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unchallenged prottest caravan could have been a bomb

xmas eve caravan derby | 29.12.2008 16:18 | Anti-militarism | Social Struggles

caravan dumped outside city mayors office 2 days unoticed

homeless man and dog take advantage of home
homeless man and dog take advantage of home


this man cant believe it
this man cant believe it

santas pressent to gordon a caravan towed around derby city centre .dumped outide council house 2 days no one saw it police or security .still undetected who are responsible .

xmas eve caravan derby
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Well, it's different anyway

29.12.2008 20:53

You win the prize for an unusual protest, but I have to ask - if no-one noticed what was the point?

And that caravan could have been quite handy for some homeless person to sleep in undetected before you 'decorated' it.

3/10 - more thought needed next time.

Confused of Derby

Caravan protest stepped up to new heights

30.12.2008 12:03

There's no stopping us now. It was there for six months and no-one noticed.

Keen Caravanner

Nice Action!

30.12.2008 20:49

It sounds like a nice way to get a point across! Respect.


I dont get it

31.12.2008 13:42

If police removed it because it was a terrorist threat - you'd complain
But you still still complain because they didn't remove it fast enough!
total nonsense


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Yeah, right

31.12.2008 16:52

> It sounds like a nice way to get a point across! Respect.

This could only have been posted by the quarter wits who did this.

Confused of Derby

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10.01.2009 10:09

A caravan left outside a CLOSED council office on Christmas Eve, the beginning of a 4 day long weekend. And Shock!Horror! nobody notices.

A caravan left outside a council official's office on a closed bank holiday weekend isn't really going to attract the attention of anyone, let alone the authorities. Maybe use it for something useful next time.

Casual Observer


11.01.2009 20:10

I agree with Joe


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