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North Manc Against Racism meeting

j | 12.01.2009 10:41

A campaign to counter the myths and lies of the BNP.

Organising Event starts at 7pm on Thursday 29th January.

Over the last few years the British National Party have stood in European and local elections in North Manchester and gained hundreds of votes in some wards. We need to stop them in their tracks.

Many people are so fed up of the social problems they face and see no real help coming from the council, the government and the mainstream parties, - in fact often see them as part of the problem, that they think voting for the BNP is a solution.

As North Manchester residents we want to challenge the BNP’s crass, distorted
logic, expose them as the racist and the fascists they are, and look at how people can
find real alternatives to tackle social problems and explain how voting for the BNP is
no solution, and why their divisive policies will make things worse for everyone.

This event will consist of a series of workshops :

To learn how to explode the myths and lies peddled by the BNP and the Far Right
on Asylum, immigration, Islam and Judaism.

On issues of concern to local people such as housing shortages, lack of community
facilities - what are the facts and what the real solutions to these problems.

Creative activities -art/drama/music to develop new ways of getting across the anti
racist message.

Final session where all get together to plan future activities to take the campaign out to
every part of North Manchester.

All who live or work in North Manchester are encouraged to come along and help turn the tide against the BNP.

For further info. Contact: 07946 536 681
North Manchester Against Racism.
PO Box 339 Manchester M8 2AG

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