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Solidarity action for Greek revolt in Lisbon, Portugal

@ | 15.12.2008 18:45 | Social Struggles

Anarchists create a disturbance with fire and slogans

From the people responsible: "In the early hours of December 12 we set fire to a large recycle bin in the neighborhood of Graça, in Lisbon. In the sidewalk we spraypainted "Grécia em todo o lado" [Greece is everywhere], and a circle-A. Solidarity with the arrested in Greece and elsewhere in solidarity actions. We're warming up..."

Let's prepare for a hot winter across europe, the violence of the system will not let up, so think about what it takes to overturn everything..

For Anarchy!



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Global warning

15.12.2008 19:15

Don't want to piss on your parade but while I think solidarity with the greek uprising is great, setting light to a bin full of recycling and polluting the air with toxic smoke doesn't seem particularly useful. Burn a bank or politician, sure, worth a bit of pollution but a bin (almost certainly in a pretty residential area) just seems a bit crap.

let the mother fuckers burn

Common action

15.12.2008 21:38

No, it is a common action on the continent. Pull bins in the street and set them on fire, leave area and repeat. Household recycling is not stopping the climate crisis, it is a big industry and something to salve the conscience, you should know this but too much climate camp rot your mind.


from london

16.12.2008 16:01

fiko feliz ke haja pessoas ai em portugal a fazer coisas kontra este puto sistema e esta puta policia ...por aki em londres anda mos bastante acupados com actions....todos os dias saimos as ruas para umas destruicoes ...este sabado fomos a uma esquadra de bofias ...fodemos akela merda toda ...........kontinua com actions por ai ......junta amigos e comecem com fogo em todo o lado possivel ...bancos , embaixada , esquadras......aki em londres e foda porke ha milhares de cameras de seguranca mas ai e facil......organizate e actua ......... ...kontinua com o bom trabalho ...peace ,love and petrol bombs A.C.A.B.
