Maintain the rage
viva | 18.01.2009 17:54
Stay in the streets. Turn up for the national march next Saturday. Make it bigger than the last. Persistent pressure from the people on governments around the globe can and must change the situation. The alternative is a wider war in the Middle East and beyond.
And whilst we stand solid with Palestinians let's not forget the daily atrocities committed in Afghanistan and Iraq - atrocities we never see in our brainwashing media and they don't do body counts remember. It all smacks of a wider genocide.
Collectively we did not do enough to stop the invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq. Let's not make the same mistake again. Strike for peace. Non-violent action and solidarity of overwhelming numbers of people globally is our only hope of survival on the planet.
The cumulative toxicity of all the uranium wars since the 1st gulf war will make healthy life in the Middle East almost impossible soon if that is not already the case. Certainly Iraq is not safe. The equivalent of around 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs were dropped in 2003 ( The water and soil are contaminated. Those who don't die in the short-term might die of radiation in the long-term and future generations will suffer birth defects.
In addition to phosphorus war crimes in Gaza, Israel also used uranium weapons on Lebanon in 2006 and has used illegal chemical weapons on Gaza now, details unclear as yet as far as I know.
The psychopaths in power have to be coaxed from their lairs and disarmed. But how?
And whilst we stand solid with Palestinians let's not forget the daily atrocities committed in Afghanistan and Iraq - atrocities we never see in our brainwashing media and they don't do body counts remember. It all smacks of a wider genocide.
Collectively we did not do enough to stop the invasion of Afghanistan or Iraq. Let's not make the same mistake again. Strike for peace. Non-violent action and solidarity of overwhelming numbers of people globally is our only hope of survival on the planet.
The cumulative toxicity of all the uranium wars since the 1st gulf war will make healthy life in the Middle East almost impossible soon if that is not already the case. Certainly Iraq is not safe. The equivalent of around 250,000 Nagasaki Bombs were dropped in 2003 (
In addition to phosphorus war crimes in Gaza, Israel also used uranium weapons on Lebanon in 2006 and has used illegal chemical weapons on Gaza now, details unclear as yet as far as I know.
The psychopaths in power have to be coaxed from their lairs and disarmed. But how?