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Brighton Gaza vigil

free Palestine | 01.01.2009 17:51 | Anti-militarism | Palestine | South Coast

Here are some photos of the New Years Day vigil at the Clock Tower in Brighton.

There is another vigil tomorrow from 1-2 and a demo at Churchill Square on Saturday at 12.30.

free Palestine


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01.01.2009 18:24

How many people were involved? Some friends and I were planning to do something similar in our town but are concerned that it may seem silly since they are only a few of us.




01.01.2009 19:34

There were around 15 today who stayed the whole hour although many more stopped by to talk and offer support. Around 30 attended yesterday.

free Palestine

to sam

01.01.2009 19:41

hi sam ..this is the answer to your question ....isn,t silly at all ............doesnt matter number of people what it matter is your attitude and if you do it if u really feel pain about all that people being killed in gaza ...belive me DO IT ... in london is always missing people to do actions very dificull to find people in this country to do same action but dont stop doing things because that many times i did actions with a few people ..DOESNT MATTER MY FRIEND what it matter is doing ........if you can take same pics and show it ..hopefully same people do the same next time and more and more and more people start doing stuff instead talk shit about the othersand stay at home watching the news or the new shity movie in tv....................TAKE CONTROL TAKE THE STREETS all the best sam and friends resist and exist



01.01.2009 20:36

Thanks for the replies. I just thought I should mention that it's not that we are concerned about looking silly, I honestly couldn't care. It is just that since there are so few of us we don't want that to negatively effect the way people perceive the cause we are trying to promote.

There will only be about four or five of us. We are planning to hand out information outside M&S.

Thanks & peace.


Boycott M&S

01.01.2009 21:13

Marks and Spencer are Britain's biggest corporate sponsor of israel. they not only trade with the racist state, they also donate funds to Israel.

Boycott M&S. Boycott Israel.


M&S Donations

01.01.2009 21:48

what are they donating to?

Captain Kirk

taking actions

02.01.2009 07:43

'People' - Not everyone like having their photo taken and put on the internet. So it would be better not to report such vigils as they are not 'radical' enough. I would love to know what you are doing about the bombing of Gaza, "People'. I don't think your comment is an 'intelligent' use of Indymedia.

Moderators, could you please hide 'People's' comment. In no way is their criticism constructive but merely dismisses those who are actually doing something. With such comments on the newswire it is not surprising that so many don't bother with Indymedia to report their actions as their actions are not perceived as 'radical' enough. As far as I am aware there is no other website with news of all the Gaza solidarity demos and vigils around the country so I would have thought Indymedia would be just the place for such reports.

Such comments only play into the hands of the enemy, who want to divide those favouring 'radical' actions from those comfortable with 'fluffier' actions like vigils.

free Palestine