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BBC1 ITN Dangerous Camden Super Virus Lab. Campaign on myspace! [from Mandy].

Stop Camden Animal Lab - The Camdenites - London Against Camden Danger Lab - | 14.01.2009 15:13 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

You might know of the plans to build to build a deadly virus containment facility and animal testing lab in Camden alongside St Pancras International behind the British Library on a Camden Council estate. This opposed locally, by MI5, by MPs, residents and local businesses. The lab is likely to contain deadly viruses such as bird flu and anthrax. Foot and Mouth disease was leaked from govt facility Pirbright in Surrey. Such aleak in central London next to major transport hubs would be catastrophic.

Please oppose planning permission for this deadly lab idea by signing the online petition

Contact Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street
Camden London

Recently nearby offices at the Guardian newspaper had their windows shot out by a sniper. The lab is likely to be patrolled by armed police on an estate where children play, sometimes with toy guns.
Recently police were found guilty of shooting dead innocent Brazilian Jean Charles De Menezes.

This lab idea is dangerous and unpopular. Recently a police machine gun was wrongly delivered by accident to a shocked granny. Such an innocent mistake could happen with deadly tissue being transported to and from the lab.

Animals will be transported to the lab through Camden, Islington and via St Pancras International.

Local people want Council Houses built on the land in an area where 15,000 people are on a housing waiting list.

As for people who have asked us to "shut up" about the lab and to "be discreet" about the lab, our answer to this is NO we will NOT!! How DARE you ask us to "shut up" or "be discreet" about this!! Who the hell do you think you ARE?!

Oppose this lab by signing the online petition at

Contact Camden Council
Camden Town Hall
Judd Street

Mandy, Richard, Samira and Steven - Stop The Camden Animal Lab / The Camdenites

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