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Israel to flee Gaza.

Resolved White | 09.01.2009 10:16

Israeli ministers have decided on the rapid conclusion of the Gaza attack and an immediate pull out the troops without reaching a formal cease-fire.

Barak hung
Barak hung

This is because they have to be out of Gaza before Obama takes office.

If Israel were still in Gaza when Obama takes over Israel would have to negotiate from the weak position of a failed aggressor.

All Hamas has to do is survive until Obama takes over and they have won a great victory.

Whichever Israeli set of clowns dreamed up this attack on Gaza should be brought out and shot.

Resolved White


Calm down folks

09.01.2009 11:23

Yes, this is a silly contribution to Indymedia: we want news and opinion articles. Cartoons are fine in my view but if they are accompanied by obviously false information then I agree that it is unhelpful.

Nevertheless this is hardly "Jew-hating", nor does it substantially "undermine the anti-war movement". Surely you don't think that the anti-Israel demonstrations will be cancelled on the basis of this contribution? And whilst I personally am firmly opposed to capital punishment, I think it is unavoidable that a serious punishment ought to await war criminals -- and Ehud Barak is definitely a war criminal.

However the biggest criticism that the author should be subjected to is that he/she seems to think there will be a big change of direction in US policy when Obama takes over. If they are under that impression -- or that he is a progressive/leftist candidate -- the author has some serious reading to do.



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  1. Stop spreading false information! — Angry!