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Mayday Reclaim the Streets Against EDO MBM/ITT

Smashy | 27.12.2008 12:35 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Iraq | Palestine | South Coast | World

Mayday! Mayday!

For centuries Mayday has brought people together and out onto the streets.
People danced for the coming summer and the fertility of the crops.
People marched in remembrance and solidarity with their fellow workers
around the world. People gathered in their cities to fight against global
capital and exploitation. Smash EDO invites you to a celebration of all
these aspects and more. In Iraq, Afghanistan and Palestine there are
people who will never plant another seed, work in safety or control what
they produce. These are the people whose lives have been destroyed by war
and occupation whose pain is transferred into profit by the arms trade.
The war machine can only exist through the demands of international
capital and the greed of industry. There has been a long vibrant campaign
to stop these war profiteers in the city of Brighton, come and be part of

Smash EDO has been campaigning for over four years to close down EDO
MBM/ITT. EDO produce arms components which are used against civilians
around the world. Smash EDO will not give up until we close the factory
down. Last year hundreds of people from around the country came to the
'Carnival Against the Arms Trade' and Shut ITT demonstrations. Since then
a network of anti-militarist groups has begun working together against
the war machine across the UK. If EDO closes it will send shockwaves
through the UK arms industry We want this to be the biggest show of force
yet against EDO.

Bring passion, drums, flags, sound systems. WEAR RED

Meet 12 noon (see and to find out

tel - 07954611018, E-mail:

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Hide the following 7 comments

place to crush

27.12.2008 13:16

was awesome if you guys have place for people from other cities cud sleep and activities.. MERRY CRISIS AND A HAPPY NEW FEAR


which day?

27.12.2008 13:22

Mayday is May 1st - a friday, or do you mean monday 4th may bank holiday?


Monday would be wicked

27.12.2008 15:09

I get the feeling that there are hundreds who are well up for coming to the EDO demos, but, like me, cannot get time off work, so having it on the monday bank holiday would be awesome for me. But on the other hand, I'm guessing that EDo factory will be shut on the monday anyway, removing part of the point of doing the demo.

(A) Sab x

4th may

27.12.2008 15:47

As you can see on the left hand side of the page its on the monday may the 4th


to (A) Sab

28.12.2008 02:03

What the fuck? You can't have a day off work?!?!?! You mean you'd ask the bosses for a day off? Pull a sickie!

Pull a sickie


28.12.2008 08:24

believe it or not, not everybody can afford to lose a day's pay at the drop of a hat.


To anonymous

03.05.2009 11:21

Show me anyone earning the minimum wage who says they can't afford to take one day off work and I'll show you a compulsive consumer or a liar.

Nitrous McBread