ANON | 30.12.2008 20:26 | Repression
is the indymedia uk doing the same that the indymedia from germany ....what happen with the pics and videos from what happen yesterday in the demo ??? police hats on fire , massive mosh aginst the pigs , smoke bombs inside the embassy , huge plastic cones on fire aginst the cops , banners on fire , occupation of the main streets of kensington with all that posh wankers scared to death , A mob of 200 people against the pigs , metal barriers flying away to the pigs , this is the kind of stuff you shud show ..PEOLE IS ANGRY AND WILL NOT STOP dont be like another normal media ...report action and show solidarity ...UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL is revolucionary cell in every heart ps_ and please dont erase this post you guys already erase 2 ..if you guys still doing that actions will be take
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