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Action Alert against HLS Shareholder - Peregrine Capital Management

yourfriendsacrossthepond | 29.12.2008 04:15 | SHAC | Animal Liberation

This company is small. We can take care of them easily! Contact them now by email and tell them to sever their ties with this horrendous laboratory.

Peregrine Capital owns over 5.25 million dollars in stocks of LSR shares. Huntingdon Life Sciences, or LSR, has been caught in six undercover investigations abusing animals including punching five month-old beagle puppies in the face on videotape. They have admitted to falsifying research data and have been repeatedly convicted of animal cruelty. The governments in the U.S. and U.K. have assisted this disgusting lab in staying open by doing their banking and throwing animal activists in prison on terrorism and blackmail charges. In the past year, HLS' share price has dropped 50%. Now is the time to keep the pressure on until their stocks are worthless.

Peregrine Capital Management office
800 LaSalle Avenue
Suite 1850
Minneapolis, MN 55402-2018

Phone: (612) 343-7600
Toll-Free: (888) 343-7600
Fax: (612) 343-7631

Stefanie M. Adams, senior vice president of client services & marketing
612-343-7660 work number

RuthAnn DeFrang, senior vice president of client services & marketing
612-343-7639 work number

Ruthann A Defrang
(952) 440-6410

Jason R Ballsrud, Senior Vice President

(952) 401-3438

E-mail them now and tell them to stop investing in LSR!
email block:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

online directory with job description, name, and work number:
