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children afraid of Jews

Prof. Siletzky | 15.01.2009 23:15

al jazzera reporter asks 2 year old what she fears most...
Thoughts on why antisemitism is spreading - by Professor Siletzky

In a report by al jazeera a journalist asks a little girl who hardly knows more than two words what she´s afraid of (at 0:50 seconds in the vid).

The voice over translates: "Israeli planes, and rockets".

But the girl uses the term "yahood", Arab for Jewish or Jew (as far as I know
yahood is both used as adjective and noun) .

So she means: she´s scared of Jewish planes and rockets.

She´s afraid of Jews.

watch "Children suffer in Israel's war on Gaza" on youtube al jazeera channel

What I´m driving at is this: I´ve worked on anti racism projects in Germany and there´s massive funding for surveying "muslim migrants´ antisemitsm" and so forth.
Kids with a Palestine background shout "Yahood" in schoolyards and classroom, or they say "you son of a Jew" in German. Or last Saturday, when they were attacked by riots cops they adressed them as "u´re all shyte Jews".

They associate negative thing with Jewish and Israel.

Analysts say that antisemitism is rampant among migrants with a muslim background espec. from the Mid East. The reports argue that hatred of Jews and Israel is spread by the migrant media, partic. al jazeera. It´s encouraged in mosques and muslim kindergarden. Islam itself is antisemitic some argue. So the practice of the religion promotes antisemitism.

Others claim that antisemitism was rampant in the arab world well before 1948 as early as the 1910, and that it was promoted by German propaganda 1914-1918 and in the WW II.

Could it be that this girl is an antisemite at the age of 2 and therefore afraid of "Jewish planes"?

Or am I being sarcastic, with a tear in my eye ( because a 2 year old is scared of Jews)?

Prof. Siletzky


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I doubt a 2yo understands the difference between Jews, Israelis, Zionists, etc.

15.01.2009 23:54

WTF? I doubt a 2-year-old understands the difference between Jews, Israelis, Zionists, etc.

They just know or are told that the bomb are coming from Israel, which is a Jewish state, so it is a convenient shorthand for them to say "the Jews" are attacking. The fact that it's only a minority of Jews involved in the massacre is a subtlety that would seem unimportant to a child.


My mums nightmares

16.01.2009 00:38

I asked my mum what the first dream she ever had was. She said it was a nightmare about Germans coming to her door. As a child I used to fear Germans too, I KNEW they were the bad guys. Today as an adult I know not to fear Jews. I do rationally fear the people here who are morally ambivalent about the slaughter in Gaza, they have been inhabiting my nightmares for the last weeks.


not just kids

16.01.2009 02:58

When I was in Bethlehem in a refugee camp, we were talking with one family, and the word for an armoured personnel carrier they used was "tank for jews"