9/11,Daniel Pearl,Barack Obama,Rupert Murdoch,Mansoor Ijaz's London Stock Fraud
Tony Ryals | 01.01.2009 03:27
One could write a large article or several,I already have,listing Rupert Murdoch's Fox News' experts who at present or the past who have run penny stock frauds and money laundering operations.....
And of course there is Mansoor Ijaz and Crescent Hydropolis an illegal pump and dump fraud on the LSE or London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market(AIM)that claimed to build underwater in hotels in Dubai,Oman,Las Vegas, etc..
That money laundering operation included - besides Mansoor Ijaz -
ex CIA Chief James Woolsey and U.S. Lt.Generals James Alan Abrahamson and Tom McInerney as I mentioned previously.
And of course there is Mansoor Ijaz and Crescent Hydropolis an illegal pump and dump fraud on the LSE or London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market(AIM)that claimed to build underwater in hotels in Dubai,Oman,Las Vegas, etc..
That money laundering operation included - besides Mansoor Ijaz -
ex CIA Chief James Woolsey and U.S. Lt.Generals James Alan Abrahamson and Tom McInerney as I mentioned previously.
Barack Obama received the maximum legal campaign contribtion from Pakistani-American Mansoor Ijaz who was the person responsible for introducing Wall Street Journal reporter to his killers in the first place !And Joe Biden met with Pakistan ISI General Mohamed Ahmad who ordered the British-born and Pakistani intelligence connected Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh,to wire $100,000 to Mohamed Atta, et.al. in Venice,Florida just before 911!...
9/11,Daniel Pearl,Barack Obama,Joe Biden,Pakistan General Ahmad,Mansoor Ijaz,WSJ,Asra Nomani,ICTS Israel, Crescent Hydropolis,Fox News,Stock Fraud and Bloody Murder
by Tony Ryals
''For more than a year, a group of Georgetown University students has been poring over documents, searching for cellphone numbers of suspected terrorists and calling Pakistani police in the middle of the night. Now their class project has come to this: They're suing the CIA and the FBI...
''Yesterday, the group, known as the Pearl Project and now attached to the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court asking for the release of records by the CIA, FBI, Defense Department and five other federal agencies....
''The idea for the class began in summer 2002, after four men were convicted in Pakistan in connection with Pearl's death. Pearl's longtime friend, Asra Nomani, with whom Pearl was staying when he disappeared, suspected that more people were involved. She knew, for example, that a man who led police to Pearl's body, which was found outside Karachi, was allegedly one of the guards who had held him. But he was never charged.
- Susan Kinzie,Washington Post,
December 18, 2008
The article quoted above is what drew my attention back once again to Mansoor Ijaz,Fox News Middle East expert,(ha),and hedge fund money launderer with ex CIA Chief James Woolsey who ran the illegal pump and dump money laundering operation called Crescent Hydropolis on the AIM or Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange together with U.S.Lt.General James Alan Abrahamson,and Lt Gen Tom McInerney (USAF Ret),who,like Ijaz Mansoor,is a Rupert Murdoch Fox News military expert as well.Crescent Hydropolis claimed to build underwater hotels in Dubai,Oman,Las Vegas and elsewhere but was really just a money laundering operation with an Isle of Man account and mailing address.This is an example of how UK stock markets and US. SEC and NASDAQ,etc.,collude with each others 'intelligence' and supposed securtiy agents to defraud their own citizens to fund government connected criminal activity and possibly fund activities,even terrorism,that would not stand government and congressional or parliamentary oversight otherwise.
While I commend Daniel Pearl's ex Wall Street Journal colleague Asra Nomani who shared her house with Pearl and his wife Marrianne in Pakistan shortly before his disappearence and subsequent beheading I am left with some reservations.For instance as a Wall Street reporter and now Georgetown journalism professor investigating his death why has she remained silent about Mansoor Ijaz and his coauthor and business partner ex CIA James Woolsey of Dyncorp and Booz Allen Hamilton 'consultants' etc.,role in getting him beheaded in the first place ? You don't need FOIA or Freedom of Imformation Act documents to know that or to know they have been involved in government protected stock fraud.In fact even the UK government has protected them and allowed them to launder money at the London Stock Exchange's AIM using the Isle of Man as well !
Also why did Mariane Pearl 's book not mention mention the scumbag Mansoor Ijaz and give him appropriate credit for his role in the beheading.
Also very strange that while Daniel Pearl was sent by the WSJ to Pakistan
to investigate shoe bomber Richard Reid's connections there that no one has been sent to Israel to investigate his visit to that country presumably only for the purpose of crossing into Palestinian territory to visit HAMAS !Logically it is obviuos that Richard Reid would never have been able to take that trip without the blessings of the Israeli
government itself.And then he is allowed to board that American Airlines flight from Paris with a shoe bomb he supposedly got from Hamas terrorists there ! How in Heil was Richard Reid allowed to carry a shoe bomb from Israel and only get caught by passengers fluying on another flight from Paris to the U.S. after that Israel Palestine visit ?
You will find also if you do your own search,or review some of my references below,that Israeli scum of ICTS International,a fraud security and securitires(stock) fraud who guarded Logan Airport in Boston on 911 were also responsible in Europe
working with American Airlines at Charles de Gaulle Airport for seeing to Richard Reid's safe trip to Israel before 911 and his safe boarding of that flight to the U.S. on American Airlines where he was caught by passengers aftyer that !
They still sell there worthless shaers on the U.S.'pink sheets' for non reporting companies and are headquartered in Holland.Sincethe death of their fellow Israeli stock criminal and ex military man Ezra Harel in 2003,Menachem Atzmon friend and crime partner of Israeli PM Ehud OLMERT IS MAINLY IN CHARGE OF THEIR INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS.Warning to Indians - they may may operating in India as well according to a press release a while back !
And sadly Daniel Pearl's Zionist father uses his death for pro Zionist propaganda purposes while both Mariane Pearl and Asra Nomani remain silent and allow him to do so.
And finally on that subject for now,
one of Asra Nomani's Georgewtown University students,to her good credit and bravery,paid a visit to the very man(and suspect in his death) who led police to Daniel Pearl's body - living in Florida !
How in heil,post 911,and after failing to arrest him with Saeed Sheik in Pakistan after Pearl's beheading is such a person allowed to enter and travel the U.S. from Pakistan at will when even innocent Americans end up on the U.S. government's terrorist list and can't get themselves off !?
One could write a large article or several,I already have,listing Fox News' experts who at present or the past who have run penny stock frauds and money laundering operations.Ollie or Oliver North and his supposed bullet proof vests of the late 1980s and 1990s comes to mind that laundering his illegal profits and thefts from American investors in Costs Rica or even Saudi and CIA connected BCCI money laundering arms dealing bank of Pakistan.And there is Fox News Middle East expert and Bill Clinton's Jewish Ambassador to Morrocco,Marc Ginsberg,who has been part of the U.S. incorporated money laundering stock fraud called Xybernaut with various Israeli government connected criminals while simultaneously pretending to be a credible source on Middle East affairs all with a pro Israel bias.And of course there is Mansoor Ijaz and Crescent Hydropolis an illegal pump and dump fraud on the LSE or London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market(AIM)that claimed to build underwater in hotels in Dubai,Oman,Las Vegas, etc..
That money laundering operation included - besides Mansoor Ijaz -
ex CIA Chief James Woolsey and U.S. Lt.Generals James Alan Abrahamson and Tom McInerney as I mentioned previously.
Whodunit? Two Stockbrokers Murdered in Jersey; Reference Message ...... indictment -- the bulletproof-vest maker Guardian Technologies International , ... The very same entity turned up in annual SEC filings of Ollie North's ...
Steve Forbes whose Forbes business news and advise is featured on his billionaire right wing colleague Rupert Murdoch s Fox News is also a suspect in using U.S. STOCKS FOR ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE FRAUD AND MONEY LAUNDERINGING.His National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson who began the Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster smear campaign to destablize the Clinton regime started the fraudulent 'naked short selling' claim I have written about recently that both Forbes and SEC Chairman Chris Cox have lied about being real to cover up massive stock fraud manipulation that has gone beyond penny stocks to dividend paying Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - a $ trillions fraud !(Not to feel sorry for Clinton - he was a beneficiary of
James Dale Davidson's financial support before Davidson for whatever reason turned on him and worked with billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife to destabalize him and thus the U.S. government.Just like Mansoor Ijaz who
lied about Clinton letting Osama bin Laden get away in Sudan.
Fox News' paid video producer, Jonathan Idema,actually tortured Afghanis in his safe house in Kabul until he was finally locked up by Afghanistan authorities who couldn't take anymore of his perversions.He still claims he was authorized by U.S. government.He was also involved with an Islamic 'hawala' money launderer who operated freely in Washington,D.C. and the Beltway.
I,Tony Ryals,did not become involved and investigating 9/11 for 911's sake.
I was only investigating a penny stock fraud called Endovasc run by Beltway and U.S. government connected conmen James Dale Davidson,founder of Steve Forbes National Taxpayers Union
and the penny stock holding and promotion company Agora Inc of Baltimore as well as a Dr.David P Summers who posed as a biotech inventor at Endovasc penny stock pump and dump 'company' but turned out to be a Virginia banker(Northern Virgina Bank,etc.) that the U.S. SEC allows to use worthless penny stocks for self enrichment and money laundering just as I came to discover they allowed many others to do - even what appear to be Israeli Mossad and Arab royalty or right wing and their elite subjects,such as arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi of Iran-Contra fame as one example,who actually cooperated with Americsan Orthodox or far right Jews Paul Singer and Carl Icahn in the pump and dump penny stock money laundering operation called GenesisIntermedia.Or Ali Al Sabah head of the Kuwait National Guard who was an inside investor in a Florida penny stock fraud called Skyway Communications whose DC-9,paid for with money from defrauded Americans conned into investing,was used in Colombia to U.S. cocaine smuggling operations and captured,probably by accident,in Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche airport in the Yucatan in April 2006.Skyway was promoted by ex Florida governor Jeb Bush who may have given it state funds as well as Titan Corp of San Diego that lied about investing 100 million in order to lure or defraud investors in the scam.It also has far right Israeli American Zionist attorney Michael Farkas as well as Republican and White House connected Brent and Glen Kovar in the scam.Tom DeLay also promoted it in at least one lieing press release.
Another example is Universal Communications or Air Water Corporation AWTI of British Israeli money launderer Michael Zwebner that has corrupt Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert named in its SEC filings as well as ex Israeli president Moshe Katsav since resigned due to rape charges and to top it all with these high level Israeli government scumbage you will find Palestinian American Mohamed Hadid is a partner with them and Zwebner in the fraud called Air Water Corp that claims to have a machine to get water from the air . Dont believe it.They get money fom worthless U.S. penny stock shares they U.S. government and U.S. SEC allows them to pump and dump with impunity even though pump and dump scams and money laundering is illegal.
Zwebner even sued CNN and Wolf Blitzer in 2005 because I posted criticism of his invoovement with Mohamed Hadid,Israeli PM Ehud Elmert
and accused rapist and Israeli President Moshe Katsav on the scammy ragingbull.con message board used to promote this fraud and fraudulently claim,using a supposed Israeli
disaster charity called Israid and IFA or Israel Flying Aid run by a Gal Lusky,to take money from tsunami disaster victims and claim they were sending their non existent 'air water machines' to the victims !
So Zionist Madoff s 50 billion hedge fund fraud is I am sorry to say only the tip of the iceberg.Even Vice President elect Joe Biden s son Hunter has been implicated in an offshore hedge fund with penny stock connections called Paradigm .
And as I will discuss below in slighty greater detail two of the major security companies guarding Logan Airport Boston and Dulles Airport on 911 were ICTS International run by ex Israeli military officers with connections all the way to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Securacom a U.S. government protected investment fraud run by WBush brother Marvin Bush,his cousin Wirt Walker II and Mis Al Sabah of Kuwait royalty who openly hated Sadam Hussein coincidentally.
In my nightmarish experience Stanford University and its professors' Chris Heeschen's and John Cooke's and Beltway banker David P Summers Endovasc fraud,shares that were being promoted and dumped throiugh Charles Schwab and ex Democrat Tim Mahoney's vFinance from LOM of Bermuda switched after 911 to Kuala Lumur through a boiler room called Bellador Group with connections to Dubai where Mohamed Atta had also received $70,000 from in Venice,Florida prior to 911 and that was cashed for him there by a Makram Chams who turned out to be a Titan Corp employee !He may well have been the one to cash Mohamed Atta's check from Daniel Pearl's accused assassin Saeed Sheik
acting under General Ahmad's orders !
Further SRA International that was supposed to be Charles Schwab's anti-money laundering contractor in 2002 allowed the LOM of Bermuda and Charles Schwab and vFinance(of Rahm Emanuel connected Tim Mahoney) penny stock manipulation and money laundering operation to be covered up.That operation included Endovasc and Genemax of David P Summers and James Dale Davidson.)
SRA International is also the U.S. government's chief 'IT' or internet technology contractor with White House and virtually all other U.S. bureaucracies paying them huge fees! And as it turns out they are also controlled or chiefly owned by the CIA and its In-Q-Tel that owns most of its shares.They have also been paid to spy on non-violent California war protesters through state contracts and their shares were also promoted by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur(along with right wing and Republican connected penny stocks Biophan,Endovasc and China Wireless) that no doubt would have been a CIA connected boiler room that disappeared after my internet compaints !
David P Summers turned out not to be a biotech inventor as he lied about to promote American Biomed and then Endovasc and up till recently a penny stock fraud called Metabolic Research.All the while he is allowed by the U.S. government and its SEC to operate banks in the Beltway from
Northern Virgina Bank to,at present, a penny stock or OTCBB bank called Virginia Heritage Bank ! These people are everything they warned us Osama bin Laden and then Saddam Hussein were which should come as no surprise as the CIA and far right of Washington, D.C. created them !
Barack Obama received the maximum legal campaign contribtion from Pakistani-American Mansoor Ijaz who was the person responsible for introducing Wall Street Journal reporter to his killers in the first place !And Joe Biden met with Pakistan ISI General Mohamed Ahmad who ordered the British-born and Pakistani intelligence connected Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh,to wire $100,000 to Mohamed Atta, et.al. in Venice,Florida just before 911! So the Pakistani General knew of and had relations with both Saeed Sheik who not only funded 9/11 suspects in Venice,Florida but who became the scapegoat of the U.S. and Pakistan and even or more so the Israel government in the death of Daniel Pearl.And Daniel Pearl's own ex employees at the Wall Street Journal and its new owner Rupert Murdoch never investigated and only covered up for all three governments !
At least one investigator Christopher Bollyn and his source believe that the person in Guantanamo purporting to be Saeed Shiek and confessing to anything the U.S. government requests is NOT Saeed Sheik AT ALL BUT A SCAPEGOAT FOR THAT SCAPEGOAT....
Re: 9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Daniel Pearl Beheading and Biden's Terrorist Allies
Tony Ryals
Joe Biden Met Financier Of 9/11 Hijackers, AFTER 911 watch!
youtube.com — Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joe
Biden admits on camera that he met with Omar Saeed Sheikh (also
accused of beheading Daniel Pearl) after 9/11. The Pakistani ISI agent
wired Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001 according to the 9/11
How dare the sleezy Pakistani-American and 'Fox News Middle East expert'- the
scumbag Mansoor Ijaz - (co-author of far right pro Iraq war propaganda in the Los Angeles Times,Christian Science Monitor,etc.with his equally corrupt partner in war in stock fraud,ex CIA Chief James Woolsey and also the son of a Pakistani nuclear physicist also with Washington,D.C. connections who helped bring the atomoc bomb to Pakistan ),
contributed to the Barack Obama presidential campaign and instead of being investigated to assertain the origen of his usually ill gotten gains - Barack Obama campaign staff simply accept it ! And Bill Clinton who also accepted his largesse and sent him to
Pakistan and Sudan as an official government representative or allowed him to present himself as such,found himself being accused on Fox News and elsewhere during the W Bush regime as the president who allowed Osama bin Laden to get away in Sudan pre 9/11 !
And all this appears to be a lie as it turned out and their is no evidence or proof that Sudan EVER offered to turn over Osama bin Laden to the Clinton administration in the first place !
The real truth is that although Mansoor Ijaz has many far right Washington,D.C. connections and his father was important in the Pakistani atomic bomb program that may have been helped by having the same all too cozy,corrupt relations with Beltway right wing his son cultivates - he has
had a history of generous cmpaign contributions to Democrats,Al Gore and
among others.
Paradoxical too that such a right wing Islamic con artist who was reponsible for the advise that got Daniel Pearl beheaded paid $100 made at least in part from his and ex CIA James Woolsey s Crescent Hedge Fund stock scams and money laundering operations to ask Republican Mormon Moron presidential candidate Mitt Romney in Las Vegas in 2008 if he planned to have an Islamic adviser in his cabinet ! With 'advice'
like his no wonder we were sold on a lie about Saddam Hussein and Iraq being responsible for 911 when in fact ICTA International that guarded Logan Airport Boston on 911 was operated by Israeli military officers and Dulles Airport was in the hands of Marvin Bush,Wirt Walker III and members of Kuwait Al Sabah family and whether they were all incompetent that day or pre meditated the murder of thousands in New York at Rudy Giuliani's and Hank Green ' et.al.-s WTC or World Trade Center = one thing I know as a fact both ICTS and Securacom were SEC
or Securities Exchange Commission and NASDAQ aided and abetted stock frauds!
Actually I will leave the mention of Ijaz Mansoor's father being a key nuclear physicist in the Pakistani
atomic bomb program as a rumor but one that Mansoor Ijaz himself has helped foster.Because Mansoor Ijaz was born in America with a Beltway or U.S. government silver spoon in his mouth and many far right Beltway connections under his belt IS A LEGACY I BELIEVE HE OWES GREATLY TO HIS FATHER BUT A LEGACY HE HIMSELF HAS CULTIVATED AND ENLARGED OVER THE YEARS.This quote below from sourcewatch.com with link gives some idea of the kind of lieing con artist he has become.And as you will see he fraudulently claims to be a nuclear phycist himself and used that fraudulent claim to stir up war against Iran.These types of people foreign or domestic are dangerous and NOT GOOD for U.S. security and Barck Obama and Joe Biden better wake up and catch on and this goes for Israeli wingnuts lurking and spying on us in Washington,D.C. as the example of ICTS International incorporated in Joe Biden-s state of Delaware should make clear. :
Conversation with Mansoor Ijaz
I spoke today by phone with Mansoor Ijaz, who actually seemed more reasonable than the individual who has been trying to edit here on his behalf. He says he wasn't aware personally of this dispute until today. He isn't trying to dictate the entire content of the article, and he agrees that it is fair to quote instances where other people such as Sandy Berger have criticized him. However, he says that there are some specific factual errors he would like corrected, and other cases where he would like additional information added for context and balance. We didn't have enough time today to discuss all of his concerns in detail, but after I've had a chance discuss with him further, I'll do some editing to try to address his concerns. --Sheldon Rampton 19:02, 24 Feb 2006 (EST)
Hugh's note
google the terms {"sam sloan" Ijaz}...i believe...it has been a while, but there are two Mansoor Ijazes, the other one is actually a nuclear scientist from Pakistan, not just someone who plays one on Fox news...
yes but multiple people with the same name in the same country is not that uncommon -
and keeping on that line; a recent reference to and quotation of Ijaz on the Middle East Newsline. This is the first time i could recall running into this source, so i did some quick net look-ups, and superficially, it looks dubious. The WHOIS address is a PO Box in Jersusalem, Israel, but the site is hosted on Pennsylvania servers.
* WHOIS: Steven Rodan, Middle East Newsline, POB 7606. Jerusalem, 91075, IL
* NETBLOCK Data on IP:Pair Networks, 2403 Sidney St, Suite 510, Pittsburgh, PA., 15232, US
Its would seem that Ijaz has taken his resume bloat to new heights, offshore:
"Expert: Iran has Nuclear Bomb", Middle East Newsline, January 29, 2006
ABU DHABI [MENL] -- Iran was said to have acquired a nuclear bomb.
A leading U.S. nuclear proliferation expert said Teheran obtained an atomic bomb about a decade ago from the nuclear black market. The expert said Iran sought to produce additional nuclear weapons through technology from Pakistan and other countries.
"The one functional device Iran has," Mansoor Ijaz, a U.S. nuclear scientist, said, "is the result of clandestine transfers from Pakistan's rogue black market nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, who sold the Iranians antiquated but highly effective Chinese bomb designs and parts, including spherical shell casings, spherical Krytron detonation switches and empirical software testing modules."
Ijaz is a "leading US Proliferation Expert," as well as a "US Nuclear Scientist"? Why wasn't he using his expwertise to help stop "clandestine transfers from Pakistan's rogue black market nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan", when it was real-time then? Why does he choose to out this at a time it can be used as a faux-rationale to Wage war Upon Iran?
Call me old school, but I think that for one to properly deine himself a "Nuclear Scientist" or as Ijaz did on US news shows when he was used as an analyst, "Nuclear Physicist", one should have actually completed an advanced University Physics Degree...
It is deceitful, and it is noteworthy that Ijaz doesn't make that claim domestically anymore.
the critical issue is the difference between self-description and simplified labels developed by journalists.
it is a pattern. this is a man who personally has contacted Sheldon Rampton regarding what he perceives as errors in his Sourcewatch stub. it seem that Mr. Ijaz isn't so hands-on regarding error corrections in other places though. --Hugh Manatee 22:53, 12 Mar 2006 (EST)
Another ref i caught yesterday, was on a recent National Review post of his:
"Mansoor Ijaz is an American Muslim of Pakistani origin"
Doesn't this seem to indicate a person born in Pakistan, who is a naturalized US citizen? As far as I am aware, Ijaz was born in Tallahasee, FLA., 1961, to parents who originated in Pakistan...
The real truth is if we had a real U.S. government of by and for the AMERICAN people,Mansour Ijaz among others would be charged with treason as Americans and for being a foreign agent and self enrichment by way of his U.S. government appointment or false representation of representing the U.S. government in both Sudan as well as Pakistan among other parts of the world.
While supposedly representing the U.S. and President Clinton in Sudan Ijaz Manure was using his position to gain
a private oil deal for himself !
Mansour Ijaz, a US businessman of Pakistani origin, who is a lobbyist for Pakistan in the US, an occasional Fox News commentator, ...
Remembering a pro-Musharaff and Pakistan piece written by Mansour Ijaz and his war profiteering co-author ex CIA Chief James Woolsey in the Los Angeles Times a couple of days before 9/11 one only wonders if they registered themselves as Pakistan lobbyists to the U.S. government or how they are allowed to play both sides,no questions asked.
Then again it should not be forgotten that Vice President elect Joe Biden had a meeting with Pakistan General Ahmed ON 911 and then it was later learned that that General had ordered,
Omar Saeed Sheikh,the Pakistani now supposedly in Guantanamo for the beheading of Israeli-American journalist Daniel Pearl,to send $100,000 to Mohamed Atta in Venice,Florida prior to 9/11!
Does this mean Joe Biden is either incompetent or part of the war and terrism fraud ? We do know he has allowed unending stock fraud money laundering operations that could easily fund terrorism and feel like terrorism if you are defrauded by a Delaware corporation using offshore or outside the U.S. accounts usually to launder money !
youtube.com — Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joe Biden admits on camera that he met with Omar Saeed Sheikh (also accused of beheading Daniel Pearl) after 9/11. The Pakistani ISI agent wired Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001 according to the 9/11 Commission.
19 Mar 2008 ... In 1996, Mansoor Ijaz had a series of meetings with Sudan's ... East governments —Ijaz said he is particularly interested in new oil field ...
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was enacted in 1938. FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARA Registration Unit of the Counterespionage Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Act.
AIPAC Founder's Newly Declassified Foreign Agent File Reveals Shift to Stealth Lobbying
Last update: 10:23 a.m. EST Nov. 24, 2008
WASHINGTON, Nov 24, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Declassified US Department of Justice (DOJ) files about AIPAC founder Isaiah L. Kenen are now online at
Six decades ago Americans working as registered Israeli foreign agents launched New York, Washington and Los Angeles "Israel Office of Information (IOI)" branches. Newly declassified records document IOI actions that forever changed foreign government lobbying on Capitol Hill. The 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was strictly enforced at that time to shield the US Congress and American citizens from the effects of foreign propaganda and stealth lobbying. FARA required biannual disclosure of all propaganda activities on behalf of foreign principals to the DOJ. Beleaguered by reporting requirements and citations for deficient declarations, IOI director Isaiah L. Kenen coordinated shifting Israel lobbying away from FARA oversight, as he later noted in his book Israel's Defense Line:
"Israelis began looking for a lobbyist to promote the necessary legislation...would I leave the Israeli delegation for six months to lobby on Capitol Hill?
"There were other questions. Should I continue my registration as an agent of the Israel government? Was it appropriate for an embassy to lobby? Embassies talked to the State Department, and American voters talked to their congressmen."
Archival records reveal that on January 17, 1951, the Justice Department ordered Kenen to reregister if he left IOI to continue lobbying and public relations for the government of Israel. Kenen instead left IOI to lobby for arms and foreign aid legislation at the American Zionist Council (AZC) while continuing to receive Israeli government funding.
Reporter's Death Inspires a Seminar and a Lawsuit
Asra Nomani
By Susan Kinzie
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 18, 2008; Page B01
For more than a year, a group of Georgetown University students has been poring over documents, searching for cellphone numbers of suspected terrorists and calling Pakistani police in the middle of the night. Now their class project has come to this: They're suing the CIA and the FBI.
The students' assignment was to find out who killed Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl and why. Although the class ended last spring and many of the students graduated, they're still trying to write that last paper.
Pearl disappeared while reporting in Pakistan in 2002. A video delivered to the FBI showed him being beheaded.
Yesterday, the group, known as the Pearl Project and now attached to the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court asking for the release of records by the CIA, FBI, Defense Department and five other federal agencies.
Members of the group are seeking, among other things, FBI files on convicted terrorist Richard Reid. Pearl was reporting a story about Reid and his Pakistani handler when he disappeared. They hope the lawsuit will unearth documents or new sources in time for them to finish their final paper late this spring.
"It's not only a really personal story . . . but a story really pertinent to current events and, well, to humanity," said Rebecca Tapscott, a 2008 graduate.
The idea for the class began in summer 2002, after four men were convicted in Pakistan in connection with Pearl's death. Pearl's longtime friend, Asra Nomani, with whom Pearl was staying when he disappeared, suspected that more people were involved. She knew, for example, that a man who led police to Pearl's body, which was found outside Karachi, was allegedly one of the guards who had held him. But he was never charged.
Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, and Barbara Feinman Todd, an associate dean at Georgetown, created a journalism seminar in 2007 to investigate Pearl's death and write the story that he was reporting when he was kidnapped. They also wanted to learn more about terrorist cells, counterterrorism efforts and the complicated relationship between the United States and Pakistan.
In the early days of the class, Nomani told the students of her longtime friendship with Pearl, a musician who hung out with her in Adams Morgan bars after work in the 1990s. She asked the students, a mix of undergraduates and graduates, to talk about their own memories of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The class immediately felt different -- more emotional, weightier, students said. "We weren't sitting in front of a textbook reading about Danny Pearl's case," said Erin Delmore, a 2008 graduate. "We were in it, head-first in it."
In 2002, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh was found guilty of planning Pearl's kidnapping and murder and was sentenced to death. Three others were sentenced to life in prison. When the trial began, Pakistani officials said seven other suspects remained at large.
At a 2007 hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where he is being held, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, said he killed Pearl. "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan," he said.
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google mansoor ijaz obama campaign
NEWSMEAT ▷ Mansoor Ijaz's Federal Campaign Contribution ReportCAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION SEARCH (individual donations of $200 or more since 1978) ... President OBAMA FOR AMERICA, Won, $2300 primary, 02/08/08. IJAZ, MANSOOR ...
google mansoor ijaz bill clinton
As of February 2006 companies that are related to Crescent Investment Management LLC are:
Ijaz Chief Executive, Abrahamson, chief technology officer, Lt Gen Tom McInerney (USAF Ret), non-executive chairman, and Amb R James Woolsey, chairman of the Board of Advisers
Crescent Technology Ventures PLC (CTV), a publicly quoted company on the AIM Market of London Stock Exchange whose directors and advisers include Ijaz Chief Executive, Abrahamson, chief technology officer, Lt Gen Tom McInerney (USAF Ret), non-executive chairman, and Amb R James Woolsey, chairman of the Board of Advisers. CTV is "developing homeland-security technologies" [2] with a focus on "Internet and cyber-security, air and seaport cargo container security, stratospheric telecommunications platforms and alternative energy development." [3]
Crescent Hydropolis Resorts PLC (CHR), a London Stock Exchange (AIM) quoted company founded in 2005 which Ijaz is chief executive of, "which is franchising and constructing the world's first underwater hotels and resorts. Proposed sites for Hydropolis Hotels include Dubai, Oman, Monaco, Las Vegas, Rio de Janeiro and Qingdao." [4]
The Crescent Investment Group, Inc. which is the managing member of Crescent Investment Management LLC and of Crescent Equity Partners LLC.
Crescent Equity Partners PLC is a private New York partnership between Ijaz, Abrahamson and "the heir to a European shipping family."
The Ijaz Group, Inc., owned by members of the Mansoor Ijaz family.
Thomas G. McInerney is a retired U.S. Air Force officer and senior military analyst for Fox News.[1] He retired on July 1, 1994 after serving as assistant vice chief of staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. where he was "responsible for the organization and administration of the Air Staff" and also served as "deputy chairman of the Air Force Council and is the Air Force accreditation official for the Air Attache Corps."[2]
google general ahmad biden
Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad
google georgetown daniel pearl
google brig cheema General Mahmoud Ahmad
Is General Ahmad to people what WTC7 is to buildings on 9/11?, page 1If it can be shown that General Ahmad wired $100000 to Mohammed Atta in the days ..... Apparently Joe Biden met with Ahmad on 9/13/01.
http://www.infowars.com. ...
[PDF] Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration? The Role of ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
The Bush Administration was fully cognizant of Lt. General Ahmad's role. In ... 11, he also met Senator Joseph Biden, chairman of the powerful Committee on ...
On the morning of September 11, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.
The idea for the class began in summer 2002, after four men were convicted in Pakistan in connection with Pearl's death. Pearl's longtime friend, Asra Nomani, with whom Pearl was staying when he disappeared, suspected that more people were involved. She knew, for example, that a man who led police to Pearl's body, which was found outside Karachi, was allegedly one of the guards who had held him. But he was never charged.
Daniel Pearl and Ahmed Omar
The Journalist and The Terrorist
(Daniel Pearl and Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh)
The Journalist and The Terrorist
By Robert Sam Anson
Vanity Fair, August 2002
There is a lot else about Danny and the people who picked him up that is dissimilar, but every reporter has got to start somewhere. And the place Danny Pearl began, shortly after 9/11, was with a phone call to a number in Manhattan.
On the line that morning was Mansoor Ijaz, founder and chairman of Crescent Investment Management, L.L.C., and a U.S.born-and-bred Pakistani-American with unusual friends and interests. His business partner is Lieutenant General James Abrahamson, former director of Ronald Reagan's Star Wars program; the vice-chairman of his board, R. James Woolsey, director of the Central Intelligence Agency under Bill Clinton. For a time Ijaz was also chums with Clinton and his national-security adviser Samuel Berger. This came in handy in April 1997, when, as a private citizen, Ijaz negotiated Sudan's counterterrorism offer to the U.S., and again in August 2000, when Ijaz had Pakistan and India on the seeming verge of cooling the Kashmir cauldron. The deal broke down, as did the relationship with the White House. But soon enough Ijaz was back, as tight with George W. and Condie as he'd been with Bill and Sandy.
Danny called on a tip from Indian intelligence, which said Ijaz was wired with leading jihadis. Figuring that a prominent Pakistani-American who came recommended by Indian spooks to get to Muslim militants must have been a gold mine for Danny, I did the same nine months later.
Ijaz confirmed my figuring.
"He said he wanted to try to understand the psychology behind the jihadi groups," Ijaz recalls. "He wanted to try to get into the mind of the people running the show. He wanted me to introduce him to people who could open doors for him."
Danny's religion also came up.
I said to him at one point, 'I presume from your name that you are Jewish. Is that correct?' He said, 'Yes.' I said, 'Well, you have to understand that this is going to be a huge stumbling block for you. Because [the militants] are going to pick up on that very quickly, and The Wall Street Journal is not viewed as the voice of the Muslim people."'
Danny, who'd reported from Iran and Sudan without difficulty, did not seem concerned, and Ijaz made introductions to three sources: Shaheen Sehbai, editor of The News, Pakistan's largest English language daily; a jihadi activist he declines to name; and — most fatefully — Khalid Khawaja, a Muslim militant and a onetime agent with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) who counts among his very best friends Osama bin Laden.
Journalists acquainting themselves with Pakistan usually come to Karachi last or don't come, period. I'd resolved to be among the latter category, after Benazir Bhutto advised that Karachi was "so dangerous." I changed my mind after several weeks testing calmer Pakistani waters and convincing myself that former prime ministers don't know anything — typical journalist thinking, when a story's good. Danny, however, came here first. He was after Muslim militants, and Karachi is their Rome. Besides, an old friend from the Journal was soon to arrive. Her name was Asra Nomani.
Asra, who'd been at the Journal since 1988, was a Dow Jones original. For starters, she was an Indian-born Muslim from Morgantown, West Virginia, where her father helped found the first mosque. And corporate America, Asra wasn't: in January 2000 she took a leave to write a book about Tantra.
She'd been conducting her research from India. Shortly after 9/11, however, Salon.com appointed her its Central Asia correspondent and she later took a house in Karachi, a fact that almost certainly did not go unnoticed by Pakistan's ISI, which keeps tabs on foreign journalists, particularly those from India, who are presumed, ipso facto. spies...
But despite his talk of bin Laden's being "a man like an angel," Khawaja was sufficiently broad-minded in his allegiances that he got the Taliban to agree to receive Ijaz and ex-C.I.A. director Woolsey.
Khawaja, in short, was a source to kill for, and Danny charmed him. Describing the reporter to Ijaz as "competent, straightforward," and not given to asking "inappropriate questions," Khawaja agreed to steer Danny to leading jihadis and to be a sounding board during his time in country.
Brig Cheema says Omar misleading investigators
By Arshad Sharif
In response to a question about his involvement with the Afghan war, Khawaja told Dawn that Mansur Ijaz, a lobbyist for Pakistan in the US and former CIA director James Woolsey were in contact with him for negotiations with the Taliban for release of hostages till Oct 6, the day when the US started bombing on Afghanistan.
Showing the exchange of his correspondence with Mansur Ijaz and James Woolsey, Khawaja claimed that he had good relations with Taliban. However, the official sources said Khawaja was not assigned any such role by the government.
Replying to a question about his meeting with Daniel Pearl, the ex-ISI operative, who also runs a business firm doing research and development for the Pakistan Navy, and is also involved in telecommunications and CNG business, said: "Danny first time contacted me from Bombay at the end of September by giving a reference of Mansoor Ijaz, an American businessman involved in track-two diplomacy on Kashmir and Afghanistan."
Khawaja claimed that he introduced Mr Pearl to his contacts and arranged interviews with Taliban diplomats and other people.
Recalling his recent meetings with the kidnapped reporter, Khawaja said Daniel Pearl had became interested in Mubarak Shah Gillani during January.
"On January 6 or 7, Pearl called me to arrange an interview with Gillani which I instantly ruled out," Khawaja told Dawn.
He said after the refusal, Pearl did not contact him again but another intriguing visitor, Asra Nomani, an Indian American, established contacts with him through his wife. Khawaja claimed that Asra Nomani visited his house on a number of occasions but the last he heard from her was on the morning of Jan 24 before the morning prayers. "Asra told me about Danny's disappearance and sought help in recovering him."
Later, Khawaja said, her tone changed and she threatened to give the whole story to the police who were present with her. A police official talked to me and sought help in tracing Mubarik Shah Gillani.
"They did not consult me before going for the interview but it is surprising why they chose me to be the first person to be informed about Daniel's kidnapping," Khawaja said, questioning if Daniel Pearl and Asra Nomani had somehow crossed the danger point from where other journalists had chosen to retreat earlier.
Khawaja said Asra Nomani gave him the mobile phones of individuals they contacted for arranging the interview thinking that he knew them....
Informed sources said the interest of Daniel Pearl and Farah Stockman of Boston Globe in tracing out Gillani had raised suspicions about their "professional interests."
The journalists were investigating things which were beyond the reach of FBI, a thing which was not liked by many who are pursuing their own agendas despite President Musharraf's strong directives.
According to Khawaja, he was being considered a suspect who led Daniel Pearl into trouble. Sharing the exchange of correspondence with the Newsweek,Khawaja said it was on the intervention of Mansur Ijaz that Newsweek toned down its article which was allegedly raising an accusing finger on him. Following is the text of the letter written by Gretel Kovach of Newsweek to Khalid Khawaja:
"If it is any consolation, you may have read in the e-mails I sent Mansoor that the Newsweek article would have been much stronger in pointing the finger at you as the person who led Danny into trouble. Thankfully I spoke with Mansoor and was able to offer a contrary account - that you refused Danny's request, and that others tricked him into thinking he could meet Gilani. Sadly it wasn't enough to completely overpower the Pakistani sources other Newsweek people had at the time, but it was something."
Daniel Pearl, it is learnt, was not the only journalist looking for Mubarik Shah Gillani. Farah Stockman of Boston Globe delivered a letter at the house of father of Mubarik Shah Gillani, which according to Khawaja's claim was handed over to him....
Journalist Pearl Was Also An Israeli Citizen Says Israeli Media
WASHINGTON - We now learn that Daniel Pearl, the kidnapped and killed Wall Street Journal reporter, was an Israeli citizen. It seems he was reporting for years on extraordinarily controversial subjects for an extremely controversial pro-Israeli publication - but apparently neither he nor the publication ever revealed this fact to readers. What more may we learn next?
As usual, the courageous and tireless journalist who is such a credit to his profession, Robert Fisk, asks many of the necessary questions and points fingers where they deserve to be pointed. Fisk's article was written before the revelation today that Pearl was an Israeli. "Where did we go wrong" Fisk rightly asks...and gives some of the important answers.
By Yossi Melman
Ha'aretz Daily
Professor Yehuda Pearl, father of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter
Daniel Pearl, has told Ha'aretz that he fears that making public his son's
Israeli citizenship could adversely affect investigative efforts by Pakistani
police to apprehend the killers and track down the murdered reporter's body.
Brig Cheema says Omar misleading investigators
By Arshad Sharif
February 15, 2002
In response to a question about his involvement with the Afghan war, Khawaja told Dawn that Mansur Ijaz, a lobbyist for Pakistan in the US and former CIA director James Woolsey were in contact with him for negotiations with the Taliban for release of hostages till Oct 6, the day when the US started bombing on Afghanistan.
Showing the exchange of his correspondence with Mansur Ijaz and James Woolsey, Khawaja claimed that he had good relations with Taliban.
However, the official sources said Khawaja was not assigned any such role by the government.
Replying to a question about his meeting with Daniel Pearl, the ex-ISI operative, who also runs a business firm doing research and development for the Pakistan Navy, and is also involved in telecommunications and CNG business, said: "Danny first time contacted me from Bombay at the end of September by giving a reference of Mansoor Ijaz, an American businessman involved in track-two diplomacy on Kashmir and Afghanistan."
Khawaja claimed that he introduced Mr Pearl to his contacts and arranged interviews with Taliban diplomats and other people.
Recalling his recent meetings with the kidnapped reporter, Khawaja said Daniel Pearl had became interested in Mubarak Shah Gillani during January.
"On January 6 or 7, Pearl called me to arrange an interview with Gillani which I instantly ruled out," Khawaja told Dawn.
He said after the refusal, Pearl did not contact him again but another intriguing visitor, Asra Nomani, an Indian American, established contacts with him through his wife. Khawaja claimed that Asra Nomani visited his house on a number of occasions but the last he heard from her was on the morning of Jan 24 before the morning prayers.
"Asra told me about Danny's disappearance and sought help in recovering him."
Later, Khawaja said, her tone changed and she threatened to give the whole story to the police who were present with her. A police official talked to me and sought help in tracing Mubarik Shah Gillani.
"They did not consult me before going for the interview but it is surprising why they chose me to be the first person to be informed about Daniel's kidnapping," Khawaja said, questioning if Daniel Pearl and Asra Nomani had somehow crossed the danger point from where other journalists had chosen to retreat earlier.
Khawaja said Asra Nomani gave him the mobile phones of individuals they contacted for arranging the interview thinking that he knew them.....
Informed sources said the interest of Daniel Pearl and Farah Stockman of Boston Globe in tracing out Gillani had raised suspicions about their "professional interests."...
The journalists were investigating things which were beyond the reach of FBI, a thing which was not liked by many who are pursuing their own agendas despite President Musharraf's strong directives.
According to Khawaja, he was being considered a suspect who led Daniel Pearl into trouble. Sharing the exchange of correspondence with the Newsweek, Khawaja said it was on the intervention of Mansur Ijaz that Newsweek toned down its article which was allegedly raising an accusing finger on him. Following is the text of the letter written by Gretel Kovach of Newsweek to Khalid Khawaja:
"If it is any consolation, you may have read in the e-mails I sent Mansoor that the Newsweek article would have been much stronger in pointing the finger at you as the person who led Danny into trouble. Thankfully I spoke with Mansoor and was able to offer a contrary account — that you refused Danny's request, and that others tricked him into thinking he could meet Gilani. Sadly it wasn't enough to completely overpower the Pakistani sources other Newsweek people had at the time, but it was something."
Daniel Pearl, it is learnt, was not the only journalist looking for Mubarik Shah Gillani. Farah Stockman of Boston Globe delivered a letter at the house of father of Mubarik Shah Gillani, which according to Khawaja's claim was handed over to him.
U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl is dead, officials confirm
February 22, 2002
He was lured from his Karachi apartment following a tip from a source regarding his research on a story about possible ties between accused "shoe bomber" Richard Reid and a Pakistani militant. He was on his way to what he believed was an interview with Sheikh Mubarik ali Gilani, the head of the fundamentalist Islamic Jamaat ul-Fuqra group.
His kidnappers had initially demanded the release of Pakistani detainees at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where captured al Qaeda and Taliban fighters are being held. The kidnappers accused Pearl of being a spy -- an accusation strongly denied by the CIA and his newspaper -- and vowed to kill Pearl if their demands were not met.
Project Pearl: The Bravest Class in Town......
Jessica Rettig, a 20-year-old journalism student wearing a bright blue cotton sundress and flip-flops, is sitting in her professor's office at Georgetown University, dialing a number in Pakistan. She's hoping to interview a man with possible ties to terrorists.
The man answers the phone and says he'd be glad to talk, but asks: Could they do it by e-mail instead? Rettig takes down his e-mail address, hangs up the phone, and sends him a quick note. Almost immediately it bounces back: address unknown. The e-mail is a fake.
It's a hard lesson — one of many — in what might be the toughest class in town.
Rettig and 20 other students are trying to track down the killers of Danny Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter who was kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic radicals in Pakistan in early 2002, a few months after the 9/11 attacks. The murder — which was the subject of the 2007 movie A Mighty Heart, starring Angelina Jolie — shocked the world and marked a new era of peril for reporters. The images of Pearl, a handsome, 38-year-old father-to-be, with a gun pointed at his head set the precedent for the sort of brazen kidnappings that have since become common in Iraq.........
A few of the students have only a foggy memory of the murder they are investigating, since they were just 13 years old or so when it happened. Others remember it vividly. Clara Zabludowsky, 20, recalls her high-school friends watching the murder video on the Internet after terrorists circulated it. "I couldn't look at it myself," she says. Shilpika Das, 26, a graduate student from India, watched the video and felt "horrified."
Nomani watched it herself with one of her graduate students, 27-year-old Kira Zalan. "I felt it was necessary in order to understand the forensic evidence the FBI has," says Nomani. "It's the ugly truth. To run from it seemed like doing our mission a disservice."
Among the students' many successes: They have managed to get their hands on the full-length version of the video — not the edited version that the terrorists released. (Nomani and Zalan got it from a source who can't be named for security reasons; the FBI has a copy as well.) On the longer video, the hands and feet of the killers are visible, along with other details that might eventually help to identify them.
Some of the students' parents worry about the grisly nature of what their kids are researching. Rettig says her folks "weren't thrilled" when she chased down the brother of the courier who had delivered the murder video to officials back in 2002. Rettig knocked on the man's door in Florida, then talked to him inside his home. Her younger brother was outside in the car. "He's a big guy," she says, "so I figured I could call on him if I needed him."
Judea Pearl's morality scam
by Joachim Martillo (
Judea Pearl is apparently taking a break from his attempt to make Wall Street Journal Reporter Danny Pearl the Ann Frank of the War on Terror.
Below is an announcement of the latest effort of the Daniel Pearl Foundation to rewrite basic morality in the service of Zionism so that Americans will view Israeli interlopers and thieves as somehow morally equivalent to the native population that they have with malice aforethought and in cold blood brutalized, murdered, dispossessed, ethnically cleansed and genocided for the last 100 years.
I am sorry that Judea Pearl lost his son, but journalism is often a dangerous profession even if Americans have forgotten this fact some time between the murders of George Polk (May 1948) and Anna Politkovskaya (Oct. 7, 2006).
The risks to Pearl in tracking down the Pakistani connections of the shoe bomber Richard Reed were so obvious that Pearl's management is guilty of gross negligence for sending him and one has to wonder what Pearl was thinking when he accepted the assignment.
The Daniel Pearl Foundation could prove that it is not just another Judeo-centric fraud by demanding the release of Al-Jazeera reporter, Sami al-Haj, from Guantanamo. [Update: The release of Al-Haj was reported on May 1, 2008.).......
BPD(Before Pearl Decapitation)
Shoe bomber Richard Reid and the Izz el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades
Exclusive to DEBKAfile
December 31, 2001
Shoe bomber Richard Reid may have been strip-searched by Israel's security-conscious El Al airlines before they flew him from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv in July 2001, but in the Gaza Strip he was accorded upgraded hospitality.
According to DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources, Nabil Aqal, one of the senior operations officers of Hamas's military wing, the Izz el-Deen al-Qassam brigades, laid out the personal welcome mat, hosting the strapping Briton at his home in Gaza's Jabalya refugee camp for several days.
Aqal was related to Imad Aqal, the brigades' operations officer in the first Intifada in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Israel liquidated Imad Aqal in late 1991, when the uprising was on the wane. He did not treat his unusually tall visitor like any chance tourist. Reid was kept carefully hidden in Nabil Aqal's home away from prying eyes, except for a nocturnal outing round the Gaza coastal area and its famous fish restaurants. Aqal was seen playing the tour guide for his important guest, an extraordinary display of hospitality on the part of a senior al-Qassam officer. Fundamentalist Hamas leaders usually give the restaurant strip and its free-flowing alcohol a wide berth, acutely aware that that it is also teeming with the spies and informers employed by the various intelligence agencies services operating in the Gaza Strip.
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that the multinational inquiry into Reid's actions at Aqal's home focus on question of where Reid received the explosive shoes he tried to detonate aboard the American Airlines Paris-Miami flight on December 22. Were the explosives handed over in Aqal's home, by his host or a Hizballah visitor?.....
Investigation of the Reid episode has exposed evidence of cross-fertilization in the international terrorist movement. In a word, the operational marriage Arafat sealed with the Hizballah to enhance the effectiveness of his confrontation with Israel, yielded a contribution to the international terror campaign 19 months later............
Had Israel spoken up, or at least dropped some hint about Reid, he never would have been allowed to board the American Airlines plane. Washington would have tipped off French authorities, which would have picked Reid up immediately on his arrival in Paris.........
The Americans believe someone at ICTS must have known that Reid planned to take that flight and passed it on to Israel, which withheld information that could have prevented a major air disaster.........
The Israeli response to US allegations is no less harsh. They admit letting Reid board an El Al flight from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv in July, although an armed sky marshal was ordered to sit next to him. This was a calculated risk in order to find out who Reid's contacts were in Israel and the Palestinian territories and the only way to cover his movements effectively.
Israel also realized eight months ago that terrorist operatives had discovered a "dead spot" in support beams for electronic scanning equipment at airports, located roughly 10 cm (four inches) from the floor, through which weapons and explosives can pass undetected....
Israel passed this discovery on to the Americans with a recommendation to pay particular attention to the shoes of suspect passengers.....
Reid's were therefore taken off and examined when showed up at Amsterdam airport for his flight to Tel Aviv, but nothing was found. However, Washington, say the Israelis, failed to act on their warning. Indeed, prior to the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington, they accuse US authorities of consistently ignoring Israeli information linking al-Qaeda and Hizballah terror networks and operations to Arafat and his senior security and intelligence lieutenants. As a result, Israel decided not to bother to let the United States know about Reid last July.
Major General Amos Malka, the outgoing chief of Israeli military intelligence, gave the following account in a farewell interview with Israel's Maariv newspaper on December 28:
"Two years ago, Israeli intelligence services received concrete information about Hizballah activities among the Moslem communities in Europe aimed at developing a terrorist infrastructure. Israel asked intelligence agencies and Western governments to put a stop to these Hizballah activities. Their response was hostile, accusing us of distorting information for political gain. Today, the world understands things differently and is more ready to hear us out."
Northern Rock,Rupert Murdoch Times,Naked Short Lie:Steve Forbes Brings Economic Porn To London or
NTU,James Dale Davidson Naked Short Lie:Steve Forbes Brings Economic Pornography To Wardlaw-Hartridge High School Students
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds Bill Clinton's Washington,D.C. Stock Fraud Money Launderer James Dale Davidson !
SEC Cyber Czar John Reed Stark,Steve Honig, Joshua A Ridless,Image Entertainment
Lord William Rees-Mogg, Agora Inc And.Bill Bonner's Racist Attack On Barack Obama
Fannie Mae Naked Short Lie:SEC Chris Cox,Agora Inc.,James Dale
Davidson, Lord Rees-Mogg LOM Bermuda,Schwab,vFinance Stock Fraud
Fannie Mae:Congessman Barney Frank Goes Down On Moses,Tim Mahoney
Pimps Mistress,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts'
SEC,Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,'Naked Shorting' Lie:John McCain, Chris
Cox,James Dale Davidson Massive Stock Fraud
First U.S.Government Censored 9/11 Al Qaeda Video:Fox News' War Porn
Star Jack Idema Tortures In Afghanistan
Nazi Pope Benedict XVI,Sarah Palin's UnWed Pregnant Teenager,Nancy
Pelosi's Papal Smear
9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware
Corp ICTS International
Swissair 111 Crash,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky and AIPAC
Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up
Gremach Infrastructure's Google India Attack,Mozambique Coal Baron Squalor
Campbell White's Jonathan Heimberg - Pseudo Christian ?, Judeo Fascist ?,CIA ?
India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian
Fellowship Ministries
Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox
News-Frank Luntz Connection
Yahoo!'s China,U.S. Government Agents Jerry Yang,Carl Icahn,Missing
White House E-Mail,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia Stock Fraud,
Fox News: Greg Gutfeld,Adolf Hitler's Jewish Relative,Defends New
Yorker Barack Obama Hit Piece
Israeli Foreign Agent Sharon Tzur, Media Watch International,PM Ehud
Olmert,Rudy Giuliani,Morris Talansky Bribery,Fraud
CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office
9/11:While Boston Slept,Logan Airport,ICTS International,Israeli PM
Ehud Olmert's Money Launderer Menachem Atzmon Looked On......
9/11:Bush,Kuwaiti,Israeli Involvement Documented In Securities
Exchange Commission Filings
W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Rubashkin's Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,
Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves
WeCu,9/11:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Promotes
Israeli 'Security' Fraud
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris
Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,
9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98
UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering,SEC's,Georgetown
University's, John Polise,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz:Peace Corp'S Dayton Daily News
Critic,,Friend To Fraud
California Attorney Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy
Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering
University of California Berkeley Grads James Angel,Joshua Ridless
Join SEC Chris Cox's 'Fraud Speech Movement'
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Air Water Corp stock fraud
promotes pedophilia
http://www.columbus.indymedia.org/node/13382 Israeli Prime Minister
Ehud Olmert,'Orthodox Jews',Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes and Death
Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas
Endovasc Penny Stock Fraudster
Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2008/01/390122.htmlForbes on
Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own
Mitt Romney,CIA James Woolsey:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's
Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl
Northern Rock, GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About 'Naked
Short Selling'
EU,Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security'
Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,Adnan
Khashoggi,W Bush
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked
Securities Fraud
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS
Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud
Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr.,Securities Fraud,Stormy Simon
Striptease and Bloody Murder
Samaritan Pharmaceuticals,a Georgetown University Penny Stock Fraud
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust
Victims,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
WTC,9/11,Logan Airport, Boston:Israeli ICTS 'Security':
Barney Frank,Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry Face Psych Crisis
Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's
Terrorist List
Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock
Scam and Bloody Murder
Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera,Qatar promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Christopher'WMDS'Cox:Georgetown University James Angel Pimps Pink
Sheet Penny Stock
Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag
Austria and Cuba
Charles Schwab,Mantas 'AML':Did The CIA's SRA International Eat George
W Bush's E-mail ?
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium
SWIFT Finance Fraud
Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner
loses in U.S. Court
Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?
David Grin,Tel Aviv
University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel
FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lynch,Latham &
Watkins conflict
Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed MusMustafa and
Islamic Usury
Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B.
Gonzalez award !?
Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc
penny stock frauds
James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny
stock share money laundering
Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson
Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag
U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob
Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?
Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist
flight school ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator
Shelby 'a gangster'
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton
cocaine bust in Mexico
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid,
Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Israel President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian
and John O'Quinn
www.cleveland.indymedia.org/news/2005/11/17786.p...pJohn Reed Stark
UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic
fraud Cyber fraud
www.maritimes.indymedia.org/news/2006/03/12190.p...pDoes NSA Serve SRA
International's 'Cookies' ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief
Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore
money laundering
CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud
money laundering
Mantas Inc,Herndon,Va,Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International
www.ftaaimc.org/en/2005/12 /7186.shtml
CIA and Gilman Louie are
less than honest
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
Cocaina,UE,Mexico,CIA,Avion De Rendicion,Estados Unidos Departamento
de'Homeland Security'
Papa Benedicto,Erroneas Concepciones En Cuanto A La Concepcion Y La
Historia De La Ciencia
Jerry Weller,Rios Montt,Bancafe Guatemala, Bawag Austria,Refco y
'Acciones de Centavos'
Cocaína,Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, Abril 10:¿CIA,Republicanos Y PAN?
9/11,Daniel Pearl,Barack Obama,Joe Biden,Pakistan General Ahmad,Mansoor Ijaz,WSJ,Asra Nomani,ICTS Israel, Crescent Hydropolis,Fox News,Stock Fraud and Bloody Murder
by Tony Ryals
''For more than a year, a group of Georgetown University students has been poring over documents, searching for cellphone numbers of suspected terrorists and calling Pakistani police in the middle of the night. Now their class project has come to this: They're suing the CIA and the FBI...
''Yesterday, the group, known as the Pearl Project and now attached to the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court asking for the release of records by the CIA, FBI, Defense Department and five other federal agencies....
''The idea for the class began in summer 2002, after four men were convicted in Pakistan in connection with Pearl's death. Pearl's longtime friend, Asra Nomani, with whom Pearl was staying when he disappeared, suspected that more people were involved. She knew, for example, that a man who led police to Pearl's body, which was found outside Karachi, was allegedly one of the guards who had held him. But he was never charged.
- Susan Kinzie,Washington Post,
December 18, 2008
The article quoted above is what drew my attention back once again to Mansoor Ijaz,Fox News Middle East expert,(ha),and hedge fund money launderer with ex CIA Chief James Woolsey who ran the illegal pump and dump money laundering operation called Crescent Hydropolis on the AIM or Alternative Investment Market of the London Stock Exchange together with U.S.Lt.General James Alan Abrahamson,and Lt Gen Tom McInerney (USAF Ret),who,like Ijaz Mansoor,is a Rupert Murdoch Fox News military expert as well.Crescent Hydropolis claimed to build underwater hotels in Dubai,Oman,Las Vegas and elsewhere but was really just a money laundering operation with an Isle of Man account and mailing address.This is an example of how UK stock markets and US. SEC and NASDAQ,etc.,collude with each others 'intelligence' and supposed securtiy agents to defraud their own citizens to fund government connected criminal activity and possibly fund activities,even terrorism,that would not stand government and congressional or parliamentary oversight otherwise.
While I commend Daniel Pearl's ex Wall Street Journal colleague Asra Nomani who shared her house with Pearl and his wife Marrianne in Pakistan shortly before his disappearence and subsequent beheading I am left with some reservations.For instance as a Wall Street reporter and now Georgetown journalism professor investigating his death why has she remained silent about Mansoor Ijaz and his coauthor and business partner ex CIA James Woolsey of Dyncorp and Booz Allen Hamilton 'consultants' etc.,role in getting him beheaded in the first place ? You don't need FOIA or Freedom of Imformation Act documents to know that or to know they have been involved in government protected stock fraud.In fact even the UK government has protected them and allowed them to launder money at the London Stock Exchange's AIM using the Isle of Man as well !
Also why did Mariane Pearl 's book not mention mention the scumbag Mansoor Ijaz and give him appropriate credit for his role in the beheading.
Also very strange that while Daniel Pearl was sent by the WSJ to Pakistan
to investigate shoe bomber Richard Reid's connections there that no one has been sent to Israel to investigate his visit to that country presumably only for the purpose of crossing into Palestinian territory to visit HAMAS !Logically it is obviuos that Richard Reid would never have been able to take that trip without the blessings of the Israeli
government itself.And then he is allowed to board that American Airlines flight from Paris with a shoe bomb he supposedly got from Hamas terrorists there ! How in Heil was Richard Reid allowed to carry a shoe bomb from Israel and only get caught by passengers fluying on another flight from Paris to the U.S. after that Israel Palestine visit ?
You will find also if you do your own search,or review some of my references below,that Israeli scum of ICTS International,a fraud security and securitires(stock) fraud who guarded Logan Airport in Boston on 911 were also responsible in Europe
working with American Airlines at Charles de Gaulle Airport for seeing to Richard Reid's safe trip to Israel before 911 and his safe boarding of that flight to the U.S. on American Airlines where he was caught by passengers aftyer that !
They still sell there worthless shaers on the U.S.'pink sheets' for non reporting companies and are headquartered in Holland.Sincethe death of their fellow Israeli stock criminal and ex military man Ezra Harel in 2003,Menachem Atzmon friend and crime partner of Israeli PM Ehud OLMERT IS MAINLY IN CHARGE OF THEIR INTERNATIONAL OPERATIONS.Warning to Indians - they may may operating in India as well according to a press release a while back !
And sadly Daniel Pearl's Zionist father uses his death for pro Zionist propaganda purposes while both Mariane Pearl and Asra Nomani remain silent and allow him to do so.
And finally on that subject for now,
one of Asra Nomani's Georgewtown University students,to her good credit and bravery,paid a visit to the very man(and suspect in his death) who led police to Daniel Pearl's body - living in Florida !
How in heil,post 911,and after failing to arrest him with Saeed Sheik in Pakistan after Pearl's beheading is such a person allowed to enter and travel the U.S. from Pakistan at will when even innocent Americans end up on the U.S. government's terrorist list and can't get themselves off !?
One could write a large article or several,I already have,listing Fox News' experts who at present or the past who have run penny stock frauds and money laundering operations.Ollie or Oliver North and his supposed bullet proof vests of the late 1980s and 1990s comes to mind that laundering his illegal profits and thefts from American investors in Costs Rica or even Saudi and CIA connected BCCI money laundering arms dealing bank of Pakistan.And there is Fox News Middle East expert and Bill Clinton's Jewish Ambassador to Morrocco,Marc Ginsberg,who has been part of the U.S. incorporated money laundering stock fraud called Xybernaut with various Israeli government connected criminals while simultaneously pretending to be a credible source on Middle East affairs all with a pro Israel bias.And of course there is Mansoor Ijaz and Crescent Hydropolis an illegal pump and dump fraud on the LSE or London Stock Exchange's Alternative Investment Market(AIM)that claimed to build underwater in hotels in Dubai,Oman,Las Vegas, etc..
That money laundering operation included - besides Mansoor Ijaz -
ex CIA Chief James Woolsey and U.S. Lt.Generals James Alan Abrahamson and Tom McInerney as I mentioned previously.
Whodunit? Two Stockbrokers Murdered in Jersey; Reference Message ...... indictment -- the bulletproof-vest maker Guardian Technologies International , ... The very same entity turned up in annual SEC filings of Ollie North's ...
Steve Forbes whose Forbes business news and advise is featured on his billionaire right wing colleague Rupert Murdoch s Fox News is also a suspect in using U.S. STOCKS FOR ONSHORE AND OFFSHORE FRAUD AND MONEY LAUNDERINGING.His National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson who began the Bill Clinton killed Vince Foster smear campaign to destablize the Clinton regime started the fraudulent 'naked short selling' claim I have written about recently that both Forbes and SEC Chairman Chris Cox have lied about being real to cover up massive stock fraud manipulation that has gone beyond penny stocks to dividend paying Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac - a $ trillions fraud !(Not to feel sorry for Clinton - he was a beneficiary of
James Dale Davidson's financial support before Davidson for whatever reason turned on him and worked with billionaire Richard Mellon Scaife to destabalize him and thus the U.S. government.Just like Mansoor Ijaz who
lied about Clinton letting Osama bin Laden get away in Sudan.
Fox News' paid video producer, Jonathan Idema,actually tortured Afghanis in his safe house in Kabul until he was finally locked up by Afghanistan authorities who couldn't take anymore of his perversions.He still claims he was authorized by U.S. government.He was also involved with an Islamic 'hawala' money launderer who operated freely in Washington,D.C. and the Beltway.
I,Tony Ryals,did not become involved and investigating 9/11 for 911's sake.
I was only investigating a penny stock fraud called Endovasc run by Beltway and U.S. government connected conmen James Dale Davidson,founder of Steve Forbes National Taxpayers Union
and the penny stock holding and promotion company Agora Inc of Baltimore as well as a Dr.David P Summers who posed as a biotech inventor at Endovasc penny stock pump and dump 'company' but turned out to be a Virginia banker(Northern Virgina Bank,etc.) that the U.S. SEC allows to use worthless penny stocks for self enrichment and money laundering just as I came to discover they allowed many others to do - even what appear to be Israeli Mossad and Arab royalty or right wing and their elite subjects,such as arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi of Iran-Contra fame as one example,who actually cooperated with Americsan Orthodox or far right Jews Paul Singer and Carl Icahn in the pump and dump penny stock money laundering operation called GenesisIntermedia.Or Ali Al Sabah head of the Kuwait National Guard who was an inside investor in a Florida penny stock fraud called Skyway Communications whose DC-9,paid for with money from defrauded Americans conned into investing,was used in Colombia to U.S. cocaine smuggling operations and captured,probably by accident,in Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche airport in the Yucatan in April 2006.Skyway was promoted by ex Florida governor Jeb Bush who may have given it state funds as well as Titan Corp of San Diego that lied about investing 100 million in order to lure or defraud investors in the scam.It also has far right Israeli American Zionist attorney Michael Farkas as well as Republican and White House connected Brent and Glen Kovar in the scam.Tom DeLay also promoted it in at least one lieing press release.
Another example is Universal Communications or Air Water Corporation AWTI of British Israeli money launderer Michael Zwebner that has corrupt Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert named in its SEC filings as well as ex Israeli president Moshe Katsav since resigned due to rape charges and to top it all with these high level Israeli government scumbage you will find Palestinian American Mohamed Hadid is a partner with them and Zwebner in the fraud called Air Water Corp that claims to have a machine to get water from the air . Dont believe it.They get money fom worthless U.S. penny stock shares they U.S. government and U.S. SEC allows them to pump and dump with impunity even though pump and dump scams and money laundering is illegal.
Zwebner even sued CNN and Wolf Blitzer in 2005 because I posted criticism of his invoovement with Mohamed Hadid,Israeli PM Ehud Elmert
and accused rapist and Israeli President Moshe Katsav on the scammy ragingbull.con message board used to promote this fraud and fraudulently claim,using a supposed Israeli
disaster charity called Israid and IFA or Israel Flying Aid run by a Gal Lusky,to take money from tsunami disaster victims and claim they were sending their non existent 'air water machines' to the victims !
So Zionist Madoff s 50 billion hedge fund fraud is I am sorry to say only the tip of the iceberg.Even Vice President elect Joe Biden s son Hunter has been implicated in an offshore hedge fund with penny stock connections called Paradigm .
And as I will discuss below in slighty greater detail two of the major security companies guarding Logan Airport Boston and Dulles Airport on 911 were ICTS International run by ex Israeli military officers with connections all the way to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert and Securacom a U.S. government protected investment fraud run by WBush brother Marvin Bush,his cousin Wirt Walker II and Mis Al Sabah of Kuwait royalty who openly hated Sadam Hussein coincidentally.
In my nightmarish experience Stanford University and its professors' Chris Heeschen's and John Cooke's and Beltway banker David P Summers Endovasc fraud,shares that were being promoted and dumped throiugh Charles Schwab and ex Democrat Tim Mahoney's vFinance from LOM of Bermuda switched after 911 to Kuala Lumur through a boiler room called Bellador Group with connections to Dubai where Mohamed Atta had also received $70,000 from in Venice,Florida prior to 911 and that was cashed for him there by a Makram Chams who turned out to be a Titan Corp employee !He may well have been the one to cash Mohamed Atta's check from Daniel Pearl's accused assassin Saeed Sheik
acting under General Ahmad's orders !
Further SRA International that was supposed to be Charles Schwab's anti-money laundering contractor in 2002 allowed the LOM of Bermuda and Charles Schwab and vFinance(of Rahm Emanuel connected Tim Mahoney) penny stock manipulation and money laundering operation to be covered up.That operation included Endovasc and Genemax of David P Summers and James Dale Davidson.)
SRA International is also the U.S. government's chief 'IT' or internet technology contractor with White House and virtually all other U.S. bureaucracies paying them huge fees! And as it turns out they are also controlled or chiefly owned by the CIA and its In-Q-Tel that owns most of its shares.They have also been paid to spy on non-violent California war protesters through state contracts and their shares were also promoted by Bellador Group of Kuala Lumpur(along with right wing and Republican connected penny stocks Biophan,Endovasc and China Wireless) that no doubt would have been a CIA connected boiler room that disappeared after my internet compaints !
David P Summers turned out not to be a biotech inventor as he lied about to promote American Biomed and then Endovasc and up till recently a penny stock fraud called Metabolic Research.All the while he is allowed by the U.S. government and its SEC to operate banks in the Beltway from
Northern Virgina Bank to,at present, a penny stock or OTCBB bank called Virginia Heritage Bank ! These people are everything they warned us Osama bin Laden and then Saddam Hussein were which should come as no surprise as the CIA and far right of Washington, D.C. created them !
Barack Obama received the maximum legal campaign contribtion from Pakistani-American Mansoor Ijaz who was the person responsible for introducing Wall Street Journal reporter to his killers in the first place !And Joe Biden met with Pakistan ISI General Mohamed Ahmad who ordered the British-born and Pakistani intelligence connected Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh,to wire $100,000 to Mohamed Atta, et.al. in Venice,Florida just before 911! So the Pakistani General knew of and had relations with both Saeed Sheik who not only funded 9/11 suspects in Venice,Florida but who became the scapegoat of the U.S. and Pakistan and even or more so the Israel government in the death of Daniel Pearl.And Daniel Pearl's own ex employees at the Wall Street Journal and its new owner Rupert Murdoch never investigated and only covered up for all three governments !
At least one investigator Christopher Bollyn and his source believe that the person in Guantanamo purporting to be Saeed Shiek and confessing to anything the U.S. government requests is NOT Saeed Sheik AT ALL BUT A SCAPEGOAT FOR THAT SCAPEGOAT....
Re: 9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Daniel Pearl Beheading and Biden's Terrorist Allies
Tony Ryals
Joe Biden Met Financier Of 9/11 Hijackers, AFTER 911 watch!
youtube.com — Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joe
Biden admits on camera that he met with Omar Saeed Sheikh (also
accused of beheading Daniel Pearl) after 9/11. The Pakistani ISI agent
wired Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001 according to the 9/11
How dare the sleezy Pakistani-American and 'Fox News Middle East expert'- the
scumbag Mansoor Ijaz - (co-author of far right pro Iraq war propaganda in the Los Angeles Times,Christian Science Monitor,etc.with his equally corrupt partner in war in stock fraud,ex CIA Chief James Woolsey and also the son of a Pakistani nuclear physicist also with Washington,D.C. connections who helped bring the atomoc bomb to Pakistan ),
contributed to the Barack Obama presidential campaign and instead of being investigated to assertain the origen of his usually ill gotten gains - Barack Obama campaign staff simply accept it ! And Bill Clinton who also accepted his largesse and sent him to
Pakistan and Sudan as an official government representative or allowed him to present himself as such,found himself being accused on Fox News and elsewhere during the W Bush regime as the president who allowed Osama bin Laden to get away in Sudan pre 9/11 !
And all this appears to be a lie as it turned out and their is no evidence or proof that Sudan EVER offered to turn over Osama bin Laden to the Clinton administration in the first place !
The real truth is that although Mansoor Ijaz has many far right Washington,D.C. connections and his father was important in the Pakistani atomic bomb program that may have been helped by having the same all too cozy,corrupt relations with Beltway right wing his son cultivates - he has
had a history of generous cmpaign contributions to Democrats,Al Gore and
among others.
Paradoxical too that such a right wing Islamic con artist who was reponsible for the advise that got Daniel Pearl beheaded paid $100 made at least in part from his and ex CIA James Woolsey s Crescent Hedge Fund stock scams and money laundering operations to ask Republican Mormon Moron presidential candidate Mitt Romney in Las Vegas in 2008 if he planned to have an Islamic adviser in his cabinet ! With 'advice'
like his no wonder we were sold on a lie about Saddam Hussein and Iraq being responsible for 911 when in fact ICTA International that guarded Logan Airport Boston on 911 was operated by Israeli military officers and Dulles Airport was in the hands of Marvin Bush,Wirt Walker III and members of Kuwait Al Sabah family and whether they were all incompetent that day or pre meditated the murder of thousands in New York at Rudy Giuliani's and Hank Green ' et.al.-s WTC or World Trade Center = one thing I know as a fact both ICTS and Securacom were SEC
or Securities Exchange Commission and NASDAQ aided and abetted stock frauds!
Actually I will leave the mention of Ijaz Mansoor's father being a key nuclear physicist in the Pakistani
atomic bomb program as a rumor but one that Mansoor Ijaz himself has helped foster.Because Mansoor Ijaz was born in America with a Beltway or U.S. government silver spoon in his mouth and many far right Beltway connections under his belt IS A LEGACY I BELIEVE HE OWES GREATLY TO HIS FATHER BUT A LEGACY HE HIMSELF HAS CULTIVATED AND ENLARGED OVER THE YEARS.This quote below from sourcewatch.com with link gives some idea of the kind of lieing con artist he has become.And as you will see he fraudulently claims to be a nuclear phycist himself and used that fraudulent claim to stir up war against Iran.These types of people foreign or domestic are dangerous and NOT GOOD for U.S. security and Barck Obama and Joe Biden better wake up and catch on and this goes for Israeli wingnuts lurking and spying on us in Washington,D.C. as the example of ICTS International incorporated in Joe Biden-s state of Delaware should make clear. :
Conversation with Mansoor Ijaz
I spoke today by phone with Mansoor Ijaz, who actually seemed more reasonable than the individual who has been trying to edit here on his behalf. He says he wasn't aware personally of this dispute until today. He isn't trying to dictate the entire content of the article, and he agrees that it is fair to quote instances where other people such as Sandy Berger have criticized him. However, he says that there are some specific factual errors he would like corrected, and other cases where he would like additional information added for context and balance. We didn't have enough time today to discuss all of his concerns in detail, but after I've had a chance discuss with him further, I'll do some editing to try to address his concerns. --Sheldon Rampton 19:02, 24 Feb 2006 (EST)
Hugh's note
google the terms {"sam sloan" Ijaz}...i believe...it has been a while, but there are two Mansoor Ijazes, the other one is actually a nuclear scientist from Pakistan, not just someone who plays one on Fox news...
yes but multiple people with the same name in the same country is not that uncommon -
and keeping on that line; a recent reference to and quotation of Ijaz on the Middle East Newsline. This is the first time i could recall running into this source, so i did some quick net look-ups, and superficially, it looks dubious. The WHOIS address is a PO Box in Jersusalem, Israel, but the site is hosted on Pennsylvania servers.
* WHOIS: Steven Rodan, Middle East Newsline, POB 7606. Jerusalem, 91075, IL
* NETBLOCK Data on IP:Pair Networks, 2403 Sidney St, Suite 510, Pittsburgh, PA., 15232, US
Its would seem that Ijaz has taken his resume bloat to new heights, offshore:
"Expert: Iran has Nuclear Bomb", Middle East Newsline, January 29, 2006
ABU DHABI [MENL] -- Iran was said to have acquired a nuclear bomb.
A leading U.S. nuclear proliferation expert said Teheran obtained an atomic bomb about a decade ago from the nuclear black market. The expert said Iran sought to produce additional nuclear weapons through technology from Pakistan and other countries.
"The one functional device Iran has," Mansoor Ijaz, a U.S. nuclear scientist, said, "is the result of clandestine transfers from Pakistan's rogue black market nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan, who sold the Iranians antiquated but highly effective Chinese bomb designs and parts, including spherical shell casings, spherical Krytron detonation switches and empirical software testing modules."
Ijaz is a "leading US Proliferation Expert," as well as a "US Nuclear Scientist"? Why wasn't he using his expwertise to help stop "clandestine transfers from Pakistan's rogue black market nuclear scientist, Abdul Qadeer Khan", when it was real-time then? Why does he choose to out this at a time it can be used as a faux-rationale to Wage war Upon Iran?
Call me old school, but I think that for one to properly deine himself a "Nuclear Scientist" or as Ijaz did on US news shows when he was used as an analyst, "Nuclear Physicist", one should have actually completed an advanced University Physics Degree...
It is deceitful, and it is noteworthy that Ijaz doesn't make that claim domestically anymore.
the critical issue is the difference between self-description and simplified labels developed by journalists.
it is a pattern. this is a man who personally has contacted Sheldon Rampton regarding what he perceives as errors in his Sourcewatch stub. it seem that Mr. Ijaz isn't so hands-on regarding error corrections in other places though. --Hugh Manatee 22:53, 12 Mar 2006 (EST)
Another ref i caught yesterday, was on a recent National Review post of his:
"Mansoor Ijaz is an American Muslim of Pakistani origin"
Doesn't this seem to indicate a person born in Pakistan, who is a naturalized US citizen? As far as I am aware, Ijaz was born in Tallahasee, FLA., 1961, to parents who originated in Pakistan...
The real truth is if we had a real U.S. government of by and for the AMERICAN people,Mansour Ijaz among others would be charged with treason as Americans and for being a foreign agent and self enrichment by way of his U.S. government appointment or false representation of representing the U.S. government in both Sudan as well as Pakistan among other parts of the world.
While supposedly representing the U.S. and President Clinton in Sudan Ijaz Manure was using his position to gain
a private oil deal for himself !
Mansour Ijaz, a US businessman of Pakistani origin, who is a lobbyist for Pakistan in the US, an occasional Fox News commentator, ...
Remembering a pro-Musharaff and Pakistan piece written by Mansour Ijaz and his war profiteering co-author ex CIA Chief James Woolsey in the Los Angeles Times a couple of days before 9/11 one only wonders if they registered themselves as Pakistan lobbyists to the U.S. government or how they are allowed to play both sides,no questions asked.
Then again it should not be forgotten that Vice President elect Joe Biden had a meeting with Pakistan General Ahmed ON 911 and then it was later learned that that General had ordered,
Omar Saeed Sheikh,the Pakistani now supposedly in Guantanamo for the beheading of Israeli-American journalist Daniel Pearl,to send $100,000 to Mohamed Atta in Venice,Florida prior to 9/11!
Does this mean Joe Biden is either incompetent or part of the war and terrism fraud ? We do know he has allowed unending stock fraud money laundering operations that could easily fund terrorism and feel like terrorism if you are defrauded by a Delaware corporation using offshore or outside the U.S. accounts usually to launder money !
youtube.com — Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Joe Biden admits on camera that he met with Omar Saeed Sheikh (also accused of beheading Daniel Pearl) after 9/11. The Pakistani ISI agent wired Mohammed Atta in the summer of 2001 according to the 9/11 Commission.
19 Mar 2008 ... In 1996, Mansoor Ijaz had a series of meetings with Sudan's ... East governments —Ijaz said he is particularly interested in new oil field ...
The Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was enacted in 1938. FARA is a disclosure statute that requires persons acting as agents of foreign principals in a political or quasi-political capacity to make periodic public disclosure of their relationship with the foreign principal, as well as activities, receipts and disbursements in support of those activities. Disclosure of the required information facilitates evaluation by the government and the American people of the statements and activities of such persons in light of their function as foreign agents. The FARA Registration Unit of the Counterespionage Section (CES) in the National Security Division (NSD) is responsible for the administration and enforcement of the Act.
AIPAC Founder's Newly Declassified Foreign Agent File Reveals Shift to Stealth Lobbying
Last update: 10:23 a.m. EST Nov. 24, 2008
WASHINGTON, Nov 24, 2008 /PRNewswire-USNewswire via COMTEX/ -- Declassified US Department of Justice (DOJ) files about AIPAC founder Isaiah L. Kenen are now online at
Six decades ago Americans working as registered Israeli foreign agents launched New York, Washington and Los Angeles "Israel Office of Information (IOI)" branches. Newly declassified records document IOI actions that forever changed foreign government lobbying on Capitol Hill. The 1938 Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) was strictly enforced at that time to shield the US Congress and American citizens from the effects of foreign propaganda and stealth lobbying. FARA required biannual disclosure of all propaganda activities on behalf of foreign principals to the DOJ. Beleaguered by reporting requirements and citations for deficient declarations, IOI director Isaiah L. Kenen coordinated shifting Israel lobbying away from FARA oversight, as he later noted in his book Israel's Defense Line:
"Israelis began looking for a lobbyist to promote the necessary legislation...would I leave the Israeli delegation for six months to lobby on Capitol Hill?
"There were other questions. Should I continue my registration as an agent of the Israel government? Was it appropriate for an embassy to lobby? Embassies talked to the State Department, and American voters talked to their congressmen."
Archival records reveal that on January 17, 1951, the Justice Department ordered Kenen to reregister if he left IOI to continue lobbying and public relations for the government of Israel. Kenen instead left IOI to lobby for arms and foreign aid legislation at the American Zionist Council (AZC) while continuing to receive Israeli government funding.
Reporter's Death Inspires a Seminar and a Lawsuit
Asra Nomani
By Susan Kinzie
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, December 18, 2008; Page B01
For more than a year, a group of Georgetown University students has been poring over documents, searching for cellphone numbers of suspected terrorists and calling Pakistani police in the middle of the night. Now their class project has come to this: They're suing the CIA and the FBI.
The students' assignment was to find out who killed Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl and why. Although the class ended last spring and many of the students graduated, they're still trying to write that last paper.
Pearl disappeared while reporting in Pakistan in 2002. A video delivered to the FBI showed him being beheaded.
Yesterday, the group, known as the Pearl Project and now attached to the nonprofit Center for Public Integrity, filed a lawsuit in U.S. District Court asking for the release of records by the CIA, FBI, Defense Department and five other federal agencies.
Members of the group are seeking, among other things, FBI files on convicted terrorist Richard Reid. Pearl was reporting a story about Reid and his Pakistani handler when he disappeared. They hope the lawsuit will unearth documents or new sources in time for them to finish their final paper late this spring.
"It's not only a really personal story . . . but a story really pertinent to current events and, well, to humanity," said Rebecca Tapscott, a 2008 graduate.
The idea for the class began in summer 2002, after four men were convicted in Pakistan in connection with Pearl's death. Pearl's longtime friend, Asra Nomani, with whom Pearl was staying when he disappeared, suspected that more people were involved. She knew, for example, that a man who led police to Pearl's body, which was found outside Karachi, was allegedly one of the guards who had held him. But he was never charged.
Nomani, a former Wall Street Journal reporter, and Barbara Feinman Todd, an associate dean at Georgetown, created a journalism seminar in 2007 to investigate Pearl's death and write the story that he was reporting when he was kidnapped. They also wanted to learn more about terrorist cells, counterterrorism efforts and the complicated relationship between the United States and Pakistan.
In the early days of the class, Nomani told the students of her longtime friendship with Pearl, a musician who hung out with her in Adams Morgan bars after work in the 1990s. She asked the students, a mix of undergraduates and graduates, to talk about their own memories of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
The class immediately felt different -- more emotional, weightier, students said. "We weren't sitting in front of a textbook reading about Danny Pearl's case," said Erin Delmore, a 2008 graduate. "We were in it, head-first in it."
In 2002, Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh was found guilty of planning Pearl's kidnapping and murder and was sentenced to death. Three others were sentenced to life in prison. When the trial began, Pakistani officials said seven other suspects remained at large.
At a 2007 hearing at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where he is being held, Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, said he killed Pearl. "I decapitated with my blessed right hand the head of the American Jew Daniel Pearl, in the city of Karachi, Pakistan," he said.
CONTINUED 1 2 Next >
google mansoor ijaz obama campaign
NEWSMEAT ▷ Mansoor Ijaz's Federal Campaign Contribution ReportCAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTION SEARCH (individual donations of $200 or more since 1978) ... President OBAMA FOR AMERICA, Won, $2300 primary, 02/08/08. IJAZ, MANSOOR ...
google mansoor ijaz bill clinton
As of February 2006 companies that are related to Crescent Investment Management LLC are:
Ijaz Chief Executive, Abrahamson, chief technology officer, Lt Gen Tom McInerney (USAF Ret), non-executive chairman, and Amb R James Woolsey, chairman of the Board of Advisers
Crescent Technology Ventures PLC (CTV), a publicly quoted company on the AIM Market of London Stock Exchange whose directors and advisers include Ijaz Chief Executive, Abrahamson, chief technology officer, Lt Gen Tom McInerney (USAF Ret), non-executive chairman, and Amb R James Woolsey, chairman of the Board of Advisers. CTV is "developing homeland-security technologies" [2] with a focus on "Internet and cyber-security, air and seaport cargo container security, stratospheric telecommunications platforms and alternative energy development." [3]
Crescent Hydropolis Resorts PLC (CHR), a London Stock Exchange (AIM) quoted company founded in 2005 which Ijaz is chief executive of, "which is franchising and constructing the world's first underwater hotels and resorts. Proposed sites for Hydropolis Hotels include Dubai, Oman, Monaco, Las Vegas, Rio de Janeiro and Qingdao." [4]
The Crescent Investment Group, Inc. which is the managing member of Crescent Investment Management LLC and of Crescent Equity Partners LLC.
Crescent Equity Partners PLC is a private New York partnership between Ijaz, Abrahamson and "the heir to a European shipping family."
The Ijaz Group, Inc., owned by members of the Mansoor Ijaz family.
Thomas G. McInerney is a retired U.S. Air Force officer and senior military analyst for Fox News.[1] He retired on July 1, 1994 after serving as assistant vice chief of staff, Headquarters U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C. where he was "responsible for the organization and administration of the Air Staff" and also served as "deputy chairman of the Air Force Council and is the Air Force accreditation official for the Air Attache Corps."[2]
google general ahmad biden
Lt. General Mahmoud Ahmad
google georgetown daniel pearl
google brig cheema General Mahmoud Ahmad
Is General Ahmad to people what WTC7 is to buildings on 9/11?, page 1If it can be shown that General Ahmad wired $100000 to Mohammed Atta in the days ..... Apparently Joe Biden met with Ahmad on 9/13/01.
[PDF] Cover-up or Complicity of the Bush Administration? The Role of ...File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
The Bush Administration was fully cognizant of Lt. General Ahmad's role. In ... 11, he also met Senator Joseph Biden, chairman of the powerful Committee on ...
On the morning of September 11, Pakistan's Chief Spy General Mahmoud Ahmad, the alleged "money-man" behind the 9-11 hijackers, was at a breakfast meeting on Capitol Hill hosted by Senator Bob Graham and Rep. Porter Goss, the chairmen of the Senate and House Intelligence committees.
The idea for the class began in summer 2002, after four men were convicted in Pakistan in connection with Pearl's death. Pearl's longtime friend, Asra Nomani, with whom Pearl was staying when he disappeared, suspected that more people were involved. She knew, for example, that a man who led police to Pearl's body, which was found outside Karachi, was allegedly one of the guards who had held him. But he was never charged.
Daniel Pearl and Ahmed Omar
The Journalist and The Terrorist
(Daniel Pearl and Ahmed Omar Saeed Sheikh)
The Journalist and The Terrorist
By Robert Sam Anson
Vanity Fair, August 2002
There is a lot else about Danny and the people who picked him up that is dissimilar, but every reporter has got to start somewhere. And the place Danny Pearl began, shortly after 9/11, was with a phone call to a number in Manhattan.
On the line that morning was Mansoor Ijaz, founder and chairman of Crescent Investment Management, L.L.C., and a U.S.born-and-bred Pakistani-American with unusual friends and interests. His business partner is Lieutenant General James Abrahamson, former director of Ronald Reagan's Star Wars program; the vice-chairman of his board, R. James Woolsey, director of the Central Intelligence Agency under Bill Clinton. For a time Ijaz was also chums with Clinton and his national-security adviser Samuel Berger. This came in handy in April 1997, when, as a private citizen, Ijaz negotiated Sudan's counterterrorism offer to the U.S., and again in August 2000, when Ijaz had Pakistan and India on the seeming verge of cooling the Kashmir cauldron. The deal broke down, as did the relationship with the White House. But soon enough Ijaz was back, as tight with George W. and Condie as he'd been with Bill and Sandy.
Danny called on a tip from Indian intelligence, which said Ijaz was wired with leading jihadis. Figuring that a prominent Pakistani-American who came recommended by Indian spooks to get to Muslim militants must have been a gold mine for Danny, I did the same nine months later.
Ijaz confirmed my figuring.
"He said he wanted to try to understand the psychology behind the jihadi groups," Ijaz recalls. "He wanted to try to get into the mind of the people running the show. He wanted me to introduce him to people who could open doors for him."
Danny's religion also came up.
I said to him at one point, 'I presume from your name that you are Jewish. Is that correct?' He said, 'Yes.' I said, 'Well, you have to understand that this is going to be a huge stumbling block for you. Because [the militants] are going to pick up on that very quickly, and The Wall Street Journal is not viewed as the voice of the Muslim people."'
Danny, who'd reported from Iran and Sudan without difficulty, did not seem concerned, and Ijaz made introductions to three sources: Shaheen Sehbai, editor of The News, Pakistan's largest English language daily; a jihadi activist he declines to name; and — most fatefully — Khalid Khawaja, a Muslim militant and a onetime agent with Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI) who counts among his very best friends Osama bin Laden.
Journalists acquainting themselves with Pakistan usually come to Karachi last or don't come, period. I'd resolved to be among the latter category, after Benazir Bhutto advised that Karachi was "so dangerous." I changed my mind after several weeks testing calmer Pakistani waters and convincing myself that former prime ministers don't know anything — typical journalist thinking, when a story's good. Danny, however, came here first. He was after Muslim militants, and Karachi is their Rome. Besides, an old friend from the Journal was soon to arrive. Her name was Asra Nomani.
Asra, who'd been at the Journal since 1988, was a Dow Jones original. For starters, she was an Indian-born Muslim from Morgantown, West Virginia, where her father helped found the first mosque. And corporate America, Asra wasn't: in January 2000 she took a leave to write a book about Tantra.
She'd been conducting her research from India. Shortly after 9/11, however, Salon.com appointed her its Central Asia correspondent and she later took a house in Karachi, a fact that almost certainly did not go unnoticed by Pakistan's ISI, which keeps tabs on foreign journalists, particularly those from India, who are presumed, ipso facto. spies...
But despite his talk of bin Laden's being "a man like an angel," Khawaja was sufficiently broad-minded in his allegiances that he got the Taliban to agree to receive Ijaz and ex-C.I.A. director Woolsey.
Khawaja, in short, was a source to kill for, and Danny charmed him. Describing the reporter to Ijaz as "competent, straightforward," and not given to asking "inappropriate questions," Khawaja agreed to steer Danny to leading jihadis and to be a sounding board during his time in country.
Brig Cheema says Omar misleading investigators
By Arshad Sharif
In response to a question about his involvement with the Afghan war, Khawaja told Dawn that Mansur Ijaz, a lobbyist for Pakistan in the US and former CIA director James Woolsey were in contact with him for negotiations with the Taliban for release of hostages till Oct 6, the day when the US started bombing on Afghanistan.
Showing the exchange of his correspondence with Mansur Ijaz and James Woolsey, Khawaja claimed that he had good relations with Taliban. However, the official sources said Khawaja was not assigned any such role by the government.
Replying to a question about his meeting with Daniel Pearl, the ex-ISI operative, who also runs a business firm doing research and development for the Pakistan Navy, and is also involved in telecommunications and CNG business, said: "Danny first time contacted me from Bombay at the end of September by giving a reference of Mansoor Ijaz, an American businessman involved in track-two diplomacy on Kashmir and Afghanistan."
Khawaja claimed that he introduced Mr Pearl to his contacts and arranged interviews with Taliban diplomats and other people.
Recalling his recent meetings with the kidnapped reporter, Khawaja said Daniel Pearl had became interested in Mubarak Shah Gillani during January.
"On January 6 or 7, Pearl called me to arrange an interview with Gillani which I instantly ruled out," Khawaja told Dawn.
He said after the refusal, Pearl did not contact him again but another intriguing visitor, Asra Nomani, an Indian American, established contacts with him through his wife. Khawaja claimed that Asra Nomani visited his house on a number of occasions but the last he heard from her was on the morning of Jan 24 before the morning prayers. "Asra told me about Danny's disappearance and sought help in recovering him."
Later, Khawaja said, her tone changed and she threatened to give the whole story to the police who were present with her. A police official talked to me and sought help in tracing Mubarik Shah Gillani.
"They did not consult me before going for the interview but it is surprising why they chose me to be the first person to be informed about Daniel's kidnapping," Khawaja said, questioning if Daniel Pearl and Asra Nomani had somehow crossed the danger point from where other journalists had chosen to retreat earlier.
Khawaja said Asra Nomani gave him the mobile phones of individuals they contacted for arranging the interview thinking that he knew them....
Informed sources said the interest of Daniel Pearl and Farah Stockman of Boston Globe in tracing out Gillani had raised suspicions about their "professional interests."
The journalists were investigating things which were beyond the reach of FBI, a thing which was not liked by many who are pursuing their own agendas despite President Musharraf's strong directives.
According to Khawaja, he was being considered a suspect who led Daniel Pearl into trouble. Sharing the exchange of correspondence with the Newsweek,Khawaja said it was on the intervention of Mansur Ijaz that Newsweek toned down its article which was allegedly raising an accusing finger on him. Following is the text of the letter written by Gretel Kovach of Newsweek to Khalid Khawaja:
"If it is any consolation, you may have read in the e-mails I sent Mansoor that the Newsweek article would have been much stronger in pointing the finger at you as the person who led Danny into trouble. Thankfully I spoke with Mansoor and was able to offer a contrary account - that you refused Danny's request, and that others tricked him into thinking he could meet Gilani. Sadly it wasn't enough to completely overpower the Pakistani sources other Newsweek people had at the time, but it was something."
Daniel Pearl, it is learnt, was not the only journalist looking for Mubarik Shah Gillani. Farah Stockman of Boston Globe delivered a letter at the house of father of Mubarik Shah Gillani, which according to Khawaja's claim was handed over to him....
Journalist Pearl Was Also An Israeli Citizen Says Israeli Media
WASHINGTON - We now learn that Daniel Pearl, the kidnapped and killed Wall Street Journal reporter, was an Israeli citizen. It seems he was reporting for years on extraordinarily controversial subjects for an extremely controversial pro-Israeli publication - but apparently neither he nor the publication ever revealed this fact to readers. What more may we learn next?
As usual, the courageous and tireless journalist who is such a credit to his profession, Robert Fisk, asks many of the necessary questions and points fingers where they deserve to be pointed. Fisk's article was written before the revelation today that Pearl was an Israeli. "Where did we go wrong" Fisk rightly asks...and gives some of the important answers.
By Yossi Melman
Ha'aretz Daily
Professor Yehuda Pearl, father of murdered Wall Street Journal reporter
Daniel Pearl, has told Ha'aretz that he fears that making public his son's
Israeli citizenship could adversely affect investigative efforts by Pakistani
police to apprehend the killers and track down the murdered reporter's body.
Brig Cheema says Omar misleading investigators
By Arshad Sharif
February 15, 2002
In response to a question about his involvement with the Afghan war, Khawaja told Dawn that Mansur Ijaz, a lobbyist for Pakistan in the US and former CIA director James Woolsey were in contact with him for negotiations with the Taliban for release of hostages till Oct 6, the day when the US started bombing on Afghanistan.
Showing the exchange of his correspondence with Mansur Ijaz and James Woolsey, Khawaja claimed that he had good relations with Taliban.
However, the official sources said Khawaja was not assigned any such role by the government.
Replying to a question about his meeting with Daniel Pearl, the ex-ISI operative, who also runs a business firm doing research and development for the Pakistan Navy, and is also involved in telecommunications and CNG business, said: "Danny first time contacted me from Bombay at the end of September by giving a reference of Mansoor Ijaz, an American businessman involved in track-two diplomacy on Kashmir and Afghanistan."
Khawaja claimed that he introduced Mr Pearl to his contacts and arranged interviews with Taliban diplomats and other people.
Recalling his recent meetings with the kidnapped reporter, Khawaja said Daniel Pearl had became interested in Mubarak Shah Gillani during January.
"On January 6 or 7, Pearl called me to arrange an interview with Gillani which I instantly ruled out," Khawaja told Dawn.
He said after the refusal, Pearl did not contact him again but another intriguing visitor, Asra Nomani, an Indian American, established contacts with him through his wife. Khawaja claimed that Asra Nomani visited his house on a number of occasions but the last he heard from her was on the morning of Jan 24 before the morning prayers.
"Asra told me about Danny's disappearance and sought help in recovering him."
Later, Khawaja said, her tone changed and she threatened to give the whole story to the police who were present with her. A police official talked to me and sought help in tracing Mubarik Shah Gillani.
"They did not consult me before going for the interview but it is surprising why they chose me to be the first person to be informed about Daniel's kidnapping," Khawaja said, questioning if Daniel Pearl and Asra Nomani had somehow crossed the danger point from where other journalists had chosen to retreat earlier.
Khawaja said Asra Nomani gave him the mobile phones of individuals they contacted for arranging the interview thinking that he knew them.....
Informed sources said the interest of Daniel Pearl and Farah Stockman of Boston Globe in tracing out Gillani had raised suspicions about their "professional interests."...
The journalists were investigating things which were beyond the reach of FBI, a thing which was not liked by many who are pursuing their own agendas despite President Musharraf's strong directives.
According to Khawaja, he was being considered a suspect who led Daniel Pearl into trouble. Sharing the exchange of correspondence with the Newsweek, Khawaja said it was on the intervention of Mansur Ijaz that Newsweek toned down its article which was allegedly raising an accusing finger on him. Following is the text of the letter written by Gretel Kovach of Newsweek to Khalid Khawaja:
"If it is any consolation, you may have read in the e-mails I sent Mansoor that the Newsweek article would have been much stronger in pointing the finger at you as the person who led Danny into trouble. Thankfully I spoke with Mansoor and was able to offer a contrary account — that you refused Danny's request, and that others tricked him into thinking he could meet Gilani. Sadly it wasn't enough to completely overpower the Pakistani sources other Newsweek people had at the time, but it was something."
Daniel Pearl, it is learnt, was not the only journalist looking for Mubarik Shah Gillani. Farah Stockman of Boston Globe delivered a letter at the house of father of Mubarik Shah Gillani, which according to Khawaja's claim was handed over to him.
U.S. journalist Daniel Pearl is dead, officials confirm
February 22, 2002
He was lured from his Karachi apartment following a tip from a source regarding his research on a story about possible ties between accused "shoe bomber" Richard Reid and a Pakistani militant. He was on his way to what he believed was an interview with Sheikh Mubarik ali Gilani, the head of the fundamentalist Islamic Jamaat ul-Fuqra group.
His kidnappers had initially demanded the release of Pakistani detainees at the U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, where captured al Qaeda and Taliban fighters are being held. The kidnappers accused Pearl of being a spy -- an accusation strongly denied by the CIA and his newspaper -- and vowed to kill Pearl if their demands were not met.
Project Pearl: The Bravest Class in Town......
Jessica Rettig, a 20-year-old journalism student wearing a bright blue cotton sundress and flip-flops, is sitting in her professor's office at Georgetown University, dialing a number in Pakistan. She's hoping to interview a man with possible ties to terrorists.
The man answers the phone and says he'd be glad to talk, but asks: Could they do it by e-mail instead? Rettig takes down his e-mail address, hangs up the phone, and sends him a quick note. Almost immediately it bounces back: address unknown. The e-mail is a fake.
It's a hard lesson — one of many — in what might be the toughest class in town.
Rettig and 20 other students are trying to track down the killers of Danny Pearl, the Wall Street Journal reporter who was kidnapped and beheaded by Islamic radicals in Pakistan in early 2002, a few months after the 9/11 attacks. The murder — which was the subject of the 2007 movie A Mighty Heart, starring Angelina Jolie — shocked the world and marked a new era of peril for reporters. The images of Pearl, a handsome, 38-year-old father-to-be, with a gun pointed at his head set the precedent for the sort of brazen kidnappings that have since become common in Iraq.........
A few of the students have only a foggy memory of the murder they are investigating, since they were just 13 years old or so when it happened. Others remember it vividly. Clara Zabludowsky, 20, recalls her high-school friends watching the murder video on the Internet after terrorists circulated it. "I couldn't look at it myself," she says. Shilpika Das, 26, a graduate student from India, watched the video and felt "horrified."
Nomani watched it herself with one of her graduate students, 27-year-old Kira Zalan. "I felt it was necessary in order to understand the forensic evidence the FBI has," says Nomani. "It's the ugly truth. To run from it seemed like doing our mission a disservice."
Among the students' many successes: They have managed to get their hands on the full-length version of the video — not the edited version that the terrorists released. (Nomani and Zalan got it from a source who can't be named for security reasons; the FBI has a copy as well.) On the longer video, the hands and feet of the killers are visible, along with other details that might eventually help to identify them.
Some of the students' parents worry about the grisly nature of what their kids are researching. Rettig says her folks "weren't thrilled" when she chased down the brother of the courier who had delivered the murder video to officials back in 2002. Rettig knocked on the man's door in Florida, then talked to him inside his home. Her younger brother was outside in the car. "He's a big guy," she says, "so I figured I could call on him if I needed him."
Judea Pearl's morality scam
by Joachim Martillo (
Judea Pearl is apparently taking a break from his attempt to make Wall Street Journal Reporter Danny Pearl the Ann Frank of the War on Terror.
Below is an announcement of the latest effort of the Daniel Pearl Foundation to rewrite basic morality in the service of Zionism so that Americans will view Israeli interlopers and thieves as somehow morally equivalent to the native population that they have with malice aforethought and in cold blood brutalized, murdered, dispossessed, ethnically cleansed and genocided for the last 100 years.
I am sorry that Judea Pearl lost his son, but journalism is often a dangerous profession even if Americans have forgotten this fact some time between the murders of George Polk (May 1948) and Anna Politkovskaya (Oct. 7, 2006).
The risks to Pearl in tracking down the Pakistani connections of the shoe bomber Richard Reed were so obvious that Pearl's management is guilty of gross negligence for sending him and one has to wonder what Pearl was thinking when he accepted the assignment.
The Daniel Pearl Foundation could prove that it is not just another Judeo-centric fraud by demanding the release of Al-Jazeera reporter, Sami al-Haj, from Guantanamo. [Update: The release of Al-Haj was reported on May 1, 2008.).......
BPD(Before Pearl Decapitation)
Shoe bomber Richard Reid and the Izz el-Deen al-Qassam Brigades
Exclusive to DEBKAfile
December 31, 2001
Shoe bomber Richard Reid may have been strip-searched by Israel's security-conscious El Al airlines before they flew him from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv in July 2001, but in the Gaza Strip he was accorded upgraded hospitality.
According to DEBKAfile's military and intelligence sources, Nabil Aqal, one of the senior operations officers of Hamas's military wing, the Izz el-Deen al-Qassam brigades, laid out the personal welcome mat, hosting the strapping Briton at his home in Gaza's Jabalya refugee camp for several days.
Aqal was related to Imad Aqal, the brigades' operations officer in the first Intifada in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Israel liquidated Imad Aqal in late 1991, when the uprising was on the wane. He did not treat his unusually tall visitor like any chance tourist. Reid was kept carefully hidden in Nabil Aqal's home away from prying eyes, except for a nocturnal outing round the Gaza coastal area and its famous fish restaurants. Aqal was seen playing the tour guide for his important guest, an extraordinary display of hospitality on the part of a senior al-Qassam officer. Fundamentalist Hamas leaders usually give the restaurant strip and its free-flowing alcohol a wide berth, acutely aware that that it is also teeming with the spies and informers employed by the various intelligence agencies services operating in the Gaza Strip.
DEBKAfile's intelligence sources report that the multinational inquiry into Reid's actions at Aqal's home focus on question of where Reid received the explosive shoes he tried to detonate aboard the American Airlines Paris-Miami flight on December 22. Were the explosives handed over in Aqal's home, by his host or a Hizballah visitor?.....
Investigation of the Reid episode has exposed evidence of cross-fertilization in the international terrorist movement. In a word, the operational marriage Arafat sealed with the Hizballah to enhance the effectiveness of his confrontation with Israel, yielded a contribution to the international terror campaign 19 months later............
Had Israel spoken up, or at least dropped some hint about Reid, he never would have been allowed to board the American Airlines plane. Washington would have tipped off French authorities, which would have picked Reid up immediately on his arrival in Paris.........
The Americans believe someone at ICTS must have known that Reid planned to take that flight and passed it on to Israel, which withheld information that could have prevented a major air disaster.........
The Israeli response to US allegations is no less harsh. They admit letting Reid board an El Al flight from Amsterdam to Tel Aviv in July, although an armed sky marshal was ordered to sit next to him. This was a calculated risk in order to find out who Reid's contacts were in Israel and the Palestinian territories and the only way to cover his movements effectively.
Israel also realized eight months ago that terrorist operatives had discovered a "dead spot" in support beams for electronic scanning equipment at airports, located roughly 10 cm (four inches) from the floor, through which weapons and explosives can pass undetected....
Israel passed this discovery on to the Americans with a recommendation to pay particular attention to the shoes of suspect passengers.....
Reid's were therefore taken off and examined when showed up at Amsterdam airport for his flight to Tel Aviv, but nothing was found. However, Washington, say the Israelis, failed to act on their warning. Indeed, prior to the September 11 attacks in New York and Washington, they accuse US authorities of consistently ignoring Israeli information linking al-Qaeda and Hizballah terror networks and operations to Arafat and his senior security and intelligence lieutenants. As a result, Israel decided not to bother to let the United States know about Reid last July.
Major General Amos Malka, the outgoing chief of Israeli military intelligence, gave the following account in a farewell interview with Israel's Maariv newspaper on December 28:
"Two years ago, Israeli intelligence services received concrete information about Hizballah activities among the Moslem communities in Europe aimed at developing a terrorist infrastructure. Israel asked intelligence agencies and Western governments to put a stop to these Hizballah activities. Their response was hostile, accusing us of distorting information for political gain. Today, the world understands things differently and is more ready to hear us out."
Northern Rock,Rupert Murdoch Times,Naked Short Lie:Steve Forbes Brings Economic Porn To London or
NTU,James Dale Davidson Naked Short Lie:Steve Forbes Brings Economic Pornography To Wardlaw-Hartridge High School Students
South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford Lauds Bill Clinton's Washington,D.C. Stock Fraud Money Launderer James Dale Davidson !
SEC Cyber Czar John Reed Stark,Steve Honig, Joshua A Ridless,Image Entertainment
Lord William Rees-Mogg, Agora Inc And.Bill Bonner's Racist Attack On Barack Obama
Fannie Mae Naked Short Lie:SEC Chris Cox,Agora Inc.,James Dale
Davidson, Lord Rees-Mogg LOM Bermuda,Schwab,vFinance Stock Fraud
Fannie Mae:Congessman Barney Frank Goes Down On Moses,Tim Mahoney
Pimps Mistress,SEC Chris Cox Cries 'Naked Shorts'
SEC,Fannie Mae,Freddie Mac,'Naked Shorting' Lie:John McCain, Chris
Cox,James Dale Davidson Massive Stock Fraud
First U.S.Government Censored 9/11 Al Qaeda Video:Fox News' War Porn
Star Jack Idema Tortures In Afghanistan
Nazi Pope Benedict XVI,Sarah Palin's UnWed Pregnant Teenager,Nancy
Pelosi's Papal Smear
9/11,Dem VP Joe Biden,Hunter Biden's Paradigm and Israeli Delaware
Corp ICTS International
Swissair 111 Crash,Israeli PM Ehud Olmert,Morris Talansky and AIPAC
Attorney Neal Sher Cover Up
Gremach Infrastructure's Google India Attack,Mozambique Coal Baron Squalor
Campbell White's Jonathan Heimberg - Pseudo Christian ?, Judeo Fascist ?,CIA ?
India Bombing,Ken Haywood,Campbell White,Door Ministries,Christian
Fellowship Ministries
Yahoo!,India Bombing: Campbell White Computer and Strange Fox
News-Frank Luntz Connection
Yahoo!'s China,U.S. Government Agents Jerry Yang,Carl Icahn,Missing
White House E-Mail,Adnan Khashoggi, GenesisIntermedia Stock Fraud,
Fox News: Greg Gutfeld,Adolf Hitler's Jewish Relative,Defends New
Yorker Barack Obama Hit Piece
Israeli Foreign Agent Sharon Tzur, Media Watch International,PM Ehud
Olmert,Rudy Giuliani,Morris Talansky Bribery,Fraud
CNN,Wolf Blitzer Cover Up Helped Ehud Olmert To Israeli PM Office
9/11:While Boston Slept,Logan Airport,ICTS International,Israeli PM
Ehud Olmert's Money Launderer Menachem Atzmon Looked On......
9/11:Bush,Kuwaiti,Israeli Involvement Documented In Securities
Exchange Commission Filings
W Bush,Chabad-Lubavitch,Rubashkin's Agriprocessors: Kosher Guns,Drugs,
Ilegal Rabbis,Guatemala Wage Slaves
WeCu,9/11:U.S.Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff Promotes
Israeli 'Security' Fraud
Israel PM Ehud Olmert,Menachem Atzmon,ICTS International,Morris
Talansky Global Technologies, U.S.Stock Money Launderers, WTC,
9/11/01,SwissAir 111,9/2/98
UK Robert Wishart London Money Laundering,SEC's,Georgetown
University's, John Polise,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz:Peace Corp'S Dayton Daily News
Critic,,Friend To Fraud
California Attorney Francis Pizzulli,Robert F Kennedy
Assassination,Afghhan Torture and Penny Stock Fraud,Money Laundering
University of California Berkeley Grads James Angel,Joshua Ridless
Join SEC Chris Cox's 'Fraud Speech Movement'
Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert's Air Water Corp stock fraud
promotes pedophilia
Ehud Olmert,'Orthodox Jews',Stock Fraud,Gay Prostitutes and Death
Community Bank Northern Virginia's David P. Summers Also Texas
Endovasc Penny Stock Fraudster
Titan Corp's Makram Chams Suspends U.S. Constitution
Wikipedia:Gary Weiss 'Edits' James Dale Davidson's and His Own
Mitt Romney,CIA James Woolsey:Fox News' Islamofascist Ijaz Mansoor's
Advice Killed WSJ Reporter Daniel Pearl
Northern Rock, GB:Republican 'Libertarian' Ron Paul Lies About 'Naked
Short Selling'
EU,Mexico,CIA,Guantanamo Rendition Plane, Cocaine, Homeland 'Security'
Ambassador Marc Ginsberg,Fox News,Xybernaut Israeli U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Scheming:Rudy Giuliani,Paul Singer, Vulture Funds Africa,Adnan
Khashoggi,W Bush
9/11,WTC,Tanya Head,Rudy Giuliani,Adnan Khashoggi,Bernie Kerik, Naked
Securities Fraud
9/11:CIA,Daily Kos,Jerome Arnstrong,Markos Moulitsas Zúniga,ICTS
Israel, Securacom Kuwait,ragingbull Fraud
Utah Governor Jon Huntsman Jr.,Securities Fraud,Stormy Simon
Striptease and Bloody Murder
Samaritan Pharmaceuticals,a Georgetown University Penny Stock Fraud
Pluristem Placentas,James Dale Davidson,Leumi Bank Israel Holocaust
Victims,U.S.Penny Stock Fraud
WTC,9/11,Logan Airport, Boston:Israeli ICTS 'Security':
Barney Frank,Ted Kennedy, John F. Kerry Face Psych Crisis
Reuters on Security Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox's
Terrorist List
Boston Logan Airport,9/11,WTC,Barney Frank,SEC,Israeli Penny Stock
Scam and Bloody Murder
Max Keiser ,Al Jazeera,Qatar promote Naked U.S. Penny Stock Fraud
Christopher'WMDS'Cox:Georgetown University James Angel Pimps Pink
Sheet Penny Stock
Ex U.S. Treasury Secretary John Snow,Michael Moore, Cerberus,Bawag
Austria and Cuba
Charles Schwab,Mantas 'AML':Did The CIA's SRA International Eat George
W Bush's E-mail ?
U.S. Ambassador Sam Fox:From Swift Boat War Fraud to Brussels,Belgium
SWIFT Finance Fraud
Israeli pResident Moshe Katsav's Penny Stock Partner Michael Zwebner
loses in U.S. Court
Cryptometrics:New Zealand Passport Office Used By U.S. Penny Stock Criminals ?
David Grin,Tel Aviv
University,Laurus Capital Management and Union Bank of Israel
FOIA,Alberto Gonzales and SEC'S Chris Cox Enron,Merrill Lynch,Latham &
Watkins conflict
Tim Mahoney,vFinance,Venus Methodist Church,Florida,Sayed MusMustafa and
Islamic Usury
Charles Schwab:vFinance's Charles Patrick Garcia receives Henry B.
Gonzalez award !?
Democrats William Jefferson,Tim Mahoney, iGate,vFinance,DOBI, Endovasc
penny stock frauds
James Dale Davidson,Charles Schwab,Tim Mahoney,VFIN, LOM and penny
stock share money laundering
Ireland Indymedia bans criticism of Lord Rees Mogg,James Dale Davidson
Post to Lord Rees-Mogg's Weblog re NASDAQ,London Stock Exchange
Virginia:Marvin Bush,Securacom,9/11,U.S. Senator George Allen,Bawag
U.S. Republican George Allen More Corrupt Than Utah Senators Bob
Bennett,Orrin Hatch ?
Asa Hutchinson,Charlie Crist,Jeb Bush,Republican stock fraud and drug
Why did Osama bin Laden choose Jeb Bush's Huffman Aviation terrorist
flight school ?
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Utah Gov Jon Huntsman,Senator Bennett, Hatch call Republican Senator
Shelby 'a gangster'
Does NY Times censor 9/11 Venice,Florida connection ?
NY Rep.Peter King,CIA,Swift,NY Times,Republican stock fraud
NY WTC 'protected' by Kuwaiti company and Marvin Bush on 9/11
Asa Hutchinson,Richard Rainwater,George W Bush,Tom DeLay & 5.6 Ton
cocaine bust in Mexico
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?
Cocaina,Ciudad Del Carmen,Campeche, Abril 10,CIA,Republicanos Y PAN
Did Israel President Moshe Katsav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
Israel: Gal Lusky's 'IFA' Caught Up in Moshe Katsav,Mohamed Hadid,
Zwebner 'UCSY' scam ?
Israel President Moshe Katsav aids massive penny stock fraud
Did Israel President Moshe Katzav aid Muslim Terrorism or only fraud ?
SEC,Schwab,Chris Cox,Hillary Clinton & Barbara Boxer Aid CIA'S
In-Q-Tel penny stock fraud
Chris Cox,SEC,Makram Majid Chams,Titan Corp,9/11,Abhu Ghraib,etc.
SEC Covers Up UAE Money Laundering with U.S. Stocks
Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian
and John O'Quinn
www.cleveland.indymedia.org/news/2005/11/17786.p...pJohn Reed Stark
UAE,SEC,Georgetown University Stock fraud Academic
fraud Cyber fraud
www.maritimes.indymedia.org/news/2006/03/12190.p...pDoes NSA Serve SRA
International's 'Cookies' ?
Porter Goss: CIA Cyber and stock fraud ops damaged by leaks ?
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson,Don Nickles, ex-CIA Chief
Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen
Asa Hutchinson,ex Congressman Tom McMillen, Fortress America,offshore
money laundering
CIA,In-Q-Tel,Amit Yoran re SRA International, Mantas Inc stock fraud
money laundering
Mantas Inc,Herndon,Va,Pro-Money Laundering Arm of International
www.ftaaimc.org/en/2005/12 /7186.shtml
CIA and Gilman Louie are
less than honest
Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering
Cocaina,UE,Mexico,CIA,Avion De Rendicion,Estados Unidos Departamento
de'Homeland Security'
Papa Benedicto,Erroneas Concepciones En Cuanto A La Concepcion Y La
Historia De La Ciencia
Jerry Weller,Rios Montt,Bancafe Guatemala, Bawag Austria,Refco y
'Acciones de Centavos'
Cocaína,Ciudad Del Carmen, Campeche, Abril 10:¿CIA,Republicanos Y PAN?
Tony Ryals
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