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Davey | 20.12.2008 18:20 | World

wife 3 children deported 18/12/08

Flight BA894 arrive on time heathrow 18/12/08 , but for some reason was runing
3 hours late, it appears she was manhandled on to the plane by 5 staff
not sure who as yet, sami has bruises all over her body, this was
happening while british airways staff watched.
this explains why the plane was 2 hours in taking of.
she refused to sit down.
and the children was treated the same why again not sure who or what
company they worked for,
im awaiting photos to see the bruises.
this must be stoped .



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im more than angry

20.12.2008 22:05

the above is linked to my messages all week about a family from wrexham north wales, held at Tinsley house.
