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BNP Hooligan

anon | 22.12.2008 20:08


To witness his behaviour on the racialist internet forum Stormfront, you might not guess that moderator 'Jock Oldham' was in fact a convicted soccer hooligan. I thought the British National Party, of which he is a member, had "modernised". 'Jock Oldham' is in fact Mr John Shearer of 11 Norwood Crescent, Royston, Oldham, Lancashire, OL2 6AT. Telephone: 07780 524780 E-mail:



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23.12.2008 00:01

Whilst not wishing to exonerate this nazi creep in any way, you should be aware that "convicted football hooligan" can mean just anyone the cops grabbed at, or outside, a game and fitted up.

Such convictions are especially likely to be iffy if they go back a few years. Easy nickings for old bill in the '80s. You didn't have to have done anything at all, just be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Even those who weren't actually fitted up often became "convicted football hooligans" for just running on the pitch, not necessarily doing anything nasty or violent at all. Even those who were up for a ruck were by no means all nazis or nazi-influenced. Some of them were staunchly anti-nazi. Depends which club, mostly.

It would be more illuminating if you told us what he was convicted FOR. If he glassed an opposition supporter or something like that, fair enough. If he ran on the pitch or allegedly shouted a naughty word when he was 16, then "convicted football hooligan" is little better than a tabloid smear, and people like him deserve a lot more than cheap smears.

"Convicted Stormfront Admin" tells us what we really need to know about this specimen.

Despite the above, thanks for the digging and outing.


Jog on

23.12.2008 01:03

apparently he's a convicted drug dealer, not football hooligan. Plus it's royton not royston.

You people not seen/read the football factory, it's fucking boss now to be a convicted football hooligan. Kudos an all that.

Bit of a clue: white nationalists hate shearer as much as anti-fascists do.

Another clue: guess which types use the word 'racialist'

The Last Noonan

Criminal scum

23.12.2008 02:05

As well as being a thug Shearer has at least 1 conviction for drug dealing.


I agree: football hooligans and drug dealers can be great people

23.12.2008 20:02

neo-Nazis are scum, but let's not insult the many fine football hooligans and drug dealers there are by suggesting they are anything similar.

If I heard a fascist was a football hooligan or drug dealer it would be more likely to make them go up in my estimation, not down.
