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-SMASH HLS ACTION ALERT- SHAC Shareholder Shakedown Begins

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty | 16.12.2008 16:01

SHAC Shareholder Shakedown Begins

Over the next few alerts we will be focusing our energy on the shareholders of Huntingdon Life Sciences. There are about 60 companies who hold over 2 million shares in Huntingdon and we need your help to get rid of them. You can do this by taking part in these alerts and if you can, attending shareholder protests in London (contact for info on upcoming demos). Every letter helps, and these alerts have proved to be an effective tool in the campaign so far.

HLS trade their shares under the name LSR, so please refer to this in your letters. Remember that all these shareholders profit from the misery and torture at HLS and that we are calling on them to take an ethical stance and drop their shares.

In this alert we will provide a sample letter and details of where to send them, but feel free to write your own letters. You can find out more about the exposes of HLS by visiting


.::. Bank Of New York Mellon Corp .::.

175,791 shares in LSR (Huntingdon Life Sciences second largest shareholder)


Who to write to:

(sample e-mail follows) - Robert P. Kelly (Chairman and CEO) - Gerald L. Hassell (Company Presdent)

Executive Committee

Torry Berntsen - Chief Client Management Officer

Steven G. Elliott - Senior Vice Chairman

Timothy F. Keaney - Co-Chief Executive Officer

Karen B. Peetz - Chief Executive Officer

Richard Brueckner - Chief Executive Officer

All e-mails in this alert for bulk sending:,,,,,,

Sample E-mail

Dear [insert name]

It has come to my attention that your company is the second largest shareholder in Huntingdon Life Sciences, who trade under the ticker symbol LSR.

You may not be aware but HLS are the worlds most exposed and notorious animal testing facility. They were caught on film punching beagle puppies in the face, and cutting open primates without any anesthetic. If you are in any doubt about what goes on inside the secret labs of HLS, then please read in their own words what workers have to say and see footage filmed inside the lab:

I am sure you will agree that what goes on inside HLS is shameful. You should also be aware that HLS have been shown on many occasions to falsify data. Only last year an employee filed a lawsuit against HLS following being sacked after he refused to falsify data.

I urge you not to side and profit from the despicable cruelty at HLS. Please turn your back on animal cruelty, shoddy work and law breaking.

Please get rid of your shares in this criminal company.

Thank you for your time

[insert name]

Disclaimer and Information:

The details in this action alert are provided for information purposes only, and should not be used for any illegal activities as defined by the jurisdiction you live in. SHAC does not support or encourage any form of harassment; nothing in this alert has the purpose of inciting such behaviour, and we request that all communications are kept polite.

For general information on the campaign to close Huntingdon Life Science, please visit our website

Please feel free to forward on this action alert.

Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty
- e-mail:
- Homepage: http://WWW.SHAC>


Hide the following 11 comments


16.12.2008 16:12

Will this also involve digging up dead bodies, placing explosive devices in areas that could injure or kill innocent people, or attacking the children of the people that are being targeted?

John Peel

RE: john peel

16.12.2008 16:36

mate i recon your getting confused, shac do demos, the alf/arm do stuff like what your on about.



16.12.2008 18:22

Surely your not saying SHAC is not part of ARM. All you folks are so caught up with single issue politics that you don't know your heads from your arses. Wake up and smell the reality of the rotten capitalist oppressors that are the scourge of all life and show solidarity for all......


john peel

16.12.2008 18:45

John, as with some people who make derogatory comments against AR people, your comments are totally ignnorant and non factual. NO ONE was ever convicted of digging up dead bodies and it certainly had nothing to do with the SHAC campaign. Animal Rights activists have never caused the death of anyone,ever, unlike certain animal abusers who have killed peaceful AR people. I wonder if you should also take a look at the video of the innnocent beagle puppies being kicked and punched at HLS or perhaps Michelles's evidence as an undercover worker in HLS USA? It might help to educate you as you really are showing your pitiful ignorance. You could also take a look at the BUAV website which shows the sham that so called 'regulations' are in this counry re animal experiments. When you have done all that, perhaps then you can make a more informed comment? But then again, you are probably a HLS worker or a copper with an axe to grind!


What's wrong with digging up dead bodies?

16.12.2008 19:58

What's wrong with digging up dead bodies? They are dead so it doesn't harm them.

Companies do it all the time when they want to build supermarkets on old cemeteries.

Seems like a very proportionate response to the evils of animal abuse to me.

Remember the Hall family who ran Newchurch Farm that bred guinea pigs for vivisection stopped doing it only after their dead relative was dug up. So think of all the good that came from an action that caused minimal harm.



16.12.2008 20:30

Very well said, common everybody, lets rock and have some fun. Get busy with your email outbox.

Happy Vegan and peaceful Xmas to... all.

Organic Veganic Brown Rice

Regarding Elderly People

16.12.2008 21:04

the more grannies that get dug up the better. Why not compost them too?

its me again

What a load of nonsense

16.12.2008 22:42

Digging up dead bodies?

I would have hoped that anyone who visits this site would be well aware of the crap put forward by thew police.

Now, digging up dead bodies. Do we have any evidence to support this claim? Of course not. The best we have is that someone spray painted a comment onto a headstone, which was quite justified in my opinion (and that of anyone who feels that lives lost are worthy of comment.)

Even those who disagree should think of those praised for uncovering Egyptian tombs and the graves of Hitler, Stalin etc etc. Graves are nothing when compared to life. Is there really anyone on this Earth who thinks that the desecration of a headstone is more notable a crime than the pointless murder of thousands??? Or, in fact, anyone who thinks that the word of the police is to be trusted?

If so, you are foolish to say the least!


Stripy: it's an established fact that a dead body was dug up

17.12.2008 01:22

I'm not sure where you get the spray painting from, but I think it's a pretty well-established fact that Gladys Hammond's corpse was dug up as part of the campaign against Newchurch guinea-pig farm in Staffordshire.

I know some people are squeamish about it, or think it was immoral or tactically bad, but it's not police propaganda, it really happened.

Personally I don't have a problem with it, although I know others do.

What *is* police propaganda is that the people currently doing time for "conspiracy to blackmail" for the campaign to close down the guinea-pig farm were responsible for the grave-digging. They weren't, and their guilty plea was based on the understanding that they didn't do it. Yet the papers all misrepresent them as grave-diggers, probably deliberately, but maybe just incompetence and regurgitating police propaganda.


Who did it?

17.12.2008 10:33

We do know that a body was dug up, we DO NOT know who was responsible and it could have been any number of people (including those who wanted to shed a bad light on AR people, use your own imagination as to whom that might be!!), so please bear that in mind.


Yeah sure...

18.12.2008 17:30

They didn't did her up but at least one knew where she was reburied - innocent?

There is no point in this continual self delusion - Gladys Hammond was the single biggest mistake made by AR and we are all still paying for it.

B Garside