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New London Independent Media Meetup group

Peter | 30.12.2008 11:31 | Analysis | Culture | Technology

A new Independent Media Meetup group has been formed which is having it's inaugural meetup on January 6th.

The first meetup will be on January 6th, 7.30pm, at the Inspiral Lounge in Camden, London.

We'll be having at least one presentation on:
- various independent media outlets
- possible methods of production
- ways to package and distribute
- ways to consume (i.e. consumer devices)
- trends
- licencing possibilities
- and more

Presentations aim to be rich in information, quick, concise, inspiring and delivering value to attendees. If you might be interested in delivering a short presentation please get in touch.

This group's meetups aim to:
* provide professionally delivered presentations rich in information, quick, concise and inspiring
* have relaxed, self orderly, respectful and open atmospheres
* help attendees access independent media easily, conveniently and in comfort
* support those creating their own media
* encourage debate on business models, licencing and methods of distribution
* encourage networking amongst members
* help connect intelligent and free minds

The group's meetup group:
The group's website:



Hide the following 6 comments

Anyone know who these guys are

30.12.2008 11:43

Their freebee website is no more forthcoming than this post.


That'd be me...

30.12.2008 12:27

Well I set it up with a little help from my better half. My name is Peter O'Brien, I run my own business, Surrey Films Ltd.

The reason I don't put myself or this information forward in this post or on the group's website (sorry it's not meant to appear as 'freebie') is that in setting this group up it is not my agenda to promote myself or my business but to hopefully network and learn more from others.

Peter O'Brien
mail e-mail:

Far more info needed

30.12.2008 14:01

hmmm... apart from this general announcement, have any specific groups or individuals from specific projects been invited?

So little is expressed in the post that it is impossible to tell even vaguely what is envisioned from this new group. Is it meant to be a network of existing projects and for what purpose?

I don't want to sound dismissive but this post is the first I've heard of this thing and being involved in quite a few independent media projects in London it's not unreasonable to expect to either have heard something previously or be provided with more information in this post about the goals and intentions behind the new group.


wot is indepndent?

30.12.2008 16:03

... works for Disney and the BBC state prop machine. Change the system from within, ha ha? No wonder it is at the alt--hippie-yuppie Inspiral Lounge..Along with those who use peoples protests ( see monday photos - not just cop cameras ) as a career ladder or alt business opportunity, or 'inspiration'......Am I just cynical Peter or have I been burnt to many times by ' media activists'? Prove me wrong?


Why is this shit on Indymedia?

30.12.2008 17:58

middle class advertising trash, please remove!


"...having it's inaugural meetup..."

30.12.2008 21:15

"...having it's inaugural meetup..."

Ouch! That doesn't bode well...
