Transition Sheffield: Local Meetings in Burngreave and Heeley/Meersbrook
Transition Sheffield | 08.01.2009 11:59 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Sheffield
Following on from last years 3x3 Film Festival local Transition groups are forming in Burngreave and Heeley/Meersbrook, details for their next meetings, on Tuesday 13th January, follow.

Burngreave Transition Films Follow-up, Tuesday 13th January
At the end of the recent Transition Films screenings at the Vestry Hall, there was interest in a follow up get together.
We met in December, began to get to know people and share ideas about purposeful action:
eg. being a catalyst for change, demonstrating concern for our children’s future, reconnecting to local people, and to local food; finding low carbon ways of doing things; taking a fresh look at work; and not being crushed by the system!
We've agreed to meet again in New Roots at 7pm on 13 January to continue the visioning, planning and networking that has begun. As well as exchanging ideas for a more sustainable Burngreave, we should have an enjoyable evening as well.
Please let others know about the evening. Everyone is welcome. Hope to see you there.
NB. There is also a Transition Burngreave Email List .
Transition Heeley/Meersbrook Gathering 13th January
You are warmly invited to the next Transition Heeley/Meersbrook Gathering on Tuesday 13th January, 8pm at Meersbrook Park Pavilion.
Transition Heeley/Meersbrook is a group of local people exploring community-based responses to climate change and the energy crisis.
Our next gathering will be a chance to meet other local people, discuss our aims for a sustainable and thriving Heeley/Meersbrook, and plan how to build connections with all of the groups and communities in our area.
The evening will be informal and participative. Please bring drinks/snacks to share and invite a friend along, or forward this invite to any of your contacts in the area.
At the end of the recent Transition Films screenings at the Vestry Hall, there was interest in a follow up get together.
We met in December, began to get to know people and share ideas about purposeful action:
eg. being a catalyst for change, demonstrating concern for our children’s future, reconnecting to local people, and to local food; finding low carbon ways of doing things; taking a fresh look at work; and not being crushed by the system!
We've agreed to meet again in New Roots at 7pm on 13 January to continue the visioning, planning and networking that has begun. As well as exchanging ideas for a more sustainable Burngreave, we should have an enjoyable evening as well.
Please let others know about the evening. Everyone is welcome. Hope to see you there.
NB. There is also a Transition Burngreave Email List

Transition Heeley/Meersbrook Gathering 13th January
You are warmly invited to the next Transition Heeley/Meersbrook Gathering on Tuesday 13th January, 8pm at Meersbrook Park Pavilion.
Transition Heeley/Meersbrook is a group of local people exploring community-based responses to climate change and the energy crisis.
Our next gathering will be a chance to meet other local people, discuss our aims for a sustainable and thriving Heeley/Meersbrook, and plan how to build connections with all of the groups and communities in our area.
The evening will be informal and participative. Please bring drinks/snacks to share and invite a friend along, or forward this invite to any of your contacts in the area.

Transition Sheffield