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MS Animal Research: Wasted Resources

anon | 09.01.2009 10:19 | Animal Liberation | Health

Vivisection Is Fraud The Public Deserve Better.

'To the 2.6 million people around the world afflicted with multiple sclerosis, medicine has offered more frustration than comfort. Time after time, researchers have discovered new ways to cure laboratory rats of experimental induced encephalomyelitis, the murine model of MS, only to face obstacles in bringing the treatment to humans'.

Dr. Gibbs, Experimental and Molecular Medicine, 1999:31:115-121.
"Tests on animals have led to around 100 drugs being thought potentially useful for stroke; not one has proved effective in humans. You don't need to be a balaclava-wearing animal rights activist to question the value of animal studies in this area of medical research."



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When will the needless suffering end?

09.01.2009 13:50

For the best part of her life, my aunt suffered with MS. In later years, she became nothing more than a vegetable in a nursing home. I was there when she finally passed away. We didn`t cry much for her then, because the aunt that we knew had basically died several years before. Animal tested drugs didn`t help her and they won`t help anyone with this awful disease.

Animals suffer and die. Humans suffer and die. Pharmaceutical companies continue to rake in billions of pounds, whilst more and more people search for the elusive `cures`.

Rather than simply believing all the lies churned out by the media, think for yourself, do some research. Check out


Medical Evidence

09.01.2009 22:06

There are 8 international medical and scientific organisations which oppose the animal model for human medicine purely on scientific grounds. Check out Safer Medicines at or Americans for Medical Advancement at for starters.

Order their DVDs and books and ask yourself this: would you take medicine designed for your cat, dog, hamster, or rabbit for that matter? No, of course not - and with good reason.

Animal labs give the wrong results for human medicine and should be abolished on medical and scientific grounds - without delay.

Join Safer Medicines Campaign and support their successful awareness raising, for cures which are needed NOW. Help put an end to such disasters such as penicillin taking 10 years to reach human patients as it didn't work on a rabbit...just one of thousands of examples from decades fully referenced, peer reviewed, medical literature.
