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Stop the zionist war mongers at Trafalgar Square, Sun, 11th January!

Free Gaza | 09.01.2009 11:52

Zionist suppportters are holding a rally in support of Israels war against the Palestinians in Gaza in Trafalgar Square on Sunday the 11th of January, from 10:40am to 12noon. This rally must not go unopposed! Please turn up to counter demonstrate.

We must be there to stop them, we cannot allow the war mongers to gloat over the carnage and destruction in Gaza. Full details of the zionist pro war event is on the link below:

Free Gaza


Stop this Facebook madness: Demo details

09.01.2009 12:21

See here for Zionist rally details:

When will Facebook users realise that most of us aren't on flippin' Facebook and do not want to be. Stupid bloody social sites! Forgetting that another realer world is out there! Moan over.



Hide the following 8 comments


09.01.2009 12:15

they are coming to Manchester on the 11th to albert square they will be opposed from 10am come one and all to oppose the scum.


SOCIAL networking on Facebook....

09.01.2009 12:40

Too bloody right....

FACEBOOK is a social networking site and in my opinion should remain just that - social. As soon as you start political and activist networking on Facebook it gets really dodgy very fast. Makes their life so easy doesn't it??!! In fact if I was MI5 I'd probably start a Facebook group like this and see who joins..... Not that I'm accusing the auther of that, just food for thought.....


facebook?? fuk it

09.01.2009 12:46

dont support facebook.... fuck that stupid site ....dont support fbi @nti


Cartoon violence

09.01.2009 15:31

1- The Palestinians were attacking and targeting Israeli civilians for SIX weeks before the Israelis exhausted all diplomatic channels and were forced to act

Israeli Lie. The Israelis were killing Palestinians during the 6 month ceasefire. No diplomatic attempt was made to extend the ceasefire.

2- The Israelis have (very successfully) targeted the Hamas (a terrorist organisation) military structure and are systematically pulling it apart, and are taking care to minimise collateral damage. we should be thanking no scolding them for dealing with an emergin threat

Israeli lie. 90% of the casualties are civilians, over 220 dead are children - presumably your 'emergin threat'.

3- The Israelis target MILITARY structures and personnel, HAMAS target civilians and use their own population as Human shields

Israeli lie. The IDF have been moving refugees into shelters and then bombing them, shelling unarmed refugees in multiple UN Schools, shooting at medical staff and inhibiting the Red Cross. To put it in context, even the Nazis during WW11 respected the neutrality of the Red Cross.

4- HAMAS targets Israeli women and children in deliberate acts of terror

And have killed how many ? The old hebrew law of 'an eye for an eye' may sound blood-thirsty but it was to prevent conflicts becoming out-of-control massacres by ensuring proportionality. The same concept of proportionality is now enshrined into Intenational Law - and yet the Israeli massacre in Gaza is anything but. 100 Palestinian eyes for every Israeli eye is not only a cime in Law, it is a crime under the Jewish religion.


Idea for banners

09.01.2009 17:23

I worked out that
Israelis are 7 times more likely to die on their roads than from crap Hamas rockets.
And yes that figure is correct for the alleged 300,000 that live within range. Work it out for yourselves from scratch if you don't believe me. Look up Israel's population, annual traffic deaths and average killed/year by rockets.


True but deceptive

09.01.2009 20:31

At normal times not only are Israelis more likley to die in auto accidents but so are Palestinians (I'm not talking about the major bursts intense fighting like since the start of the year). This was true even during the suicide bombing period. Those folks are the world's worst drivers.

But wait a minute. Consider the US and its wars. Not since the "Korean War" did the US lose more in any year from war than to traffic accidents. Even at the height of Vietnam. Doesn't mean that we should treat war lightly. The point is that we here simply ignore traffic accidents (instead of eliminating cars).


Tell one and all

09.01.2009 20:49

The Sunday counter demo is very important.
Come with instruments to MAKE SOME NOISE!
Drown out the zionist LIES from being heard!
Why is stop war and palestine solidarity campaign not announcing on the website?
Typical zionists! A zionist cries out as if in pain as he/she is murdering and maiming the non jew!


Typical-activists miss the real issues and cloud the facts

10.01.2009 19:24

1- The Palestinians were attacking and targeting Israeli civilians for SIX weeks before the Israelis exhausted all diplomatic channels and were forced to act

Israeli Lie. The Israelis were killing Palestinians during the 6 month ceasefire. No diplomatic attempt was made to extend the ceasefire.

Retort-Actually, it’s not a lie, HAMAS set out to provoke the Israelis, and then whinge when they respond. Typical of "revolutionary" movements (AKA terrorists) that middle class guilt guardianistas love to bang on about, they carry out attacks and then cry when those they target hit back, sorry, big boys’ games, big boys’ rules. HAMAS have been raining rockets on Israel for weeks, and the effectiveness of those rockets is not an issue. Although they are crap, does that make it OK for them to indiscriminately lob them at civilian targets? I support in your book it does. The Israelis have not been killing anyone for six months, but HAMAS have been rearming and preparing to cause this conflict, some one should however have mentioned to them be careful what you wish for it might come true ha-ha. They were totally wrong footed by the effective and well targeted strikes the IDF mounted on the first few days of the war, and clearly they had no bodies of children to stick on the TV, as all the ordinance was hitting military targets killing terrorists!

2- The Israelis have (very successfully) targeted the Hamas (a terrorist organisation) military structure and are systematically pulling it apart, and are taking care to minimise collateral damage. We should be thanking no scolding them for dealing with an emerging threat

Israeli lie. 90% of the casualties are civilians; over 220 dead are children - presumably your 'emerging threat'.

Retort-Is that according to HAMAS figures ha-ha? Why is it that whenever they film in Palestinian hospitals, the vast majority of those in the beds and 18-40yr old military age men? Obviously the death of children is abhorrent, but unlike you I consider the death of Israeli children just as abhorrent, and the IDF had no choice but to end the intensifying shelling of civilian areas by HAMAS.

3- The Israelis target MILITARY structures and personnel, HAMAS target civilians and use their own population as Human shields

Israeli lie. The IDF have been moving refugees into shelters and then bombing them, shelling unarmed refugees in multiple UN Schools, shooting at medical staff and inhibiting the Red Cross. To put it in context, even the Nazis during WW11 respected the neutrality of the Red Cross.

Retort- I weep for you if you really believe that, you really don’t do you? I think you will find the schools were hit in error, but if the Palestinians hadn’t been firing mortars from the grounds around them (thus violating the rules of war in the first place), the Israelis would have not responded. The Israelis did check fire when they realised they were schools and sent in medical and rescue teams, hardly the acts of "murderers"?

4- HAMAS targets Israeli women and children in deliberate acts of terror

And have killed how many ? The old Hebrew law of 'an eye for an eye' may sound blood-thirsty but it was to prevent conflicts becoming out-of-control massacres by ensuring proportionality. The same concept of proportionality is now enshrined into International Law - and yet the Israeli massacre in Gaza is anything but. 100 Palestinian eyes for every Israeli eye is not only a crime in Law, it is a crime under the Jewish religion.

Retort- And just because they aren’t very good at carrying out attacks, that’s ok then? The intention to target women and children seems to make your blood boil when its suggested that in your warped , paranoid little mind that the Israelis do it on purpose????, but that Hamas doing it is OK, as I suppose those pesky Jews had it coming right? Funny, that was the same attitude of the baddies in WW2 I think you will find? I pity you, because you probably won't even have the wit to make that connection.

I think you will also find I made a few other points (which you have edited, as in your revolutionary utopia of indymedia democratic debate is only for those who share your views who can comment, any other points are "erased" if inconvenient ha-ha

Fatah dont seem to share your view, neither does the EU foreign ministry (not exactly huge fans of Isreal in the past). You are going to have to face facts, HAMAS attacked Isreal, targeting civilians, provoked Isreal to respond, and then whines when they do just because the Isreali military are better at thier job than they are. Typical "revolutionaries" ha-ha. The Isrealis will significantly degrade thier capability, return to thier own borders as soon as possible, and leave Gaza to fester in its self created nightmare. The sooner the population wake up and realise that this whole incident is a cynical ploy provoked deliberatly by HAMAS and turns on them the better. But as HAMAS rules through the barrel of an AK-47, change in Gaza is unlikley, deomcracy is thier enemy and they know it!

Bugs Bunny