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Details of national and local protests to end bombing of Gaza

HANDS OFF GAZA | 29.12.2008 23:53 | Palestine


Nearest tube Westminster. Called by Palestine Solidarity
Campaign, Stop the War Coalition, British Muslim Initiative
and many other organisations.



TUESDAY 30 DECEMBER, 2 - 4pm outside Israeli Embassy,
Kensington High Street, London, W4. Nearest tube
Kensingston High Street (turn right out of tube station and
walk along the main road.

WEDNESDAY 31 DECEMBER, 2 - 4pm outside Israeli Embassy

THURSDAY 1 JANUARY, 2 - 4pm outside Israeli Embassy

FRIDAY 2 JANUARY 2 - 4 pm. Outside the Egyptian Embassy, .
26 South Street, London, W1K 1DW. Call for Egypt to open
the border immediately.


Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Outside Lloyds TSB St Vincent
Street then assemble for demo at Blytheswood Square 2pm

Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Foot of the Mound, Princes

Centre, opposite the Hippodrome, Tuesday - Friday 5.00 -
6.00 and Saturday 3.00 - 4.00.

Tuesday 30 December 12 to 1pm. outside Cardiff Market/ St
John's Church, the Hayes
Wednesday 31 December New Year Vigil. Nye Bevan Statue,
Queen Street

Tuesday 30 December 12 noon, Market Square

Tuesday 30 December 12 to 2pm, West Quay Entrance, High

Saturday 3 January 11am, Guildhall Square
Organised by Portsmouth Network for a Just Settlement of the
Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Portsmouth Stop the War Coalition

Saturday 3 January, 11am. Queen Victoria Square.



Brighton Gaza vigil

30.12.2008 10:42

There is a vigil on Wednesday 31st December at 1pm at the Clock Tower, Brighton to protest Israel's bombardment of Gaza.

free Gaza

Newcastle Upon Tyne

30.12.2008 13:25

Gaza massacre - Emergency Protest
Saturday 3rd January, Grey's Monument, Newcastle, 12 noon-2pm
Organised by Newcastle PSC, Tyneside StWC & University Friends of Palestine
Please bring placards, banners, flags, etc.



30.12.2008 14:00

There will also be a demo in Brighton on Saturday the 3rd of January. Churchill Square 12.30.



Hide the following 6 comments

leeds demo???

30.12.2008 02:41

there was a anounced leeds demmo i was wondering if that was going ahead as its not posted

leeds Palestine


30.12.2008 14:04

There will also be a demo in Brighton on Saturday the 3rd of January. Churchill Square 12.30.


Sheffield: Emergency call for protest against the massacres in Gaza

30.12.2008 20:13

Saturday 3rd January 2009: Rally for Palestine

Assemble at 12 noon this Saturday outside Sheffield Town Hall to protest against the Israeli massacres of hundreds of Palestinians inside Gaza and the continuing siege of Gaza.

There is also a demonstration in London and supporters are encouraged to attend the demonstration in London if you can.

Protests are taking place in many countries - please make sure we add the voice of Sheffield people to the call for an end to Israeli outrages.

Sheffield PSC
- Homepage:

Saturday 3rd Jan Gaza Demo from EMBANKMENT 12.30!NOT 2pmParliament sq,kid shoes&

02.01.2009 08:55

Assemble 12:30pm Along Embankment, by Embankment tube station, LONDON WC2 - Nearest tube Embankment or Charing Cross heading to Trafalgar Sq, assembly at Parliament sq cancelled due to police pressure.

FRIDAY 2 JANUARY 2 - 4 pm. Outside the Egyptian Embassy, .
26 South Street, London, W1K 1DW. Call for Egypt to open
the border immediately.

********************************* DEMONSTRATIONS ROUND THE COUNTRY

GLASGOW Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Outside Lloyds TSB St Vincent
Street then assemble for demo at Blytheswood Square 2pm

EDINBURGH Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Foot of the Mound, Princes Street

BRISTOL Centre, opposite the Hippodrome, Friday 5.00 -6.00 and Saturday 3.00 - 4.00.

PORTSMOUTH Saturday 3 January 11am, Guildhall Sq,Organised by Portsmouth Network for a Just Settlement of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Portsmouth Stop the War Coalition

HULL Saturday 3 January, 11am. Queen Victoria Square.

NEWCASTLE Saturday 3rd January, Grey's Monument, Newcastle, 12 noon-2pm
Organised by Newcastle PSC, Tyneside StWC & University Friends of Palestine
Please bring placards, banners, flags, etc.

NOTTINGHAM buses leave salutation Inn,maid marion way 8am, call 07970893981, to confirm free return tickets

BRIGHTON There will also be a demo in Brighton on Saturday the 3rd of January. Churchill Square 12.30.

DERBY Friday 2 January 2009 - 2pm Protest/march against the genocide by Israel on Palestine Derby Market Place, opposite Assembly rooms, 2pm

CAMBRIDGESaturday 3rd January - 11.30 onwards
Silent Vigil in Cambridge Market Square - Outside the Guildhall
Women in Black in conjunction with Cambridge PSC, Stop the War and representatives from Cambridge churches

LEICESTER Saturday 3rd January 12 noon - 2pm at the Clock Tower Leicester. Leicester Protest against Israeli massacres in Gaza

SHREWSBURY Saturday 3 January 2pm - Peace Vigil in The Square, Shrewsbury Town Centre

LANCASTER Sat 3rd Jan – PROTEST Lancaster - Museum Steps, 11.30am

CAERNARFON Saturday, January 3 11am -1pm Morrisons, Caernarfon Stop the attacks on Gaza. Justice for the Palestinians. Come to show your opposition to the attacks by Israel on Gaza& your solidarity with the Palestinian people. Organised by the Arfon peace and Justice Gp

BURY Saturday 3 January - Assemble 11.30am HANDS OFF GAZA - Bury Town Hall - For more information: 07857 610 426

MANCHESTER Vigil every day 5pm outside BBC Oxford road, Manchester.
Vigil to be held every night until Israel's criminal attacks cease.
Stop the Massacre in Gaza ! End the Siege Now!
Assemble: 12 noon on Cavendish St, All Saints Park on Oxford Rd. Manchester
(further down from the BBC) March through city centre to Albert Square

SHEFFIELDSaturday 3rd January: Assemble at 12 noon: Outside Sheffield Town Hall

LIVERPOOLSaturday 3rd January 12-2pm St Lukes Church - top of Bold St. Liverpool
Organised by Liverpool Friends of Palestine

HASTINGS Saturday 3rd. January - 3pm Vigil in Harold Place, Hastings - Hastings Against War

YORKProtest has been called for Saturday 3rd January 1pm, at St. Sampson's Square in York.
We hope to follow this with a march through town. Please bring banners, flags and placards. Organised by York PSC.

NORWICH Vigil/Potest12.00 noon - 1pm Saturday 3rd Jan outside St Peter Mancroft Church in the Millenium Library Square- by Norwich PSC and Norwich STWC

TUNBRIDGE WELLS Saturday 3rd Jan - 12 noon at Tunbridge Wells shopping precinct
Called by Wealden progressive movement and stop the war coalition Tunbridge wells

DURHAM Saturday 3rd January : Gaza protest march from Millennium Square (Gala Theatre) through Durham to Cathedral. Assemble 10.45am for 11am start. British Government inaction condones Israeli barbarism.

BRADFORD Saturday 3rd January - Meet 1pm Infirmary Fields, Bradford march and City Center rallySTOP THE KILLINGS IN GAZA - END THE SIEGE

EXETER Saturday 3rd January – 12 noon at Bedford Square, Exeter High St, STOP THE MASSACRE IN GAZA- END THE BOMBING - FREE PALESTINE
Wear black and bring flowers. Exeter Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Exeter Stop the War Coalition have called a protest this Saturday against Israel's bombing of Gaza.

BEDFORD Sunday 4th January 11am in Bedford town centre outside M&S

PRESTON,Protest on Sunday 4 January at 1.30 - assemble in Preston Flagmarket

Contact PSC office if you can help on the day: or call 02077006192

+ other cities demos at M&S stores who give Isreal key political support & buy £240 million of goods from them annually + city squares. Trolley aisles are being peacefully blockaded using filled trolleys or baskets & artistic actions are happeniing with leaflets handed out to increase the boycott. BBC is still giving Isreal very preferential treatment on the totattly unimpartial so let them know how we feel

Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon Brown acts to ensure:
• An immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza
• An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
• An end to Israel's violations of international law
• An end to Israeli occupation

Universal Confederalist

Saturday 3rd Jan Gaza Demo from EMBANKMENT 12.30!NOT 2pmParliament sq,kid shoes&

02.01.2009 09:13

Assemble 12:30pm Along Embankment, by Embankment tube station, LONDON WC2 - Nearest tube Embankment or Charing Cross heading to Trafalgar Sq, assembly at Parliament sq cancelled due to police pressure.

FRIDAY 2 JANUARY 2 - 4 pm. Outside the Egyptian Embassy, .
26 South Street, London, W1K 1DW. Call for Egypt to open
the border immediately.

********************************* DEMONSTRATIONS ROUND THE COUNTRY

GLASGOW Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Outside Lloyds TSB St Vincent
Street then assemble for demo at Blytheswood Square 2pm

EDINBURGH Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Foot of the Mound, Princes Street

BRISTOL Centre, opposite the Hippodrome, Friday 5.00 -6.00 and Saturday 3.00 - 4.00.

PORTSMOUTH Saturday 3 January 11am, Guildhall Sq,Organised by Portsmouth Network for a Just Settlement of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Portsmouth Stop the War Coalition

HULL Saturday 3 January, 11am. Queen Victoria Square.

NEWCASTLE Saturday 3rd January, Grey's Monument, Newcastle, 12 noon-2pm
Organised by Newcastle PSC, Tyneside StWC & University Friends of Palestine
Please bring placards, banners, flags, etc.

NOTTINGHAM buses leave salutation Inn,maid marion way 8am, call 07970893981, to confirm free return tickets

BRIGHTON There will also be a demo in Brighton on Saturday the 3rd of January. Churchill Square 12.30.

DERBY Friday 2 January 2009 - 2pm Protest/march against the genocide by Israel on Palestine Derby Market Place, opposite Assembly rooms, 2pm

CAMBRIDGESaturday 3rd January - 11.30 onwards
Silent Vigil in Cambridge Market Square - Outside the Guildhall
Women in Black in conjunction with Cambridge PSC, Stop the War and representatives from Cambridge churches

LEICESTER Saturday 3rd January 12 noon - 2pm at the Clock Tower Leicester. Leicester Protest against Israeli massacres in Gaza

SHREWSBURY Saturday 3 January 2pm - Peace Vigil in The Square, Shrewsbury Town Centre

LANCASTER Sat 3rd Jan – PROTEST Lancaster - Museum Steps, 11.30am

CAERNARFON Saturday, January 3 11am -1pm Morrisons, Caernarfon Stop the attacks on Gaza. Justice for the Palestinians. Come to show your opposition to the attacks by Israel on Gaza& your solidarity with the Palestinian people. Organised by the Arfon peace and Justice Gp

BURY Saturday 3 January - Assemble 11.30am HANDS OFF GAZA - Bury Town Hall - For more information: 07857 610 426

MANCHESTER Vigil every day 5pm outside BBC Oxford road, Manchester.
Vigil to be held every night until Israel's criminal attacks cease.
Stop the Massacre in Gaza ! End the Siege Now!
Assemble: 12 noon on Cavendish St, All Saints Park on Oxford Rd. Manchester
(further down from the BBC) March through city centre to Albert Square

SHEFFIELDSaturday 3rd January: Assemble at 12 noon: Outside Sheffield Town Hall

LIVERPOOLSaturday 3rd January 12-2pm St Lukes Church - top of Bold St. Liverpool
Organised by Liverpool Friends of Palestine

HASTINGS Saturday 3rd. January - 3pm Vigil in Harold Place, Hastings - Hastings Against War

YORKProtest has been called for Saturday 3rd January 1pm, at St. Sampson's Square in York.
We hope to follow this with a march through town. Please bring banners, flags and placards. Organised by York PSC.

NORWICH Vigil/Potest12.00 noon - 1pm Saturday 3rd Jan outside St Peter Mancroft Church in the Millenium Library Square- by Norwich PSC and Norwich STWC

TUNBRIDGE WELLS Saturday 3rd Jan - 12 noon at Tunbridge Wells shopping precinct
Called by Wealden progressive movement and stop the war coalition Tunbridge wells

DURHAM Saturday 3rd January : Gaza protest march from Millennium Square (Gala Theatre) through Durham to Cathedral. Assemble 10.45am for 11am start. British Government inaction condones Israeli barbarism.

BRADFORD Saturday 3rd January - Meet 1pm Infirmary Fields, Bradford march and City Center rallySTOP THE KILLINGS IN GAZA - END THE SIEGE

EXETER Saturday 3rd January – 12 noon at Bedford Square, Exeter High St, STOP THE MASSACRE IN GAZA- END THE BOMBING - FREE PALESTINE
Wear black and bring flowers. Exeter Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Exeter Stop the War Coalition have called a protest this Saturday against Israel's bombing of Gaza.

BEDFORD Sunday 4th January 11am in Bedford town centre outside M&S

PRESTON,Protest on Sunday 4 January at 1.30 - assemble in Preston Flagmarket

Contact PSC office if you can help on the day: or call 02077006192

+ other cities demos at M&S stores who give Isreal key political support & buy £240 million of goods from them annually + city squares. Trolley aisles are being peacefully blockaded using filled trolleys or baskets & artistic actions are happeniing with leaflets handed out to increase the boycott. BBC is still giving Isreal very preferential treatment on the totattly unimpartial so let them know how we feel

Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon Brown acts to ensure:
• An immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza
• An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
• An end to Israel's violations of international law
• An end to Israeli occupation

Universal Confederalist

Saturday 3rd Jan Gaza Demo from EMBANKMENT 12.30!NOT 2pmParliament sq,kid shoes&

02.01.2009 09:28

Assemble 12:30pm Along Embankment, by Embankment tube station, LONDON WC2 - Nearest tube Embankment or Charing Cross heading to Trafalgar Sq, assembly at Parliament sq cancelled due to police pressure.

FRIDAY 2 JANUARY 2 - 4 pm. Outside the Egyptian Embassy, .
26 South Street, London, W1K 1DW. Call for Egypt to open
the border immediately.

********************************* DEMONSTRATIONS ROUND THE COUNTRY

GLASGOW Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Outside Lloyds TSB St Vincent
Street then assemble for demo at Blytheswood Square 2pm

EDINBURGH Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Foot of the Mound, Princes Street

BRISTOL Centre, opposite the Hippodrome, Friday 5.00 -6.00 and Saturday 3.00 - 4.00.

PORTSMOUTH Saturday 3 January 11am, Guildhall Sq,Organised by Portsmouth Network for a Just Settlement of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Portsmouth Stop the War Coalition

HULL Saturday 3 January, 11am. Queen Victoria Square.

NEWCASTLE Saturday 3rd January, Grey's Monument, Newcastle, 12 noon-2pm
Organised by Newcastle PSC, Tyneside StWC & University Friends of Palestine
Please bring placards, banners, flags, etc.

NOTTINGHAM buses leave salutation Inn,maid marion way 8am, call 07970893981, to confirm free return tickets

BRIGHTON There will also be a demo in Brighton on Saturday the 3rd of January. Churchill Square 12.30.

DERBY Friday 2 January 2009 - 2pm Protest/march against the genocide by Israel on Palestine Derby Market Place, opposite Assembly rooms, 2pm

CAMBRIDGESaturday 3rd January - 11.30 onwards
Silent Vigil in Cambridge Market Square - Outside the Guildhall
Women in Black in conjunction with Cambridge PSC, Stop the War and representatives from Cambridge churches

LEICESTER Saturday 3rd January 12 noon - 2pm at the Clock Tower Leicester. Leicester Protest against Israeli massacres in Gaza

SHREWSBURY Saturday 3 January 2pm - Peace Vigil in The Square, Shrewsbury Town Centre

LANCASTER Sat 3rd Jan – PROTEST Lancaster - Museum Steps, 11.30am

CAERNARFON Saturday, January 3 11am -1pm Morrisons, Caernarfon Stop the attacks on Gaza. Justice for the Palestinians. Come to show your opposition to the attacks by Israel on Gaza& your solidarity with the Palestinian people. Organised by the Arfon peace and Justice Gp

BURY Saturday 3 January - Assemble 11.30am HANDS OFF GAZA - Bury Town Hall - For more information: 07857 610 426

MANCHESTER Vigil every day 5pm outside BBC Oxford road, Manchester.
Vigil to be held every night until Israel's criminal attacks cease.
Stop the Massacre in Gaza ! End the Siege Now!
Assemble: 12 noon on Cavendish St, All Saints Park on Oxford Rd. Manchester
(further down from the BBC) March through city centre to Albert Square

SHEFFIELDSaturday 3rd January: Assemble at 12 noon: Outside Sheffield Town Hall

LIVERPOOLSaturday 3rd January 12-2pm St Lukes Church - top of Bold St. Liverpool
Organised by Liverpool Friends of Palestine

HASTINGS Saturday 3rd. January - 3pm Vigil in Harold Place, Hastings - Hastings Against War

YORKProtest has been called for Saturday 3rd January 1pm, at St. Sampson's Square in York.
We hope to follow this with a march through town. Please bring banners, flags and placards. Organised by York PSC.

NORWICH Vigil/Potest12.00 noon - 1pm Saturday 3rd Jan outside St Peter Mancroft Church in the Millenium Library Square- by Norwich PSC and Norwich STWC

TUNBRIDGE WELLS Saturday 3rd Jan - 12 noon at Tunbridge Wells shopping precinct
Called by Wealden progressive movement and stop the war coalition Tunbridge wells

DURHAM Saturday 3rd January : Gaza protest march from Millennium Square (Gala Theatre) through Durham to Cathedral. Assemble 10.45am for 11am start. British Government inaction condones Israeli barbarism.

BRADFORD Saturday 3rd January - Meet 1pm Infirmary Fields, Bradford march and City Center rallySTOP THE KILLINGS IN GAZA - END THE SIEGE

EXETER Saturday 3rd January – 12 noon at Bedford Square, Exeter High St, STOP THE MASSACRE IN GAZA- END THE BOMBING - FREE PALESTINE
Wear black and bring flowers. Exeter Palestine Solidarity Campaign and Exeter Stop the War Coalition have called a protest this Saturday against Israel's bombing of Gaza.

BEDFORD Sunday 4th January 11am in Bedford town centre outside M&S

PRESTON,Protest on Sunday 4 January at 1.30 - assemble in Preston Flagmarket

Contact PSC office if you can help on the day: or call 02077006192

+ other cities demos at M&S stores who give Isreal key political support & buy £240 million of goods from them annually + city squares. Trolley aisles are being peacefully blockaded using filled trolleys or baskets & artistic actions are happeniing with leaflets handed out to increase the boycott. BBC is still giving Isreal very preferential treatment on the totattly unimpartial so let them know how we feel

Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon Brown acts to ensure:
• An immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza
• An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
• An end to Israel's violations of international law
• An end to Israeli occupation

Universal Confederalist