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Whats happened to IMC London?

indyreader | 06.01.2009 12:11 | Indymedia

"We are currently having technical issues and our techs are hard at work trying to restore as much of the site as possible. Unfortunately, we fear that some data may be lost during this and we apologise sincerely for any work which may have been previously uploaded to the site which is no longer available."

It's been down for ages, whats happening? any chance of an update? I liked the old site better at least it worked, are we going to get our old site back? I hope so, the text on the new site was far to small, the new site was also really difficult to navigate, apart from the embedded video, i failed to see how it was better than the old website. Anyway, enough said for now, any chance of an update?




06.01.2009 12:45

Someone switched the machine off by accident, then when the machine was brought back up it was found that the passphrase for decrypting the partition that the IMC London virtual machine was on had been lost and that there were not any recent backups of the site... so it's being rebuilt from scratch :-(

See the imc-london list for more details:



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Drupal 6

06.01.2009 14:08

Are you rebuilding with Drupal in mind? I been working with Drupal for well over 5 years, I build / theme Drupal websites and I'm very familiar with Debian, shame i can't help / work with you just because i don't agree or go along with your take on climate change, oh well.

Anyway, Good Luck!


love and rage and, er, drupal

06.01.2009 15:13

EF'er , seems a bit strange (& not very useful) that you say you can't work with IMC London because of their take on climate change. They are an open publishing platform, so they don´t have a take on such issues, apart from promoting activism on the issue, through other people posting on the site. If you don't agree with stuff there, you can comment on it.

Anyway, it's like presuming that you and I would agree, or indeed need to. One No and Many Yeses as the expression goes, Unity through Diversity, etc. How about working together with others that don't exactly share our indiividual ideology? Doesn't that make sense when the problems are urgent and the numbers few?

If you want to help with a Drupal site, you could offer to do that too for the EF! website, if you don't already.

another EF!er

So do tell how you think IMC differs with your take on CC

06.01.2009 17:03

I'm really puzzled as you don't state what your difference of opinion is? Like the other respondent has said, this is OPEN publishing so there will be a wide range of viewpoints from different people. You seem to be implying that Indymedia itself writes the reports which is totally wrong, anyone at all can. If reports are total bollocks they will probably be hidden.

very intrigued by EFer

Other IMCs on drupal

06.01.2009 17:09

There's a email list for Indymedia drupal stuff: imc-drupal-dev

Sign up to that if you want to help Indymedias using Drupal. If I remember right London was using something different...