Benefit for Gaza Protest against the massacres in Gaza: | 14.01.2009 14:42 | Smash EDO | Sheffield
We are calling on all our supporters to do what you can to protest against the massacres taking place in Gaza. See our events page for details of specific actions; including emergency protests.
Benefit for Gaza: Friday 16th January: 7 for 7.30. p.m. Library Theatre, Sheffield city centre.
Local members of Equity, in association with Ice and Fire' present: 'Voices from Palestine'; based on current testimony from Gaza and previous testimony from Palestine, plus Palestinian musician.
Tickets: £6.00/£3.00. Refreshments from 7 p.m. Performance starts at 7.30p.m. All proceeds to Medical Aid for Palestinians and SPSC Wheelchair Appeal.
Saturday 17th January: End Israeli War crimes in Gaza; city centre protest
12 - 2 p.m. Outside Sheffield Town Hall. Please join us and make sure we add the voice of Sheffield people to the international call for an end to Israeli outrages.
Write to your MP and to the foreign office to demand urgent international action to end Israeli aggression;