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Desmond Tutu on Israeli Apartheid

freegaza | 11.01.2009 10:23

Crossing the Line - a podcast giving voice to the voiceless in Occupied Palestine

Desmond Tutu on Israeli Apartheid

This week on Crossing The Line: South African Arch Bishop Desmond Tutu was banned from appearing at an April, 2008 conference at the University of St. Thomas, due to allegations that he had previously compared Israel to Hitler.

This Allegation was made by mumerous 'pro-Israel" entities, such as The Zionist Organization of America, The David Project, David Horowitz, and The Jewish Telegraphic Agency.

Today we will air an inspiring spech that Tutu gave that was critical of Israel's occupation but was expressed with love for Palestinians and Israelis, as well as a call for peace with justice, all of this coming up stay tuned.



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***note for atheists like me***

11.01.2009 10:51

don't let the first passage of the recording detract you, there's a great joke at the end of it!
even his vision of a god is closer to atheism than traditional religion... 'god' is weak but the people is strong.


Tutu on war-crimes

11.01.2009 16:23

In the context of total aerial supremacy, in which one side in a conflict deploys lethal aircraft against opponents with no means of defending themselves, the bombardment bears all the hallmarks of war crimes.
It is a blight not only on the Middle East, but on the entire world - and particularly world leaders who have consistently failed the people of Palestine and Israel over the past 60 years.

(December 28)

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