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Rainbow Ark Sanctuary - finally some good news

Northern Animal Rights Coalition | 12.01.2009 11:18

Rainbow Ark Animal Sanctuary in Crook, County Durham has finally had some good news after months of fighting and struggling for funds in order to save this wonderful place. Thanks to everyone who saw the appeals made in the news, on networking sites and, of course, the amount of people who read about the situation on indymedia who wanted to help.

A few days ago, after a last-minute final appeal went out and donations were being sent in with the hope that the money could be made up to save the animals, a kind man loaned Paula Campbell and Rainbow Ark £12,000 in order to make up the remaining amount owed.

The sanctuary still needs support as it costs a lot each week to feed the animals which total over 200 now.

Paula and everyone who has bee fundraising and campaigning to for the sanctuary are very grateful for everyone's help and support during the difficult time they've been having. But finally we got the news we were hoping for and which some of us may have thought wouldn't come.

So, just remember, don't give up hope and keep fighting for your different struggles. Thanks again to everyone.

Blue @ NARC

Northern Animal Rights Coalition
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good news

12.01.2009 12:11

AWESOME NEWS............great that evrything went ok at the end ............ all the best london anti authority @
