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Nottingham Animal Rights Q&A Evening

Nottingham Animal Rights | 01.01.2009 16:04 | Animal Liberation

A Q&A evening for people interested in becoming active for animals around Nottinghamshire

Nottingham Animal Rights will be holding an information on Thursday 8th January at the Alley Cafe for anyone who's interested in getting involved with helping animals in the city.

The event will begin at 7 and include talks from people involved in many different types of animal activism around Nottingham, as well as an opportunity to ask the group about any aspect of campaigning


Nottingham Animal Rights


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Good luck with event - shame about the venue!

03.01.2009 21:05

Good idea for an event, but why not hold it at a venue that has sound, or even neutral ethics when it comes to workers' rights and veganism?

Holding it at The Alley Cafe will mean that people coming will spend money there, and help keep that disgusting place open.

an East Mids AR activist

What's wrong with the alley cafe?

05.01.2009 17:44

What's wrong with the Alley Cafe, except their continued use of egg and dairy products?

It seems like an accessible, well known, venue for those who might be a bit intimidated by a Q&A at the Sumac for instance.



05.01.2009 22:34

Yes it's very accessible due to its location and I can see why it is a logical choice, as Nottingham does not have another city centre cafe that's vegetarian, with V1 closing and The Malt Cross going all meaty.

However, I'm friends with four people who used to work there, and they all really hate the place, saying its record on workers' rights is shocking.

So I won't be coming along, cos I'm not prepared to give them my money. No offence to you.

an East Mids AR activist

More info please

06.01.2009 10:29

"However, I'm friends with four people who used to work there, and they all really hate the place, saying its record on workers' rights is shocking."

That's still second hand info isn't it. I've heard these rumours before and, whilst I'm sure there's something at the bottom of them, no one's ever given me the specifics. I'm not going to boycott the place if I'm just hearing vague rumours but if someone can give me concrete instances of why the Alley Cafe is an unethical business I will change my behaviour. Please let us know more!

Ethical Eater

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06.01.2009 10:49

Well the fact that they withold pay from workers when they decide to leave would indicate that they're not a very worker-friendly business. Added to that the fact that the Aitkin empire (se: The Social [Bodega] and Rock City) now owns half the business, not exactly the friendly and ethical partner one would expect, is it? Consdering the track record of a a mean spirited man like Aitkin it's not really surprising that so many people don't feel like going to the Alley Cafe anymore.

That and it doesn't cost the world for waiting staff to smile, no matter how bad a day you're having (or how much of an ass your manager is)!


It's a sad day when we boycott the Alley Cafe

07.01.2009 13:17

Corr blimey how radical are you AR person?! If you're about to boycott the Alley Cafe on worker's rights then that means that you are probably unable to eat at least 99.9% of Nottingham's eateries.

My approach is perhaps to have a word with Ben Rose who works there and advise them that these 4 people were mistreated. If you're unhappy about something don't moan, discuss it reasonably with someone to effect positive change.

I can understand boycotting companies who are inapproachable and that AR activists have exacerbated all means possible to affect positive change. However, boycotting a place that is veggie, vegan friendly, promotes local art and culture such as poetry nights and has organic and fairtrade produce seems a tad extremist.

If you are that much of an angry individual perhaps you won't be very productive in the meeting and therefore not missed.

mail e-mail:

I used to work there

08.01.2009 12:45

...and I assume I'm one of the 'four people' being referred to!

Kat : I don't think it's constructive or helpful to resort to insults. There was a lot of very bad feeling against the place a few years ago, and I'm sure that the original poster just wanted to highlight that.

Ethical Eater: This is a difficult one. I would be only too happy to post full details here about the many issues ex-workers have/had with Ben Rose (some of which involved solicitors), but I have an aversion to talking about people behind their back on the internet, and it could also result in this thread ending up quite bitter and antagonistic, like the one about Finbar Bryson. I don't think that is what Indymedia is really for.

However, I am happy to elaborate to anyone who asks, so they can make up their own mind about whether or not to support the place, and suggest that you contact me by my name at if you like, as I'm still involved with Veggies and have a forwarding email address.

Good luck with the event, anyway. The animal rights movement could certainly do with some new faces.


feedback from event

09.01.2009 18:15

On a more positive note, the event was certainly a success with plenty of new faces, including 6 immediately signed up to the NAR mailing list at

The following activities were announced at the event:

Sun 11th Jan: SHAC Day of Action. Outside Hotel Chocolat (opposite M&S),
Albert St/St Peters Gate). 1 - 4pm

Wed 14th Jan. Foie Gras Demo. French Living, King St. 6-8pm.

Thurs 15th Jan. McDonalds Demo, Exchange Walk. 6-7.30m.
Followed by
NAR Meeting 8-9m . Sumac Centre

Saturday 17th Jan: Info Stall. Outside Hotel Chocolat (opposite M&S),
Albert St/St Peters Gate). 1 - 5pm

For those that didn't make it to the open evening you can see
the 'archive' of past news at

Nottingham Animal Rights also has a website at and a Myspace group at

See also
Veggies info at
Nottm Hunt Sabs, c/o Derby Sabs at

Hopefully someone will be doing a more detailed report as a fresh posting.


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