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Dan Rather | 21.01.2009 10:31

For violations of The Rome Statute and The 4th. Geneva Convention. If you have any information about these suspects being outside Israel, please contact The prosecutor in Den Hague.

Wanted Warcriminals
Wanted Warcriminals


Ehud Barak
In June 2007, the suspect imposed a siege on 1.5 million residents of Gaza. The siege, which is ongoing in 2009, is collective punishment according to International Law. The year and a half long siege caused severe food and fuel shortages, intermittent drinking water and electricity supply, disruption to sewage treatment plants and shortages of medicine and essential medical equipment, affecting the lives of 1.5 million people - a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Rome Statute.
On 27 December 2008, the suspect ordered the aerial bombardment of Gazan population centers. The attacks involved hundreds of aircraft sorties, dropping hundreds of tons of bombs on Gazan neighborhoods At least 1,200 people - men, women and children were killed and 5,300 people were injured. The bombs damaged thousands of homes and turned hundreds of thousands of people into refugees.
On 10 December 2008, a formal complaint was submitted by Lebanese lawyers to the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands, against Ehud Barak and four other Israeli: Ehud Olmert, Matan Vilnai, Avi Dichter and Gabi Ashkenazi on the suspicion that they had committed war crimes and crimes against humanity by ordering and maintaining a siege on Gaza.
Description of the suspect: a white man, about 65 years old, lower than average height, graying hair, brown eyes, with glasses.
Anyone who has information about the suspect when he is outside of the Israeli borders, report immediately to:

The Prosecutor
POBox 19519
2500 Hague
Fax +31 70 515 8 555

Others wanted: Ehud Olmert,Tzipi Livni,Amir Peretz, Avi Dichter, Binyamin Fouad ben, Carmi Gillon, Dan Halutz, Daron Almog, Eliezer Shkedy, Gabi Askenazi and others to be found at:

Dan Rather


Hide the following 11 comments

Plus Hamas, all of them wanted too

21.01.2009 11:06

Unlike Israel, Hamas is considered a terrorist organisation by all countries in the UE.

Notice that this is not me saying Hamas members are terrorists, I am just stating the fact that officialy any Hamas member in the UE is consided a terrorist, anyone funding them is considered the funder of a terrorist group, you can also be arrested by making Hamas propaganda in the UE.

The poster you have made in Photoshop does not reflect reality, Israel has good relations with the UE and pretty good ones, dream on, but reality stays.


re: wanted

21.01.2009 12:20

wanted by me to shake their hands and give them a big hug for resisting zionist facists and filth. its really making a cliched and boring point to say that for anyone who considers themselves autonomously minded whether the social democratic capitalist legal-politic-military-industrial complex of the european designates someone else's struggle against inhuman resistance and oppression as terroristic and therefore illegal should really be of no concern whatsoever. it is not terrorism to resist mass murder,oppression,illegal land seizures, hamas's firing of rockets at areas of southern israel for example is an entirely justifiable response on many counts. firstly that just as israel and its supporters often use the justification that people of gaza voted for hamas and therefore should expect what they get, the people of israel vote for parties such as the likud and kadima;lmilitaristic,zionists and therefore should expect a response in kind. secondly that there are no such places as ashkelon or sderot, these towns are properly named al-majdal and najd respectively, their populations expelled during operation yoav in 1948 and their lands confiscated, this on its own should count as definite act of provocation and those people who move their residence to such an area should expect what they get. maybe israeli's and especially residents of the areas fired upon by hamas should read galatians 6:7 again.



21.01.2009 14:03

After the images i have been watching these last few weeks, i began comparing it the 1942-43 battle of Stalingrad. I therefore decided to call it Gazagrad until there is peace between both sides...


re: "Gazagrad"

21.01.2009 14:26

nessuno - is that a spoof? Knowing Indymedia, probably not. Please, read some historical accounts of the battle of Stalingrad during the second world war and then look again at Gaza.

Why do present critics of the Israeli government's campaign always want to create parallels with WW2?



21.01.2009 15:05

"Why do present critics of the Israeli government's campaign always want to create parallels with WW2?"

Because it's easier to just grab something off the shelf than it is to actually try to understand a new situation in its own individuality. Plus using Nazis as an analogy is a particularly nasty way of twisting the knife against Jews, and like it or not there are those whose "anti-Zionism" is a mask for their anti-semitism.

Here's an example: the guy who used to lead the Holocaust denial movement in the US is now saying that he's going to focus on "Jewish-Zionist power" instead.

Not everybody criticizing Israel is an anti-semite, of course. Most of them probably aren't. But some of them definitely are, and they get a special glee out of the essentially anti-semitic statement that the Jews of Israel are just like the Nazis.


@Jim & @Why

21.01.2009 19:08

@Jim what is a UE? Is it an EU for someone who is blogging on behalf of the IDF? (

Israel may have good relations with the politicians in the EU, they are some of the best that money can buy after all. What you don't seem to comprehend is the groundswell of opinion against the tactics of Israel and how the well worn canards are no longer working. There are a lot of people calling for a boycott, diversity and sanctions campaign to end what is another instance of apartheid in everything but name.

You claim these good relations but ignore the huge number of UN resolutions passed against Israel (there would be many more if it weren't for the protectionism of the US, see -> Just because our corrupt, immoral, despicable leaders didn't condemn the actions of Israel in the last month (mealy mothed pricks that they are), it does not mean it's business as usual. We can see who the terrorists are even if our governements can't (or won't).

@Why, you claim it is only anti-Semites that are comparing Israel to the Nazis. Unfortunately that is just you conflating these positions. Are you telling me you don't see any parallels between Gaza and the Warsaw ghetto? Really? If Israel don't want to be compred to the Nazis then they shouldn't act like them.

I'm sick and tired of hearing about Nazis, whether it is Israel being compared to them or Israel hiding behind their history to try and defend the indefensible. It was 60 years ago and I'm pretty sure the Palestinians weren't involved (most of them probably weren't even alive). I agree with the principle of 'Never Again' but I take it to mean all, races religions, creeds and colours, including Palestinians!

Hasbara Barbera

"Jim" exposed as paid propagandist?

21.01.2009 20:17

pick a nice working-class Anglo-Saxon sounding name like Jim, then go on Indymedia to astroturf...

... but make a monumental fuckup that gives yourself away by repeatedly referring to the European Union as the "UE"

Call me cynical, maybe "Jim" is just dyslexic, but considering the recent story on here about Israel paying thousands of bloggers to propagandise on the internet, my opinion is:




21.01.2009 22:33





22.01.2009 00:28

"Israel has good relations with the [EU]", most Europeans have a bad relationship with the EU, so Israel being as thick as thieves with them isn't much of a positive statement.

Cheese Triangles

Danny = Jim? Jim = Danny? Danny + Jim = Hasbara?

22.01.2009 18:34

Jim or should I say Danny. I'm guessing your post was hidden because it is blatant propaganda. My personal opinion on it is that it says more about you than it does about Muslims and probably does your 'cause' more harm than good.

You see the thing that Israel don't realise is that if they recruit this army of bloggers it just won't work, their army of bloggers will be like their real army of conscripts and will not be up to international standards. You see they aren't able to do propaganda that is subtle (see your posting for a prime example).

You could get a million people to post all over the internet about how Israel is the victim, that wouldn't make it true. You might get some people to believe it but they won't be the ones that can make a difference, they'll be the ones who wouldn't say or do anything even if they knew the truth.

Boycott, divestment and sanctions. If Israel won't listen to reason then we'll put them on a diet too!

Hasbara Barbera


23.01.2009 00:17

"hamas's firing of rockets at areas of southern israel for example is an entirely justifiable response on many counts"

there is no shortage of counts of justification for prolonging pointless nationalistic violence on either side - everyone is up to their eyeballs in justifications.

what they need is our support, to show the demoralised and abused palestinians that we will help them build a state that can speak for them, look after them, and offer them possibilities, and to show the israelis that their treatment of the citizens of gaza is intolerable. we have to speak to our generations in the middle east and from religious communities here in Britain, share our points of view, to open learning dialogues at every possible opportunity faster than vicious ideologues can close them down into simple opposition.

if the hamas rockets are the only thing keeping the flame of palestinian pride alive that would be tragic. there is so much work to be done within gaza even and especially under occupation and blockade. hamas turning from these ineffective rocket attacks to reconstruction work, community support, locating teachers for the children and clearing space for classes in the rubble - that would be an entirely justifiable response on many counts.
