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direct aktion in brighton

anon | 28.12.2008 19:49

Solidarity with all those fighting back

Luxury SUV in flames and spray-paint slogans in some few places. We did this for greece and all prisoners. @narchist greetings to all those who want to fight back now - we are with you.



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A SUV car should not even be allowed to be on the road

28.12.2008 21:32

SUVs are some of the most polluting cars out there, there is no reason at all why they should be running on British roads and if this government had some shame they would either ban them (where is health and safety now?) or tax them to death.

I am glad there is one less big polluter out there, futhermore, SUVs are expensive cars, for sure not from the working class.



28.12.2008 23:04

is there any particular reason you're spelling "action" with a k?

or is it just that little bit more kool?


Working Class?

28.12.2008 23:06

"SUVs are expensive cars, for sure not from the working class. "

What time warp you crawl out of? Not the a car of the poor. But the poor is not the same as the working class.


82 in 08 and beyond

28.12.2008 23:54

yeah its a time warp - it's acab and smash the system all over again, but this time
its gonna be on a global scale and no amount of infiltraitoring, surveillance, disinfo or divide and conquer is going to stop it..this time we are really angry and this is just the beginning - the closing salvos really of the revolutionary year of 2008, 2009 is gonna be our year @@@


A false flag spoof or what?

29.12.2008 00:35

Whose SUV? Like all vehicles on UK roads it will be insured against fire, so another one will now have to be manufactured using even more resources to take its place. And like, the whole of the UK is going to rise up because of a bit of arson and graffiti in Brighton and a note on IMC-UK to say it's in solidarity with the Greek protesters?

another anon

surveillance state requires limited info

29.12.2008 02:04

yeah and nobody in the uk or elsewhere is gonna be deterred from action just because somebody keeps spamming action reports every time they occur.


Petroluem or food oil crop chelsea tractors are BS,but hows targetting them goin

29.12.2008 03:19

g to make the revolution happen & achieve the direct democracy we yearn for?. It can just piss off many people, especially those who need suvs like door men, utility & farm workers etc.
Many suvs with modern engines also emit less C02 than some 2 stroke motorbikes, until we organise properly we are just pissing in the wind.
Now if that SUV belonged to a nazi or corrupt business& it was taken & redone & given to a treeplanting group or antifascist monitoring group & run on used chip oil , great, or if certain parts of the engine were fixed to stop it working nice.
Actions like this though are not going to bring down the false economy or achieve direct democracy, in fact tactically they help capitalism, like another commenter said they will build another one. Now if someone had strategically helped stop a illgegal nuclear bomb from being built by disarming certain components safely I would salute you.
When I was a teenager I might have joined in on a action like this, I saw how daft it was when I saw another younger activist afew years ago drunkardly trying to sabotage a 4x4 belonging to a popular local in the area I lived in who uses the vehicle to provide people with a service that helps poor people & holds back the government, I intervened.
We need to move on reargaurd actions like this which are unpopular, be very careful what we do & go for revolution.

Universal Confederalist

Petroluem or food oil crop chelsea tractors are BS,but hows targetting them goin

29.12.2008 03:20

g to make the revolution happen & achieve the direct democracy we yearn for?. It can just piss off many people, especially those who need suvs like door men, utility & farm workers etc.
Many suvs with modern engines also emit less C02 than some 2 stroke motorbikes, until we organise properly we are just pissing in the wind.
Now if that SUV belonged to a nazi or corrupt business& it was taken & redone & given to a treeplanting group or antifascist monitoring group & run on used chip oil , great, or if certain parts of the engine were fixed to stop it working nice.
Actions like this though are not going to bring down the false economy or achieve direct democracy, in fact tactically they help capitalism, like another commenter said they will build another one. Now if someone had strategically helped stop a illgegal nuclear bomb from being built by disarming certain components safely I would salute you.
When I was a teenager I might have joined in on a action like this, I saw how daft it was when I saw another younger activist afew years ago drunkardly trying to sabotage a 4x4 belonging to a popular local in the area I lived in who uses the vehicle to provide people with a service that helps poor people & holds back the government, I intervened.
We need to move on reargaurd actions like this which are unpopular, be very careful what we do & go for revolution.

Universal Confederalist

well done

29.12.2008 13:00

good job ...keep up with the good work SOLIDARITY MEANS ATTACK ......greetings from london here we are being busy as well A.C.A.B abc london


Freud also said..

29.12.2008 19:23

"I will kiss you quite red and feed you till you are plump. And if you are forward you shall see who is the stronger, a little girl who doesn't eat enough or a big strong man with cocaine in his body. In my last serious depression I took cocaine again and a small dose lifted me to the heights in a wonderful fashion. I am just now collecting the literature for a song of praise to this magical substance."


easy to fix

31.12.2008 18:46

Me and my neighbour caught some youths doing this kind of thing on our road a while back. Ended up with one on the ground with my foot on his neck, explaining that facts of life to him.
Strangely never saw them again.
Easy to sort out - bunch of pale beanpoles because they never done any work!
