the Arab population of Palestine should be transplanted to Iraq and other Middle-Eastern Arab States” (Jewish Chronicle, 21/09/1941)
• M&S RECEIVED the Jubilee Award, Israel’s highest tribute, from Israeli PM Netanyahu in 1998, for its services to Israel.
• M&S “ARE as close to Israel as we have ever been” (M&S Spokesperson, Jewish Chronicle, 2000)
• Chief Executive Stuart Rose WAS THE GUEST SPEAKER at the annual dinner of the British-Israel Chamber of Commerce on 09/12/04, alongside the Israeli and British ambassadors.

tonight the protest was a good millitent protest with people who normaly dont talk on the megaphone did

a few people had a go at the comrades 1 saying m&s are a good company there was a few others just intrested in throwing thier waight around incuding shouting in our faces and 1 time going for the megaphone but dispite this the protest kept going and with lively chants and people preapred to stand their ground for palestin

people took placards flags and leaflets and dispeared to intrested bystanders

the security gaurd then came out of the store and had a go at 1 protestor as his flag went under there propitey and he would smash it if it continued to do so

the comrade then pointed out a lil flag under the store was nothing compared to what m&s are responicble for

he went inside the store and a lil while later a police car arrived the police did not come up to the protestors but did sit and watch for 15-20 minutes

while the police car was leaving the police on the info grab asked if we were leaving would we back ect
they left straight after




23.01.2009 00:13

pictures from todays demo

good quality 12.1 megapixel camrea never goes a miss

angry is my name dont wear it out

resized pics

23.01.2009 14:59

reseized pick the other pics are too big so here u go

mr reisezer


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23.01.2009 01:16

resiz the pics so we might actualy be able to see them
u idiot


pics removed

23.01.2009 02:29

can u remove the pics as i will add more later with faces blured


"good quality 12.1 megapixel camrea never goes a miss"

23.01.2009 09:46

Neither does resizing your pictures for the benefit of those of us without broadband.

Gimp will do this admirably & it's free -

Poor Sod on Dialup

Reporting Fail.

23.01.2009 23:41

Well done. Now my criticisms....

Where was this?
Smaller (both memory and defined size) pictures please.


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