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another athens is brewing in oakland, U$A

rednblack unity | 08.01.2009 07:06

(01-07) 21:13 PST Oakland -- A protest over the fatal shooting by a BART police officer of an unarmed man mushroomed into a violent confrontation tonight, as a faction of protesters smashed a police car and storefronts, set several cars on fire and blocked streets in downtown Oakland.

full article and video coverage here :

rednblack unity


check indybay!

08.01.2009 09:00

BART Police Shoot and Kill Man at Fruitvale BART Station

Photos from Downtown Oakland, CA, U$A

now look here

Rally and Rage Over BART Police Murder of Oscar Grant

08.01.2009 10:16

Rally and Rage Over BART Police Murder of Oscar Grant
Fruitvale BART Station Rally Followed by Riots in the Streets of Oakland


pictures, info + communique

08.01.2009 15:37

Oakland, California - Fury erupted over the video-recorded police slaying of an unarmed and restrained suspect at the Frutivale BART station on New Year's Day. Hundreds of demonstrators gathered at the station tonight, and independent as well as corporate reports indicate that participants fought cops, smashed and graffitied police vehicles and storefronts, built fires in the street and burned several vehicles. A number of BART stations were shut down due to the unrest. Some autonomous individuals also stated that they sabotaged a BART police car and two ticket machines with superglue in solidarity with the victims and opponents of police in Oakland and Greece.


Solidarity action for Oscar Grant and the Greek rioters.

"Today, a BART police car received damage via superglued locks. Two BART ticket machines were also superglued.

For Oscar Grant.

Towards social war and for general sabotage.

For earth, animal, and human liberation,
Some Autonomous Individuals"

bombs & shields
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every day

08.01.2009 14:12

This is the kind of shit that happens every day in the "land of the free." Literally thousands of people are killed by cops in the US each year. On average a person a day is killed just by SWAT teams going into the wrong house (that happens when you have 40,000 SWAT team raids a year). We live in a police state.

Police brutality is so common as to have almost lost all meaning. If you come into contact with police, you just expect to get roughed up and inevitably charged with assaulting a police officer. Then even if they don't shoot you, they put you in for-profit prisons that are so vicious that it's just expected that you'll be beaten and raped by guards and other inmates on a daily basis. About fifteen million people cycle through this prison system every year (5% of the population).

Burn it all to the fucking ground.


Hard Knock Radio on the police shooting of an unarmed African American man

09.01.2009 13:12

Hard Knock Radio's Anita Johnson and Davey D host a two hour special broadcast on the shooting of an unarmed African American man by BART police on New Year's Day.
