Strike at the Drummond Open cast Coal Mine, Colombia
gizzacroggy | 21.01.2009 18:15
Operations at the Drummond open cast coal mine that exports 25million tonnes of coal to Europe and the US every year have stopped after the catering staff blocked the entrances this morning to all kitchens as well as blockading the buses that carry the workers from the village to the mine
The 400 workers are on strike demanding:
Dignified working conditions,
An increase in the pittance salary they currently receive to reflect the damage to their bodies from swallowing coal dust daily contamination
Direct contracts with Caves who has just renewed the catering contract with Drummond for three years instead of temporary precarious employment.
I have been working for the past two weeks with the catering staff at the Drummond open cast coal mine, Colombia. They have asked that I tell the world about their inhuman working conditions and they request urgent moral and economic support during these difficult times. A report of their working situation is here.
At 5am this morning three coordinated blockades rolled into action, after a week of meitculous action planning - one in the kitchen where the ´gringos´eat, one where the workers eat and one in the village to stop the buses leaving. 1000 men were due to start work at 6am this morning but they are currently in the plaza supporting the women. The gringos aren´t happy at the idea of no food and called the union to negotiate within one hour.
Drummond exported 25 million tonnes of coal in 2007 to the US and Europe with profits of $1.15 billion. I have been involved with the climate camps for the past three years. For me action on climate change must mean action to take control of coal production out of the hands of multinationals like Drummond. Their business plans are to expand production - they are aiming to increase production from 25million tonnes to 40 million tonnes - and open more mines - a nearby 55000 acre mine, double to size of La Loma mine, is due to open in February- to keep their profits growing.
‘Free market’ reforms enabled Drummond to have total control of coal production in La Loma. Wrestling it back again so production is under popular control will involve supporting unions who organises workers to fight against exploitation, will involve educational work to agitate the workers and communities to fight for more than just a small pay rise or a new paved road. How can it be ever be justified that so many live in poverty while just one US family rakes it in? It will involve the continuation of opposition to the free trade agreement with the USA through popular movements where people understand how their daily lives is connected to international trade.
A company that suspends workers for drinking a bottle of water, forbidden so as to keep costs low and profits high, is not realistically going to accept changes in the laws that reduce its production without a damm powerful fight. Solidarity from people concerned by climate change will be really helpful in this fight. .
The workers normally earn £5 a day; half of which pays for accomodation, the other half on food and transport for their families. There are little personal savings, little money in the union branch (8 months old). Every day of the strike the 400 employees need to eat. If the strike drags on food for their children will also be needed as the last paycheck won’t last indefinately.
“What we will need is economic and moral support during the strike. Economic so we can eat and moral to counter the psychological games that the company will pay”
Each day the strike lasts £500 is needed for food. The Drummond miners, and the Drummond union Sintraminetica are financially contributing as well as supporting the strike with protests at the entrance to the mine. Sinaltrainal nationally is contributing but more support is needed.
Please send letters of support in Spanish or English to
Please make financial contributions to:
'Espacio Bristol Colombia
Sort Code 08-60-01
Account Number 20081876
Unity Trust Bank Plc, 9 Brindleyplace
4 Oozells Square, Birminhgam, B1 2HB,
The reference for the transfer is Espacio Bristol Colombia 51797
Please send an email to so we can pass the money on as quick as possible
Dignified working conditions,
An increase in the pittance salary they currently receive to reflect the damage to their bodies from swallowing coal dust daily contamination
Direct contracts with Caves who has just renewed the catering contract with Drummond for three years instead of temporary precarious employment.
I have been working for the past two weeks with the catering staff at the Drummond open cast coal mine, Colombia. They have asked that I tell the world about their inhuman working conditions and they request urgent moral and economic support during these difficult times. A report of their working situation is here.

At 5am this morning three coordinated blockades rolled into action, after a week of meitculous action planning - one in the kitchen where the ´gringos´eat, one where the workers eat and one in the village to stop the buses leaving. 1000 men were due to start work at 6am this morning but they are currently in the plaza supporting the women. The gringos aren´t happy at the idea of no food and called the union to negotiate within one hour.
Drummond exported 25 million tonnes of coal in 2007 to the US and Europe with profits of $1.15 billion. I have been involved with the climate camps for the past three years. For me action on climate change must mean action to take control of coal production out of the hands of multinationals like Drummond. Their business plans are to expand production - they are aiming to increase production from 25million tonnes to 40 million tonnes - and open more mines - a nearby 55000 acre mine, double to size of La Loma mine, is due to open in February- to keep their profits growing.
‘Free market’ reforms enabled Drummond to have total control of coal production in La Loma. Wrestling it back again so production is under popular control will involve supporting unions who organises workers to fight against exploitation, will involve educational work to agitate the workers and communities to fight for more than just a small pay rise or a new paved road. How can it be ever be justified that so many live in poverty while just one US family rakes it in? It will involve the continuation of opposition to the free trade agreement with the USA through popular movements where people understand how their daily lives is connected to international trade.
A company that suspends workers for drinking a bottle of water, forbidden so as to keep costs low and profits high, is not realistically going to accept changes in the laws that reduce its production without a damm powerful fight. Solidarity from people concerned by climate change will be really helpful in this fight. .
The workers normally earn £5 a day; half of which pays for accomodation, the other half on food and transport for their families. There are little personal savings, little money in the union branch (8 months old). Every day of the strike the 400 employees need to eat. If the strike drags on food for their children will also be needed as the last paycheck won’t last indefinately.
“What we will need is economic and moral support during the strike. Economic so we can eat and moral to counter the psychological games that the company will pay”
Each day the strike lasts £500 is needed for food. The Drummond miners, and the Drummond union Sintraminetica are financially contributing as well as supporting the strike with protests at the entrance to the mine. Sinaltrainal nationally is contributing but more support is needed.
Please send letters of support in Spanish or English to

Please make financial contributions to:
'Espacio Bristol Colombia
Sort Code 08-60-01
Account Number 20081876
Unity Trust Bank Plc, 9 Brindleyplace
4 Oozells Square, Birminhgam, B1 2HB,
The reference for the transfer is Espacio Bristol Colombia 51797
Please send an email to

useful info on Drummond
23.01.2009 02:57
They have a comments form here:
Companies House lists their main address as:
Dorset House
Regent Park
Kingston Road
KT22 7PL
and their registered office as:
KT13 9XE
...they may have other offices in the UK too, but after a short time researching I couldn't find out.

Companies House lists their main address as:
Dorset House
Regent Park
Kingston Road
KT22 7PL
and their registered office as:
KT13 9XE
...they may have other offices in the UK too, but after a short time researching I couldn't find out.