How to overthrow corporate rule in 5 not-so-easy steps
No Corps | 15.12.2008 16:08 | Globalisation | Workers' Movements
No Corps
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Step 1: sabot-age the hi-tech
15.12.2008 21:05
There was such an action planned for Raytheon that was sold out by my 'friend', an admin with an independent media collective based in Scotland not unrelated to here. Grrr. Still, it is still a valid tactic and as far as I am concerned, public-domain.
Step 2: How to destroy any company
15.12.2008 21:29
From a business analyst point of view though, a companies value lies in the security of it's data. If someone on that action had been able to smuggle out and publish the data of that company, or even threaten such, the damage could have been truly 'unrecoverable'. We aren't there biggest threats, their competitors and investors are. Knowledge is still power and while you might not know what that schematic/spreadsheet/database means, someone will.
Step 3 - How to destroy a business without intellectual assets
15.12.2008 21:59
Realise you can either spend years building up your own 'gravitas', such as CAAT did, to shame a companies ethicacy, or you can do so directly, locally.
Step 4 - protect the whistle-blowers
15.12.2008 22:02
Step 5 : Targetted murders
16.12.2008 00:44
Orwell once said he could have sunk the British empire by killing a small number of technicians, and yet he never made such an attempt. He wasn't an anarchist, some of you should research the anarchists who did kill tyrants.
Re: step 1
16.12.2008 08:11
If you do get inside a clean room, you can also do a lot of damage just turning machines on if they've not been properly cooled first.
thanks steve
16.12.2008 14:20
Amd thanks for the tip
16.12.2008 16:13
I know that, and I know just what equipment to turn on so I never thought to mention it, but it is a great tip. If you are a newbie in a clean-room trying to trash it, turn EVERYTHING on EXCEPT the coolant. Sorry for shouting, I am getting deaf.
During the most boring moments of my own apprenticeship I amused myself by emptying Liquid Nitrogen tanks that I was being paid to fil into the car park. The result was visually stunning, a field full of instant mist to neck-height fed by a bubbling burn of subzero liquid gas.
I once froze a snowman I had built using Liquid Nitrogen, sometime one December. Sometime in May a big delivery truck reversed into it and was broken. I mean the truck was broken, the snowman was there until summer. If nitrogen is a greenhouse gas then I apologise but at that point I hadnt even heard of AIDS. A nitrogen tank is a helluva good lock on point on route to the clean room. If I was a smart cop I wouldn't approach an activist locked on to a nitrgeon tank, especially not one encased in leather carrying an adjustable wrench.. Something doesn't have to be explosive to be dangerous,
16.12.2008 16:19
Lord Haw Haw
The revolution starts at closing time
16.12.2008 23:38
The first tip is valid, as are some of the others. They haven't been mentioned in pubs to the best of my knowledge if that is what you are implying, but they have been told directly from to agents at peace camps by me who passed them to newspapers and police so your criticism could be justified in reality. I am about to do the same thing myself so no complaints.
Just because a good tactic has been circumvented in the past doesn't mean it isn't a good tactic. You really can't destroy capitalism unless you understand how companies and corporations work. I have a few better, or rather more detailed, tactics than that that I won't mention because I may use again, my little rant was merely designed to enliven a rather dull unpromoted article and encourage readers to think for themselves. There is a peppering of sense in those first five posts, I took my time writing them.
I am unsure why you would post under the name of a Nazi propagandist, a war-criminal. The person who sold out my last action (Step one) did that, so forgive me if I fail to see any irony. I drink with friends but I act alone, my social life remains unconnected to my actions. I mention that because that is probably the best tip I can give, something I can completely agree with you about. As a generql rule of thumb, the more activists you count as close friends the less effective an activist you are. I am sure that is the same across the political spectrum in todays society, even fascists face the threat of infiltration. So on your behalf let me add:
Step 6 - Don't socialise with the people you work with. Above all, keep your sex life separate from you actions.
what a wankfest
17.12.2008 14:57
Even worse than the liberal OP.
How embarassing.
the end does not justify the means
18.12.2008 01:33
Exactly the same words that every military or police force in the world uses.
How are you any different ?
re: protect the whistle-blowers
18.12.2008 01:48
What can you offer them that the mainstream media, opposition politicians or cannot ?
Protecting the anonymity of confidential sources is a process with many pitfalls, given the forensic science and communications traffic data analysis and surveillance resources available to those in power.
Trust Me
justifying means
27.12.2008 16:02
culdnae agree more
what a load of pish
27.12.2008 16:07