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London's Gaza Demo Sat 10th: Pics of Anarchist / Anti-Authoritarian Solidarity Block

maquipix | 10.01.2009 20:57 | Anti-militarism | Palestine

Today's demonstration to the Israeli Embassy in central London was massive. Estimates talk about 100,000 people taking part. A call for an anarchist / anti-authoritarian presence at the demo was made earlier in the week, which has materialised today with a clearly visible block. Here there are some pics of it.

Block forming at Hyde Park
Block forming at Hyde Park

The block starts moving on
The block starts moving on

The big banner finaly appears
The big banner finaly appears

General vew of the block
General vew of the block

The demo was loud and angry right from the start, but as it approached the Israeli Embassy it got louder and angrier. It ended with a stand off outside the embassy's gates, which ended up with the police attacking the crowd causing a massive crush where several people got injured. They then moved in to kettle part of the crowd. Keep an eye on the newswire for further reports.

See the full timeline of today's events here:



Display the following 2 comments

  1. End the state of Gaza... — John
  2. Lets end states altogether — Dan