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Gaza massacre over 195 killed - Emergency Protests

Phil A Stein | 27.12.2008 17:21 | Palestine

Sunday 28 December 2.00 pm - 4.00 pm and
Monday 29 December 4.00pm – 6.00pm
Prostests opposite Israeli Embassy- Kensington High Street
Nearest tube: High Street Kensington

Israeli Embassy Address:
2 Palace Green
W8 4QB
Tel: 020 7957 9500
Fax: 020 7957 9555

Demo is organised by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign amongst others

Phil A Stein


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27.12.2008 20:28



A bit of balance?

27.12.2008 21:43

I don't see anyone on Indymedia posting reports of Palestinian rockets killing Israelis. I'm not saying the response is just but a bit of balance in reporting would be better.


A bit of

27.12.2008 22:13

your right, we need to report everything equally, hamas killed ONE PERSON, one!!!! some balance?
225/1 when there are 225 posts about the dead in gaza, we should have 1 for the israeli guy who died


A Bit of Balance?

27.12.2008 22:51

The question isn't how many Israelis the rockets and mortar shells have managed to hit but how many fired. In those terms, I don't think the Israelis in those few minutes fired more rockets back from the planes (I think about 150 -- about 100 in the first wave and about 50 in the second).

Of course the Israelis not only have better rockets but they know how to aim them properly.

Look -- have you ever seen G.B.Shaw's "Arms and the Man" because there is a quote really fits here. It is NOT dueling. Especially if you have reason to believe that I don't care for you very much and you see me there with my 12 ga. shotgun so you decide to come at me and try to bash my brains out with your cricket bat you are a FOOL if you expect me to reverse my gun and give you a "fair go" club against club. I'll blow you away with two barrels of 00 Buck before you get with 5-10 meters.


Yeh balance, under your mislogic MDM, Poland & Britain were fools for standing

28.12.2008 06:25

upto the nazis invaders who were then allied with Stalin. Zionists are all basially invders full stop, the original zionists like the stern gang even worked with nazi germany to encourage the state of Isreal & to force jews out of europe.
Hamas politics are abit dodgy, but Palestinians are desperate& Isrealds politics is far dodgier.
USA & or Europe should listen to majority of world population & tell Isreal to stop& we should all demonstrate as much as possible. Long live Judaism, heres to a fair deal in the middle east

Universal Confederalist

Yeh balance, under your mislogic MDM, Poland & Britain were fools for standing

28.12.2008 06:25

upto the nazis invaders who were then allied with Stalin. Zionists are all basially invders full stop, the original zionists like the stern gang even worked with nazi germany to encourage the state of Isreal & to force jews out of europe.
Hamas politics are abit dodgy, but Palestinians are desperate& Isrealds politics is far dodgier.
USA & or Europe should listen to majority of world population & tell Isreal to stop& we should all demonstrate as much as possible. Long live Judaism, heres to a fair deal in the middle east

Universal Confederalist

A bit dodgy

28.12.2008 07:57

"Hamas politics are abit dodgy"

Screeching anti-Semitism, rampant homophobia, murder of women who get raped (the nerve!), murder of civilians, violent suppression of dissent...

Yes, I'd consider that a bit dodgy.



28.12.2008 10:06

You must be taking the piss big time.
Rogue Nuke state Israel reputedly has the second strongest military in the world with all the latest yanKKKee killing machines while the Palestinians don't have shit, their armed forces amount to a half a dozen SUV's with a bunch of "gunmen" (quoting the BBC) on board, Rocket Propelled Grenades, anyway hand held weaponry.
The missiles that they are firing at Israel are little better than fireworks and really you have to wonder why they bother, perhaps it might have something to do with the desperate state that they fin themselves with Israeli Nazis occupying their lands. Not only do the Israelis claim to have a god given right to the Palestinians lands they also appear to believe that they have a God given right to do what the fuck they like.
The real spooky part is why the rest of the world lets them get away with it. Obviously must be part of the NWO's plans the United Masons seem to be quite happy to let them get away with mass murder.

The end of the world is nigh


Corporate Media Bias

28.12.2008 14:09

watching the reports from Gaza on various european news channels is disgusting, the reports are so one sided it stinks. There is no mention of the bull dozing of houses, olive groves and even a barn full of sheep.
No mention of the everyday suffering of the Palestinian people, people dying in Ambulances at Israeli checkpoints or being prevented from going to work on what is left of their land most of which has been stolen from the, by the Israelis who claim a god given right to steal from the Palestinians to supply the likes of Marks and Spencers.
The content of the corporate media reports are strictly limited to Rockets fired by Hamas and the Israelis response, which is reported to be only against military targets.
As the Palestinians don't have an army one wonders what these targets might be, the nearest thing that is mentioned is a police station being taken out by F16's and as the Police station is in a residential area in the most populated strip of land on the planet this is surely a crime against humanity.
The pro Israeli media lobbyist obviously demand a balanced media coverage so it is necessary to show the effects of the hamas rockets in Israel, a tall order, but groups of crying kids and people looking at a piece of scorched earth where a home made rocket has landed are all they can come up with.
But to the worlds media it's fine and they don't seem at all bothered that the Israelis are promising much worse to come, I just heard that the death toll now stands at 400, what should we expect ? perhaps two or three thousand innocent people are about to lose their lives !!!
During WW2 when a German officer was gunned down in Rome the Nazis rounded up a whole bunch of people, many of the Jews, were rounded up and murdered in the Ardeatina Caves, this appears to have been standard practise throughout europe when resistance fighters killed a German officer they reponded with mass executions the Israeli bombing of Gaza is just such a crime and should be remembered just as the Ardeatina caves massacre is remembered each year. The Israelis are surely the new Nazis.
