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BBC1 Plague kills "Al Qaida" insurgents = more fears over Camden Super Virus Lab

London Against Camden Danger Lab | 21.01.2009 21:16 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

This week's The sun gloats over the deaths of 40 "Al Qaida" insurgents killed by the "West's latest weapon in 'The War On Terror', The Plague Or Black Death".
This shed'd some light on what Western laboratories get up to..."saving lives" using gruesome experiments on innocent animals and unwitting people. This shows the depths that the West will stoop to in "The War on Terror" Camden

There are plans to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal torture lab in Camden, alongside St Pancras International, behind the British Library ona Camden council house estate near Kings Cross, the scene of 7/7 and 21/7 bombings. Oppose planning permission for this deadly, ill thought out proposal. the area needs housing, 15,000 are on waiting list for homes. Yet the lab backers, the MRC, UCL, Wellcome Trust consortium are determined to build this deadly lab in cantral London close to the Channel Tunnel.
The lab has been criticised by MI5, MPs, couyncillors, residents and local businesses and of course leading Animal Rights activists such as the highly respected Keith Mann.

To oppose planning permission contact Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street

Sign the online petition against the lab at

London Against Camden Danger Lab
- Homepage:


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You're barking ...

22.01.2009 06:22

... up the wrong tree. More likely, the terrorists were experimenting with the plague themselves, in conditions far less secure than a European laboratory - or they were simply living in highly unsanitary conditions. Algeria has suffered from major plague ourbreaks within living memory (cf Camus - La Peste).

Reality Check

Doggy Bone.

22.01.2009 12:19

A piss-pot story for a piss-pot newspaper.

Since when does anybody believe anything the Sun says.

Terrorists trying to make the Black Death indeed. How the f**k does the Sun know this? Where they there...or have they just taken some packet of feeble bull-shit some army jobsworth gave them along with a promise to 'feed' them something else in the future.

The SUN newspaper, wanking for wankers.

Woof Woof.

It isn't just in The Sun - and insurgents are not "terrorists". Thanks for post.

22.01.2009 14:57

There are other sources for this search it. As for people who don't believe that the West is capable of doing this, why? Read or go and see The Constant Gardner....this stuff is happening, does happen. Why are so keen to believe that "the terrorists" were playing around with it themselves and not the other way around?

As for secure European labs, Foot and Mouth disease was leaked in to the water supply from Pirbright in Surrey and there are other such examples of this.

Central London is no place for a high level [3] lab that will contain Bio-Weapons such as anthrax and Avain Flu.

If this lab goes ahead and something goes wrong the results will be unimaginable horror and genuine terror.

@non @activist

To those who say that "everything we say is lies" i.e. MI5 criticised the lab...

22.01.2009 15:05

Those with a vested interest in the Kings X / Camden lab are claiming that everything we say is "lies", such as MI5 have criticised the lab plans and that the "government wouldn't allow it in that case..."

We have submitted a petition to the government which was accepted. We have included the fears voiced by MI5 in the wording of this petition.

Ben Rawlings a Camden councillor has submitted letters and mentioned these security fears around the lab. This has been revealed in a Freedom of Information act request. Some of the info wasn't available for security reasons but some has appeared in a Camden New Journal article about the lab.

Cain & Mandy - Stop Camden Animal Lab
- Homepage:

Pfizer were sued when caught doing illegal experiments on African children

22.01.2009 15:17

Pfizer were caught carrying out barbaric experiments on African babies and children in Nigeria. They were sued.

So it wouldn't surprise me if the US, the same USA that bombs Iraq, invades Aphganistan etc....would do this.

btw - check out the film Loose Change about 911......

actually - not so barking.....


23.01.2009 10:53

it isnt that surprising, and neither is it surprising that the SUN is full of shit.

there are regular deaths in the USA from bubonic plague each year. Not as a result of any crzy experiments but just a naturally occurring phenomena. it happens and it happens elsewhere too.

Not to say it hasnt been used for warfare, the Japanese used it against the Chinese.

However, it is present still and carried by fleas and has strong connections with central Asia. So more likely to be a natural occurence rather than a targeted chemical warfare attack.

black death