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Gun and Quarantine Fears over Camden "Super Virus Lab" - Army letters

London against Camden Danger Lab | 27.12.2008 01:16 | Animal Liberation | Bio-technology | Social Struggles | South Coast | World

There are plans to build a "Super Virus Lab" in Camden. This has been opposed by locals, councillors, MPs, MI5 etc on safety grounds. In the event of virus leak, as happened at government facility Pirbright there is the very real chance that the soldiers at Regents Park Barracks would have to either evacuate or quarntine the area. Please write to them and ask them to oppose planning permission.

The lab is likely ot be a level 3 facility whcih means it could contain contagious disease such as anthrax, Bird Flu atc.
The address for the army barracks is :

Albany Street Barracks
Albany Street

London against Camden Danger Lab
- e-mail: camdendanger
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