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Activist Call Out - Protests Outside Israeli Embassy in Solidarity with Gaza

Rose | 28.12.2008 15:36 | Palestine

More Activists Needed at the Emergency Demonstration Outside the Israeli Embassy in Kensington, London. The main roads have been blocked, and police have started making arrests although at present the exact number is unknown. More people are needed to show support and solidarity.

A demonstration outside the Israeli Embassy on Kensington High Street London began today at approximately 2pm bringing together activists from numerous organisations and parts of the political spectrum to denounce the recent air strikes by Israel against Gaza which have left an estimated 300 dead (Aljazeera News).

Approximately 3 - 4000 demonstrators have convened on Kensington High Street Blocking the road itself. Police have begun to make arrests oppressing demonstrators although the exact number is still unknown. Riot police are blocking the gated entrance to the Israeli Embassy and tension seems to be mounting.

Activists are asked to come down and show support and solidarity.

Nearest tube - High Street Kensington



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IMC UK and Germany censor reports ón IMC censorship

28.12.2008 17:13

why does indymedia uk censor reports on censorship by IMC Deutschland?

Ronald Coon


28.12.2008 17:23

Finally this bullshit routine of pointless demonstrations through central London seems to be coming to an end. Take it to the embassy, take it to fucking Kensington, take the streets and take no prisoners.

Israelis militarism has to learn the world stands against it, whatever the support it gets from our governments.


Your numbers don't add up

28.12.2008 19:59

you figure of 3-4000 at the demo does not tally with other reports in the news and on indymedia!

BBC says 280 people at the demo

A report on indymedia says 800!

Captain Kirk

many people vs many pigs

28.12.2008 20:14

there were easily more than 4000 there today. it started off as a peaceful demo with families and small children all there to voice their opposition to the ongoing massacre in Gaza. people present decided to ignore the pathetic pen imposed by the police and prceeded to block the busy high street outsde the road leading to the embassy by pushing past the police barricades. the police responded with agression, and when backed up by reinforcements began to push the protestors back - eager to reopen the streets for the posh wankers on their sales shopping sprees and also not happy at the sight of people exercising power on the streets. when TSG arrived- the pushing turned to punches from the police and dog handlers were brought in. some of the most violent arrests that i have seen on ANY demo in a long time. dogs were set against the people - some of whom had just been praying on the streets. those present didn't take it lightly and there was strong resistance.

tomoro 4-6, same place.



28.12.2008 20:16

there were easily more than 4000 there today. it started off as a peaceful demo with families and small children all there to voice their opposition to the ongoing massacre in Gaza. people present decided to ignore the pathetic pen imposed by the police and prceeded to block the busy high street outsde the road leading to the embassy by pushing past the police barricades. the police responded with agression, and when backed up by reinforcements began to push the protestors back - eager to reopen the streets for the posh wankers on their sales shopping sprees and also not happy at the sight of people exercising power on the streets. when TSG arrived- the pushing turned to punches from the police and dog handlers were brought in. some of the most violent arrests that i have seen on ANY demo in a long time. dogs w ere set against the people - some of whom had just been praying on the streets. those present didn't take it lightly and there was strong resistance.

tomoro 4-6, same place.


Pics of 30th

31.12.2008 12:58

With regards to the number comment above, isn't there a formula for this kind of thing?

What the police say x3 or something? I thought there was easily over 1000.

End the Siege!

Free Palestine

this time with Pics

31.12.2008 12:59

Sorry, my computer died

Free Palestine Again

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