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Novartis Protests Continue in Sussex

SHAC Horsham | 18.01.2009 15:15 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Health | South Coast

Last Tuesday outside Novartis in Horsham, we managed to create an awful lot of noise for the two hours we were there and got more support from the passers-by.

Each week more people who are walking past the demo are asking us for details of what exactly is going on inside that hell hole called Novartis. More and more car hooters are going off in support, it is beginning to feel like we are making some progress here!

Novartis have put another layer of black netting up at the fence. Why? Is it to stop us seeing in or is it to stop the workers seeing ordinary people who look just like them (well, maybe not like the one wearing the ballie) protesting outside. Maybe some of them are beginning to ask some awkward questions, like is what they're saying true?

How they can go about their lives when they know what is going on behind closed doors is beyond me. Still what sort of person would work there in the first place?

Someone with no compassion?
Someone with no morals?
Someone with no conscience?
Obviously some with a very thick skin!

No matter, we will be back.....

SHAC Horsham
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18.01.2009 16:23

While animal rights activists protested in their SHAC – Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty – T-shirts, Mr Cass started wearing a design of his own.

It said SHAC on the front but the acronym was spelt out on the back as:
"Spongers Hypocrites Anarchists Cowards".

Tomorrow Mr Cass and a small group of defiant businessmen will see most of the leaders of SHAC sentenced to lengthy jail terms for their part in a ten-year campaign aimed at shutting down the company, which employs 1,700 people worldwide.


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