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Zionist on the march again in London Thursday

resist fascism | 14.01.2009 20:48 | Palestine | Social Struggles | London | World

The Zionist menace is on the move again this week with another rally this time against Iran’s supposed support for Hamas. In there publicity they claim that Iran is to blame for the so-called 'terrorists' in Gaza - obviously nothing to do with Israeli repression of Palestinians!

The zionist rally takes place this THURSDAY 15TH JANUARY AT 7.15PM

They point out that security and police will be there to protect them.

This rally is part of the Zionist media spin project aimed at diverting blame for the violence onto the victim. They've been mobalising a major PR offensive while the IDF have been getting the blood of innocents on their hands.

The zionist have arranged interviews with the BBC, CNN, Sky News and many others to ensure that the Israeli war machine is presented in the most positive light in the main stream media. Joy Wolfe, Co-President of the UK Zionist Federation appeared on BBC News 24 on Friday 9th January, whilst Jonathan Hoffman (Co-Vice Chairman) appeared earlier in the week on the BBC. Additionally, the Zionist Federation Chairman in Leeds, Philip Margolis was on Radio Leeds and York last week.

Zionists throughout the country have been flooding the media and MPs with letters. They've also been sending gifts to Israeli soldiers "fighting on the front lines".

resist fascism


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Iran does support Hamas

14.01.2009 23:19

There is plenty of evidence to show that Iran is supporting Hamas it's not a supposed link at all, that antifascists would deny this link makes me question their true intentions and motives.

Iran represses free thought, freedom to protest, the rights of women, the rights of gays & lesbians & transgendered, and actively persecutes those practising the 'wrong religion'.

All states and governments are our enemies, not just the West.

No gods, No masters

Any copunter demo to the ZIONISTS!

15.01.2009 00:04

Any one arranging any counter demo? These disgusting people need to be confronted head on...police or no police!


I am sure Antifa will be there

15.01.2009 06:16



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Sick F***s

15.01.2009 11:45

You are a bunch of sick fascist idiots. Paraphrasing Mein kampf.

Henry Weiss
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