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Boycott Israeli company Tivall vegetarian products

ancientmonument | 11.01.2009 12:51

Put economic pressure on Israel to make peace by boycotting Israeli vegetarian food manufacturer Tivall

Israel is only going to stop its occupation, blockades and wars when the economic consequences begin to escalate.

Make sure you don't buy Tivall vegetarian products like their vegetarian sausages and burgers from Holland and Barrett's. Also Tivall make the own brand vegetarian sausages for shops like Sainsbury's and Asda so boycott them as well. See Tivall's own website which shows which shops stock their products as own brands:



A Nestle subsidiary

11.01.2009 16:16

Tivall is part of the Osem Investments Group - Nestle own 50.1% of their shares.....

Strident Sal


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Buy Frys instead

11.01.2009 13:11

Tivali products are also not vegan. Frys stuff is vegan and much nicer. Small, UK, family business.


consumerism on Indymedia?

11.01.2009 13:42

for fucks sake - why don't you make your own vegan sausages - a lot cheaper and nicer - herbs, pulses, oats, finely diced veg, even coscuous - a million different ways to experiment with vegan burgers ans sausages. shame the uK is not good for growing pulses but hey yuo can't have everything.

also check out veggies site for a wonderful vegan breakfast recipes

cider vinegar, water, xantham gum, guar gum, garlic crushed = vegan garlic mayo at a fraction of the price - woooh

crappy shopper or fat vegan...

ew boycott tivali

11.01.2009 15:43

im not gonna boycott them just cause they originate from a country with a murderous state, if i did that all the time id probably hardly ever eat. how do you know tivali arent completely opposed to the slaughter in gaza, after all, many israelis are. by your logic, i would never buy owt british cause the british state has invaded two countries. if tivali have explicitly come out in support of the invasion, then fair do's, otherwise bugger off with this liberal crap!


Boycotts work

11.01.2009 16:29

Boycotts are very useful tools against democracies. If the public in an country are facing economic penury because of a collapse in their export markets then they will put pressure on their politicians.

Israel can't be defeated militarily, it can only be pressurised through either the withdrawal of American military aid (worth £3 billion a year ) or through economic sanctions either by countries or groups. As it's very unlikely the Americans or other western countries are going to change their stance towards Israel, the role of boycotts becomes more significant.

Even small drops in earnings for companies like Tivall will encourage the Israeli public to reconsider the value of continuing the occupation of the West Bank and of besieging Gaza.

If unemployment rises in Israel the occupation will begin to look like a burden the country has to rid itself of.


Cheers ancientmonument

11.01.2009 17:29

Thanks for that...... it will affect my buying.

for @

Here's a nice liberal piece for you to read regarding boycotting stuff!


Yarden falafels too

11.01.2009 18:29

Yarden falafels (sold in e.g. Tesco) are also made in Israel. Not only that, but they made me fart twice as much as anything I've eaten in my life (I accidentally bought some a few weeks ago). Wouldn't it be ironic if a Zionist bought them to support Israel, only to stink out the local synagogue?

Citizen Smith

Maybe (but shall I tell you what probably will happen))

11.01.2009 18:59

" Boycotts are very useful tools against democracies. If the public in an country are facing economic penury because of a collapse in their export markets then they will put pressure on their politicians.

Israel can't be defeated militarily, it can only be pressurised through either the withdrawal of American military aid (worth £3 billion a year ) or through economic sanctions either by countries or groups. As it's very unlikely the Americans or other western countries are going to change their stance towards Israel, the role of boycotts becomes more significant.

Even small drops in earnings for companies like Tivall will encourage the Israeli public to reconsider the value of continuing the occupation of the West Bank and of besieging Gaza.

If unemployment rises in Israel the occupation will begin to look like a burden the country has to rid itself of.

Would work, ancientmonument, except for one very real possibility. By and large the Israelis prefer selling to you folks in Europe because the shipping distance is less. So only a smattering of their products avalable here. But if/when you boycott they will eat the higher shipping cost and the American "Zionist" population will make sure those products don't go unsold (they'll make a point of buying them).

Of course maybe not THIS TIME (you can always hope) but that's what happened every time in the past. It's not that there isn't a lot of dissatisfaction with this or that Israeli policy among tyhe American "Zionists", but if you polarize things things to a question of survival, that tribe will stick together.



11.01.2009 20:24

So @ - boycott them because they are half owned by a huge multinational - Nestle - as well as being made in Israel!


israel only commits war crimes sanctioned by usa and uk

11.01.2009 20:30

the only way to overcome this sad state of affairs is for the global community to boycott the uk and usa as they sell arms and are committing the same atrocities as israel - in afghanistan and iraq and lots of other places trapped within their colonial claws

viva palestina

Boycott US on its current stances & Israel,UK just called a successful UNresolut

12.01.2009 14:36

ion at least with US abstaining. Next they should back it up with force, senior labour MP John Heppel at a meeting in Nottingham last night said he was calling for a immediate arms embargo against Israel& then a trade embargo though the second point wasnt very clear to me.

I think Israel needs to stop immediately then trade can happen again, though Israel makes alot of its own weapons it still relies on arms imports.
Also a massive UN force led by Arabic,EU& asian nations should be sent to the meditarrean off the coast of the area immediately as a strong statement that the world cannot tolerate genocides like this any longer, europe has high tech reserve forces who would be up for this.
In fact I would do voluntarily military or medicial training & join in the spirit of the international brigades, though as we dont live in a truelly democratic system monetarily or socially I am already looking into going over with a larger international medic force.

"8 January 2009 – The United Nations Security Council tonight overwhelmingly called for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza leading to a full Israeli withdrawal, the unimpeded provision throughout Gaza of food, fuel and medical treatment, and intensified international arrangements to prevent arms and ammunition smuggling."

Viva,viva palestina


re tivall boycott

12.01.2009 18:55

* i didnt know they were part owned by nestle, throws a different slant on matters! i hate nestle. fair do's, youve persuaded me, consider 'em boycotted!


Boycott the lot

12.01.2009 20:53

just boycott consumerism, its a whole lot easier

Munki Lodjik


16.01.2009 05:25

Nestle is a part owner of Osem. I am boycotting any products that come from Nestle or Nestle subsidiaries (not that I ever buy much of their stuff anyway). They have bought up Tribe hummus in the US.

Strauss, based in Israel has formed a partnership with PepsiCo to buy Sabra which makes hummus and other vegetarian foods in the US. I never buy PepsiCo products anyway (just a lot of greasy sugary starchy junk foods) but I will let PepsiCo know that I will not be buying any of their hummus either.

If you want to make the boycott effective let the companies know.

I'm a vegetarian and make most of my own hummus and other meals from scratch plus I have a garden that keeps me in produce (veggies, fruit, and some dried beans) all year. But when I travel I have been buying products like Sabra or Tribe hummus. Not anymore.

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Not just Tivall

04.07.2009 00:02

It's good that you point out Tivall products, but don't ignore many other Israeli products out there. Look at the label!

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