How to evade censorship on IMC Deutschland
Kernel Lessons | 28.12.2008 13:06
Since yesterday indymedia Germany has censored several postings reporting about Gaza.
But they let pass a posting of stories originally by IMCers from Gaza, see:
Oviously it would be hard to explain censorhip of IMC reports from Gaza.
Strangely enough within 4 minutes of POSTING the article at 12:14, ie. what must have been within SECONDS of publishing the posting by a moderator, an addition appeared under the posting, stating: "Hintergrund für die Angriffe
Research 28.12.2008 - 12:19
Die Angriffe sind Reaktionen auf zahlreiche Anschläge mit Raketen gegen Israel, die in den letzten Tagen von radikalen Palästinenser-Sekten verübt wurden. Die Reaktionen Israels sind bewusst provoziert und gewollt. Die Härte der Vergeltung hat aber alle überrascht."
Which translates: "Background of the attacks" "The attacks are reactions to the many terrorist attacks against Israel with rockets, committed within the past days by radical Palestinians-sects. Israels reactions are purposedly provoked and volatile. But the severity of retribution has surprised everyone."
This addition can only have been a comment by a moderator of IMC Germany, for the very plain fact that a further addition with a pun headline "Hintergrund für die Angriffe II", quoting the BBC´s Katya Adler was NOT published although it was posted several times. Obviously, Mr Adlers obervation that the Israeli attacks may have been also motivated by the pending elections and the "Obama factor" ran contrary to the Mods beliefs.
But also IMC uk censored yesterday a report giving examples of yesterdays repeated censoring on regarding Gaza stories. One censored report said that the "Antideutsche" have a strong influence on indymedia Germany; see:
Oops I did it again: IMC Germany censorship - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ] - vor 11 Stunden gefunden - Ähnliche Seiten - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]Oops I did it again: IMC Germany censorship over Israel indymedia Germany censoring postings critical of Israel. Atacan sitios Indymedia para acallar ...
In the past years there have been countless reports on IMC Germany repeatedly censoring report on Israel, even those posted by anarchists against the wall.
A few weeks ago a posting on IMC UK informed the readers about censorship of Indy Deutschland:
Interestingly in the meantime additions by a Scottish Palestine support group and by German-Australin Diet Simon explaining how things are run on indymedia Germana were censored.
But they let pass a posting of stories originally by IMCers from Gaza, see:
Oviously it would be hard to explain censorhip of IMC reports from Gaza.
Strangely enough within 4 minutes of POSTING the article at 12:14, ie. what must have been within SECONDS of publishing the posting by a moderator, an addition appeared under the posting, stating: "Hintergrund für die Angriffe
Research 28.12.2008 - 12:19
Die Angriffe sind Reaktionen auf zahlreiche Anschläge mit Raketen gegen Israel, die in den letzten Tagen von radikalen Palästinenser-Sekten verübt wurden. Die Reaktionen Israels sind bewusst provoziert und gewollt. Die Härte der Vergeltung hat aber alle überrascht."
Which translates: "Background of the attacks" "The attacks are reactions to the many terrorist attacks against Israel with rockets, committed within the past days by radical Palestinians-sects. Israels reactions are purposedly provoked and volatile. But the severity of retribution has surprised everyone."
This addition can only have been a comment by a moderator of IMC Germany, for the very plain fact that a further addition with a pun headline "Hintergrund für die Angriffe II", quoting the BBC´s Katya Adler was NOT published although it was posted several times. Obviously, Mr Adlers obervation that the Israeli attacks may have been also motivated by the pending elections and the "Obama factor" ran contrary to the Mods beliefs.
But also IMC uk censored yesterday a report giving examples of yesterdays repeated censoring on regarding Gaza stories. One censored report said that the "Antideutsche" have a strong influence on indymedia Germany; see:
Oops I did it again: IMC Germany censorship - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ] - vor 11 Stunden gefunden - Ähnliche Seiten - [ Diese Seite übersetzen ]Oops I did it again: IMC Germany censorship over Israel indymedia Germany censoring postings critical of Israel. Atacan sitios Indymedia para acallar ...
In the past years there have been countless reports on IMC Germany repeatedly censoring report on Israel, even those posted by anarchists against the wall.
A few weeks ago a posting on IMC UK informed the readers about censorship of Indy Deutschland:
Interestingly in the meantime additions by a Scottish Palestine support group and by German-Australin Diet Simon explaining how things are run on indymedia Germana were censored.
Kernel Lessons