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BBC: Royals to get Gaza off the Front Page

PJ | 12.01.2009 21:42

BBC uses 3 year old 'Stock' story to bump Gaza off the Headlines

The Prince Harry/Racism story is 3 years old, a 'Stock' or archive story (supplied by 'sources') the BBC keeps up its sleeve to use when a discomforting story- in the case Gaza- is unsettling for the Government.

This evening Gaza is off the BBC and ITN headlines- down to a foreign news item story.

In this the BBC reveals it total submission to the interests of the State- it is the State's own mouth piece.

Even programmes such as Channel 4 News which present themselves as "radical' have followed suite.

The BBC has slipped in another 'stock' story this evening- Primark sweatshops- to bolster its 'campaigning' facade.

The Gatekeeper goes on!

La Lotta Continua!



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13.01.2009 01:21

During the conflict I've been flicking to the first TV news programme that covers it. On average they don't mention it until at least ten minutes into the broadcast. CNN leads with it far more and gets to it quicker than any UK TV, although their analysis and coverage is just as biased.


The NotW

13.01.2009 10:28

The BBC didn't break the story. The News of the World did. And follow-up stories have made as far as the front page of today's Guardian.

So it's not a BBC conspiracy.

Apparently the duty logs at the BBC are showing an even balance in the hundreds of complaints that they are too pro-Palestinian and the hundreds of complaints that they are too pro-Israeli. Which suggests they are doing something right. The BBC have also had reports from a journalist in Gaza, which is more than can be said for the other networks.

Norville B

Norville's strawman

13.01.2009 10:41

"Apparently the duty logs at the BBC are showing an even balance in the hundreds of complaints that they are too pro-Palestinian and the hundreds of complaints that they are too pro-Israeli. Which suggests they are doing something right."

Or it suggests that one side is complaining to maintain the bias in their favour. Next you'll be saying that if hundreds of zionists call someone who criticises Israel anti-semitic then it must be based on some kind of truth.


Indymedia UK: Climate Rush feature bumps Gaza off the Front Page!

13.01.2009 17:05

Did anyone notice a feature promoting the Climate Rush protest bumping the Gaza feature off the front page? This happened on Saturday morning just before the huge demo outside the Israeli Embassy.
