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Global day of action against state terrorism, London 20 Dec

Peter Marshall | 20.12.2008 20:10 | Repression | Social Struggles

Around eighty people attended a peaceful demonstration against 'Police Brutality and State Terrorism' outside Wood Green Library on Saturday, called by Greek, Turkish, Kurdish and British activists in solidarity with the continuing popular youth revolt in Greece. Pictures (C) 2008, Peter Marshall, all rights reserved.

Long Live 19 December Resistance
Long Live 19 December Resistance

We shall not forget the massacre...
We shall not forget the massacre...

These days belong to Alexis... solidarity
These days belong to Alexis... solidarity

Speaking at the demonstration
Speaking at the demonstration

Glory to those who raise the flag of socialism
Glory to those who raise the flag of socialism

Shoot me, I'm the future
Shoot me, I'm the future

A call for world-wide solidarity actions against state terrorism had come from those occupying the Polytechnic University in Athens, who linked their struggle to that of others around the world, "zero tolerance and repressive terrorism, wage slavery, poverty and social exclusion, exploitation, oppression and social control are not constrained by borders but neither is the struggle for freedom."

The demonstration in London also remembered the 'Massacre of 19th December' 2000, eight years ago, when Turkish troops killed 29 political prisoners and wounded many more. The soldiers went into 20 prisons to end non-violent protests against the transfer to new F-type prisons in which prisoners are kept either in total isolation or in isolated cells housing three prisoners. Many of the prisoners are tortured and these isolated cells have increased the abuses. A further 122 political prisoners died in the hunger strike protest that followed against these prisons.

After an hour the demonstration dispersed quietly. There is a solidarity meeting tomorrow, Sunday 21 Dec, at 3pm at the Refugee Workers Cultural Associaiton , Unit C1, 3-19 Victorian Grove, Stoke Newington, N16, where the guest speaker will be Christos Giovanopoulos of KOE - Communist Organisation of Greece.

A few more pictures from the event shortly on My London Diary,

Peter Marshall
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Hide the following 4 comments

Great Pics, in Nottingham a solidarity group did a leaflet& distributed some

23.12.2008 09:03

in town & at some parties. I will send a copy to you, its a demand for social & economic direct democracy & ancient Athenian assemblies to the the present day student & peoples revolts,please forward on to Greek friends& comrades.
Looks like only Greeks with their swarthy good looks on the demo, thats a shame really because this about the global recession as well.
I tried to uplink the leaflet to IMC,but the software wouldnt let, maybe a microserf block.
Please keep up the good work along with your namesake social photographer in Brum & the anarchist writer, though I think direct democracy is easily & entirely possible despite the title of his book.

Universal Confederalist- Green syndicalist

Great Pics, in Nottingham a solidarity group did a leaflet& distributed some

23.12.2008 09:06

in town & at some parties. I will send a copy to you, its a demand for social & economic direct democracy & ancient Athenian assemblies to the the present day student & peoples revolts,please forward on to Greek friends& comrades.
Looks like only Greeks with their swarthy good looks on the demo, thats a shame really because this about the global recession as well.
I tried to uplink the leaflet to IMC,but the software wouldnt let, maybe a microserf block.
Please keep up the good work along with your namesake social photographer in Brum & the anarchist writer, though I think direct democracy is easily & entirely possible despite the title of his book.

Green Syndicalist& Universal Democrat

'Greeks with their swarthy good looks'?

23.12.2008 17:27

Most of the people on the demo were Kurdish and Turkish but the history of the middle east and Anatolia means that the lines of demarcation are not what nationalists would have us think!


More pics

23.12.2008 17:29

One of the links on Peter's article doesn't seem to work. Instead try here:
