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IMC Germany confirm Denial of Service Attack

Ronny Badshaft | 01.01.2009 21:48

German indymedia affected for more than four hours on 30 December.

There was some speculation why IMC Germany was down on last Tuesday. This was not due to an "internal problem" but an attack from outside.

Between 18:00 and 22:30 hours was subject to a "denial of service attack" and admin decided to take IMC Germany off the net to avoid harm to data and system.

The source of the attack could not be identified.

"A denial-of-service attack (DoS attack) or distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS attack) is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted, malevolent efforts of a person or persons to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely. Perpetrators of DoS attacks typically target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, and even root nameservers."*


Ronny Badshaft


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01.01.2009 22:03

Possibly due to there blatent censoring of anything about Gaza. Friendly fire maybe.

Cider Space Cadet

not quite

02.01.2009 00:08

well, after a lot of ranting by users there are surprisingly lotta pro-Palestine postings passing, I rather think that the other side is responsible - probably with the help of some experts form this aggressive US-neocon pro zionist group which is good at organising anti-anti protests and infowar. Whats their name again?


Not really, here is why

02.01.2009 00:13

As far as I am concerned this was launched from planet Mars by aliens, I have the same right as you to say bullshit without the slightest proof.

As for Indymedia censoring news about Gaza, wow, that is news to me, I gues I will have to resort to the CNN from now on, thanks for the heads up.


From the corporate side of the fence

05.01.2009 01:44

I've been employed by e-commerce sites that were under attack. Pulling your own web is the last thing you do, that is surrender, defeat. You patch, patch and patch again, you do not panic and pull the site. Once I had to, I had no other choice because the attackers knew more than me or my superiors and third-party support, but I was sacked for that, rightly so in my humbled opinion. I had better corporate support but at the end of the day, pulling the plug is an admission of defeat that sites like indymedia should not suffer without due cause. I suspect they fell foul of one of the old CCC. Chalk it up to experience. Even entire coutries befall this fate.
