Around the Campaigns Wednesday 14th January 2009
John O | 14.01.2009 09:23 | Migration | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | Birmingham | World
Deare Hamanajam has left the UK
Despite all efforts to stay the removal, Deare was removed yesterday morning with an unknown number of other Iraqi/Kurds. No one, neither solicitors or friends knew the time of removal. There is expected to be another secret removal to KRG/Iraq later this week.
Despite all efforts to stay the removal, Deare was removed yesterday morning with an unknown number of other Iraqi/Kurds. No one, neither solicitors or friends knew the time of removal. There is expected to be another secret removal to KRG/Iraq later this week.

Tears are rolling down my face and my world is upside down
I am reading all NCADC appeals and the information you send me but I am reading them and the tears are rolling down my face. My world is upside down and even though I have my children to look after I do not have the will to carry on living anymore.
On Sunday morning 11th January, UKBA removed my fiancee Brice Mabonga, he is now back in Congo Brazzaville. He was detained last November and went on 'hunger strike' for a while. Terrified of being returned to Congo Brazzaville he attempted serious self-harm on Thursday the 1st January in Campsfield IRC; he used the elastic from his pyjamas to make a ligature cut his wrists and hung himself, he was found by DCOs who cut him down and Brice was taken to hospital.
Despite Brice being in a very distressed state UKBA attempted to remove him on Saturday the 3rd of January. There was a struggle on the plane between the escorts and Brice; which left Brice practically naked, the pilot refused to fly him, he was returned to Harmondsworth IRC.
Louise Evans
Campsfield: 'Staff ignored suicide threat'
Detainees at Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre claim wardens repeatedly ignored warnings an inmate was going to commit suicide. Brice Mabonga, a 33-year-old detainee from Congo, tried unsuccessfully to kill himself on New Year's Day, after spending more than a week on hunger strike.
By Chris Walker, Oxford Mail, Tuesday 13th January 2009
Phil 'The Grinch' Woolas V Helen Bamber
Immigration minister calls for changes in 'outdated' Geneva convention
* Woolas says asylum system is being abused * Proposals mirror views of French president
Labour is to call for a revision of the international convention on refugees, arguing that it predates mass migration and leads to abuse of the asylum system. Phil Woolas, the immigration minister, said he wanted to start a debate about the 58-year-old convention which enshrines individuals' rights to asylum from state persecution. His proposals mirror those of the French president, Nicholas Sarkozy.
Patrick Wintour, political editor, The Guardian, Saturday 10 January 2009
From Belsen to Zimbabwe
Sorry minister, but to call the Geneva conventions outdated traduces 60 years of torture and abuse
I have worked in human rights for 60 years. I was a member of one of the first rehabilitation teams to enter the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945 and have since continued to help survivors of extreme brutality and human rights violations. At the Helen Bamber Foundation I see on a daily basis victims of torture, human trafficking for sexual exploitation, genocide and ethnic cleansing.
I find myself compelled to speak out publicly in response to comments by the immigration minister, Phil Woolas. Calling for a review of the Geneva conventions - which he described as outdated - Woolas argued that "a significant number of people who claim asylum are doing so for broadly economic reasons".
Helen Bamber, The Guardian, Tuesday 13 January 2009
Lack of accountability is at heart of this mistreatment
A disturbing feature of Britain's record on immigration is the treatment of failed asylum-seekers. Successive governments have overseen the establishment of a system that is best suited to meeting deportation targets, rather than the care of some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Immigrants who have committed no criminal offence can be locked up for as long as three years. Failed asylum-seekers have few rights and often know very little about the legal system in which they are held. In such a climate, it is easy to see how those employed to guard them are in a position to abuse their power.
By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor, The Independent, Wednesday 14th January 2009
BNP links to immigration service staff
After nearly 300 allegations of brutality and racist abuse, official inquiry is launched
An official investigation has been launched after two immigration service staff working with asylum-seekers were found to have links to the British National Party, The Independent has learnt.
One guard employed to look after asylum-seekers at a detention centre has been forced to resign after his name was found on a membership list of the BNP. Another man has been suspended while his employer investigates alleged links to the same far-right organisation.
By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor, The Independent, Wednesday 14th January 2009
End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Friends of Deare Hamanajam
The Independent
The Guardian
Louise Evans / Oxford Mail
I am reading all NCADC appeals and the information you send me but I am reading them and the tears are rolling down my face. My world is upside down and even though I have my children to look after I do not have the will to carry on living anymore.
On Sunday morning 11th January, UKBA removed my fiancee Brice Mabonga, he is now back in Congo Brazzaville. He was detained last November and went on 'hunger strike' for a while. Terrified of being returned to Congo Brazzaville he attempted serious self-harm on Thursday the 1st January in Campsfield IRC; he used the elastic from his pyjamas to make a ligature cut his wrists and hung himself, he was found by DCOs who cut him down and Brice was taken to hospital.
Despite Brice being in a very distressed state UKBA attempted to remove him on Saturday the 3rd of January. There was a struggle on the plane between the escorts and Brice; which left Brice practically naked, the pilot refused to fly him, he was returned to Harmondsworth IRC.
Louise Evans
Campsfield: 'Staff ignored suicide threat'
Detainees at Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre claim wardens repeatedly ignored warnings an inmate was going to commit suicide. Brice Mabonga, a 33-year-old detainee from Congo, tried unsuccessfully to kill himself on New Year's Day, after spending more than a week on hunger strike.
By Chris Walker, Oxford Mail, Tuesday 13th January 2009

Phil 'The Grinch' Woolas V Helen Bamber
Immigration minister calls for changes in 'outdated' Geneva convention
* Woolas says asylum system is being abused * Proposals mirror views of French president
Labour is to call for a revision of the international convention on refugees, arguing that it predates mass migration and leads to abuse of the asylum system. Phil Woolas, the immigration minister, said he wanted to start a debate about the 58-year-old convention which enshrines individuals' rights to asylum from state persecution. His proposals mirror those of the French president, Nicholas Sarkozy.
Patrick Wintour, political editor, The Guardian, Saturday 10 January 2009

From Belsen to Zimbabwe
Sorry minister, but to call the Geneva conventions outdated traduces 60 years of torture and abuse
I have worked in human rights for 60 years. I was a member of one of the first rehabilitation teams to enter the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in 1945 and have since continued to help survivors of extreme brutality and human rights violations. At the Helen Bamber Foundation I see on a daily basis victims of torture, human trafficking for sexual exploitation, genocide and ethnic cleansing.
I find myself compelled to speak out publicly in response to comments by the immigration minister, Phil Woolas. Calling for a review of the Geneva conventions - which he described as outdated - Woolas argued that "a significant number of people who claim asylum are doing so for broadly economic reasons".
Helen Bamber, The Guardian, Tuesday 13 January 2009

Lack of accountability is at heart of this mistreatment
A disturbing feature of Britain's record on immigration is the treatment of failed asylum-seekers. Successive governments have overseen the establishment of a system that is best suited to meeting deportation targets, rather than the care of some of the most vulnerable members of our society. Immigrants who have committed no criminal offence can be locked up for as long as three years. Failed asylum-seekers have few rights and often know very little about the legal system in which they are held. In such a climate, it is easy to see how those employed to guard them are in a position to abuse their power.
By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor, The Independent, Wednesday 14th January 2009

BNP links to immigration service staff
After nearly 300 allegations of brutality and racist abuse, official inquiry is launched
An official investigation has been launched after two immigration service staff working with asylum-seekers were found to have links to the British National Party, The Independent has learnt.
One guard employed to look after asylum-seekers at a detention centre has been forced to resign after his name was found on a membership list of the BNP. Another man has been suspended while his employer investigates alleged links to the same far-right organisation.
By Robert Verkaik, Law Editor, The Independent, Wednesday 14th January 2009

End of Bulletin:
Source for this Message:
Friends of Deare Hamanajam
The Independent
The Guardian
Louise Evans / Oxford Mail
John O