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Sevilla Two need support after mass Supermarket Action.

MR | 29.12.2008 15:17 | Repression | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements | World

On 29 April 2006, more than hundred masqued precarious swarmed into the Plus supermarket in calle Arroyo, Sevilla. Among them, the Virgin of Precarity presented herself. For about one hour the partying precarious blocked the cash points, sang slogans calling for labour and social rights for all, and finally expropiated three trolleys packed with staple foods. Now the State is trying to frame and imprison two local union members for this collective action.


We ask for your solidarity with Nico and Javi, members of Universidad Nómada and since years activists in the self-organized social centers, in the global movement, in the network of migrants, and in collective experiences like Mayday and the struggles against precarization. A stupid denunciation for an action against precarity could bring in a prison sentence for them. Your personal, collective and institutional support is needed.

Universidad Nómada


They call for two years of prison for Nicolas Sguiglia and Javier Toret for the imputed act of robbery and intimidation when they were involved as syndicalist mediators in a protest against precarity in Plus supermarkets in Sevilla around Mayday, 1 May of the precarious in 2006.On 29 April, more than hundred masqued precarious swarmed into the Plus supermarket in calle Arroyo, Sevilla. Among them, the Virgin of Precarity presented herself. For about one hour the partying precarious blocked the cash points, sang slogans calling for labour and social rights for all, and finally expropiated three trolleys packed with staple foods.

The reason for this protest was to denunciate the company for the inappropriate dismissal of Fatima Fernandez because of being pregnant. and in general to denunciate the situation of precarious labour and the lack or rights for the workers in the surfaces of trade. The action was a part of the activity programme around Mayday: 1 may of the precarious that aims at bringing together and mobilizing the figures of precarious work without rights: migrants, temporary workers, people working with atypical or without contracts, etc.

Nicolas Sguiglia and Javier Toret exercised their functions as trade union representatives (CGT and SOC-SAT) and mediated towards the company with the ongoing intent to reach a settlement underlining the pacifist character of the protest. The manager of the supermarket told the police they were responsible for the actions, and the prosecution has called for two years of jail for the crime of robbery and intimidation for an expropriation of the precarious which included three trolleys and goods worth not more than 287 €.

On 23 January, the trial will be held in Sevilla and therefore we appeal to the support and solidarity of all social, political and trade union organizations to join this campaign and achieve the acquittal of these two comrades and we can give a unified and forceful response to the criminalization of social action and association.

How can I get involved?
1 - By signing and sending the MODEL FAX (attached) to the Chief Prosecutor in
Sevilla: 955-005114

The model fax can be found here:

2 - By sending the name of your organization, association or initiative and your
words of support:

3 - By attending the MERGER AGAINST THE CRIMINALIZATION OF THE SOCIAL AND TRADE UNIONS ACTION AND FOR THE ACQUITTAL OF NICO AND JAVI to be held on the same Friday 23 January, 11 o'clock at the Gates of the Courts of Prado in San Sebastian de Sevilla.

4 - By helping us spread this information, that the whole world knows about the injustice. If you can translate this into another language, it will be useful for us
extending solidarity.

A big hug and thank you for your collaboration.
Confederación General del Trabajo de Andalucía (CGT-A), Sindicato Andaluz de Trabajadores (SAT), Oficinas de Derechos Sociales (ODS-Málaga y Sevilla), Precarios-as en Movimiento (Málaga), Coordinadora de Inmigrantes de Málaga (CIM), Centro Social y Cultural de Gestión Ciudadana La Casa Invisible (Málaga)

PS: You can see the video of the action in Supermarkets Plus here:

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31.12.2008 12:35

I'd love to have 3 trolleys full of food for free aswell.
But i cant, i have to pay for it. I don't see why these people feel they should be let off for stealing.


It's a matter of interpretation

31.12.2008 15:31

It's a matter of interpretation. The bosses probably don't think of it as stealing when they avoid paying taxes and squirrel the money away in overseas accounts. That would never be called a 'crime' though. 'Crime' is something the poor get banged up for.
The system is never going to be fair. The rich will always find more ways to steal the little the poor has. Joining together with others to take something back from the rich seems only fair to me. They certainly won't give it up without a struggle. As has been said before, you can call it crime or you can see it as fair re-distribution of wealth.


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