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Christians join climate protest at Heathrow airport

ce | 12.01.2009 18:12 | Climate Chaos | Ecology

Christians, including Christian Ecology Link, will be amongst those taking part in a 'Climate Rush' at Heathrow airport today. Climate Rush is inspired by the actions of the Suffragettes 100 years ago, who showed that peaceful civil disobedience could inspire positive change. It aims to raise awareness and challenge the Government over climate change.

At 7pm the Climate Rush will hit Heathrow Terminal 1 (Domestic Departures) for a peaceful picnic. A similar event will take place at Manchester aiport.

People will arrive in Edwardian dress with hampers of food to have a 'Dinner at Domestic Departures'.

A string quartet will also begin to play, and campaigners will then reveal their dress and share their food.

Hundreds are expected to attend including a number of MPs.

The event takes place as MPs return to Parliament after the Christmas recess.

The protest is against airport expansion and domestic flights.

In a time of recession and climate crisis, campaigners say government money should be spent on improvements to rail, trams, and buses, not on subsidies and infrastructure for the aviation industry.

RSVP to join Christian Ecology Link at Climate Rush here:



Have fun and not be Intimidated

12.01.2009 20:59

by the threats from BAA as outlined in The Observer story below



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ALL are welcome

12.01.2009 19:32

In the crusade to save the planet from environmental destruction, ALL are welcome. We will come from ALL backgrounds, ALL corners of society, be ALL colours, from ALL religions(or none), ALL political parties and we`ll use ALL means necessary to save the planet.
