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Traffic Kills

Doug | 30.12.2008 12:17 | Climate Chaos | Social Struggles

This is an action for pedestrians and cyclists using the ′Meetup′ formula for local networking.

Traffic Kills seems to have started in Torino in February of this year but is now catching on in cities around the world. They say of themselves, ″Traffic Kills is an eco world-wide community founded to inspire individuals to act in first person with the aim of improving their environment by promoting initiatives for a real change and a sustainable everyday life″. What they appear to do is to cross and recross a busy road repeatedly so as to hold up traffic. London video and report:

The aim here is similar to some, but not all, of those who attend Critical Mass, to make their presence felt among the dominant and threatening car culture on our public roads.




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All people using roads are road traffic

30.12.2008 21:46

The concept sounds useful - but the name is unfortunately: cyclist, pedistrians, wheelchair users etc. - no matter the propulsion method, we are all traffic.

The heavier and faster the traffic, and the poorer the reaction times, the more likely to kill.



31.12.2008 00:40

The website is 404 and "Under re-development"

Is playing chicken with traffic really a progression from CM? You're either in the road making a clear statement or out of it being ignored, so I can't see how this is much of a progression from RTS either. Still, nice to see new initiatives being taken against cars.



31.12.2008 04:37

″Traffic Kills is an eco world-wide community founded to inspire individuals to act in first person with the aim of improving their environment by promoting initiatives for a real change and a sustainable everyday life″.

If someone is crossing the road repeatedly and this is their explanation, then no one sat in traffic is going to have a clue why. They are just going to be a bit late, they won't know why. And if you are a hospital worker or an emergency vehicle, being a bit late can be a very bad thing. A guy died recently near where i live from blood loss after a cycling accident because the ambulance couldn't get to the hospital in time. The cause... a football match and lots of people crossing the road.

Crossing the road to slow traffic is NOT improving the environment. It is causing a small traffic jam and a slight increase in conjestion which is BAD for the environment.
